Phone Numbers for Beam Lines and Other Services

The local area code for SSRL is 650. All numbers listed below should be dialed as 650-926-xxxx from other area codes.  When calling an onsite location from within SSRL simply dial the 4-digit extension. When calling an offsite number within the 650 area code dial, dial 9 plus the 7-digit number. To call a number in another area code dial 9-1-area code - phone number.


Beam Lines
Beam Line Extension
1-4 5214
1-5 5215
2-1 5221
2-2 5222
2-3 5223
3-3 5233
3-4 5234
4-1 5241
4-2 5242
4-3 5243
5-2 5252
5-3 5253
5-4 5254
6-2 5262
7-1 5271
7-2 5272
7-3 5273
8-1 5281
8-2 5282
9-1 5291
9-2 5292
9-3 5293
10-1 5101
10-2 5102
11-1 8648
11-2 8650
11-3 8656
12-2 5212
13-1 5131
13-2 5132
13-3 5133
User Labs/Services
Building Lab/Service Extension
120 Control Room 3707
120 User Reception Lobby 4039
120 Mail Room 4941
120 Kitchen/User Lounge 4666
120 Supply Room 2031
120 Machine Shop 2029
120 Vacuum Pump Shop 2147
120 User Lounge at BL9 5219
120 SMB User Sample Prep Lab 3447
131 SMB User Sample Prep Lab 3865
131 MES User Sample Prep Lab 4195
131 User Computer Room 3925
131 User Vacuum Clean Room 3880
131 Kitchen/User Lounge 3862
Meeting Rooms
120 3rd Floor 3118
137 2nd Floor 3047
137 3rd Floor (large) 4686
137 3rd Floor (small) 2217
Fax Numbers
120 Mail Room 3600
137 Office Machine Room 4100



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