Speaker: Herman Winick
Program Description
Developed under UNESCO auspices and modeled on CERN, SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) is an international center in construction in Jordan, enabling world-class research while promoting peace through scientific cooperation. Its centerpiece, a new 2.5 GeV 3rd Generation Electron Storage Ring (133m circumference, 26nm-rad emittance, 12 places for insertion devices), will provide intense light from IR to hard X-rays. Council Members (Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Turkey) provide the operations budget. Voluntary contributions by several Council Members that could amount to over $20 million over 5 years are now being finalized. This, plus funds from other sources, will enable acquisition of the components of the new ring and the upgrading of beamline equipment donated by European and US labs. All concrete shielding is complete and the 0.8 GeV BESSY I injector system, a gift from Germany, is now being installed. A training program has been underway since 2000. SESAME is on track to start operation with 4 day-one beam lines in 2015.