Experimental Station 6-2c

Beam line 6-2c is a wiggler end-station dedicated to hard x-ray transmission x-ray microscopy. The BL6-2c back hutch houses a Transmission X-ray Microscope with 2D and 3D full field imaging and spectroscopic capabilities, with an instrument resolution down to 30 nm.  It has specific capabilities for in-situ tomographic studies of catalytic processes including x-ray absorption spectroscopy.

Supported Techniques
Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM)
Main Scientific Disciplines
Environmental Sciences
Materials Sciences
Beam Line Specifications


56-pole, 0.9-Tesla Wiggler, 1.2 mrad acceptance

  Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux Angular Acceptance
Focused 2360-17500 eV ~10-4 0.2 x 0.4 mm ~1013 1.2 mrad



M0 Bent flat single-crystal 
Silicon Rh coated
10-17 keV cutoff, vertically collimating
M1 Bent cylindrical single-crystal
Silicon Rh coated, standard focus
M2 Bent flat 
Zerodur Ni coated 
5 keV cutoff



127 micron Be


Detectors: Single element Vortex detector(s), ionization chambers.

Gas cabinet for hazard gas flow handling.

Other: variable filters to alleviate beam damage.

Catalysis: heater stage and gas cells.

Sample Environment

Gas cell, sample heater stages, mass spectrometer

Data Acquisition and Analysis
Beam Line Phone
650-926-5262. On-site Users: Contact the Duty Operator at 9-926-4040
Beam Line Contact
Beam Line Engineering Notes

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