Experimental Station 5-4

The BL5-4 station is a normal incidence monochromator beam line optimized for high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in the photon energy range of 7 - 40 eV with polarization control (circular polarizations: 7 - 40 eV, linear polarizations: 16 - 40 eV). The dedicated experimental end station is equipped with a SCIENTA R4000 electron spectrometer. This system is capable of performing ARPES experiments with a total energy resolution of a few meV and an angular resolution of 0.3°. It is also equipped with a low-temperature sample manipulator with two degree of freedom of rotation, which can be cooled down to 5 K. Because BL5-2 and BL5-4 cannot operate simultaneously, they are often shown combined as BL5-4/BL5-2. Users may choose either experimental station for their beamtime. Please confirm with the responsible beam line scientists on the readiness of desired experimental station in advance.

Supported Techniques
Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
Ultra-high energy resolution photoemission
Main Scientific Disciplines
Condensed Matter Physics
Materials Sciences
Beam Line Specifications


15-period undulator, 31-pole APPLE-II EPU, 0.65 mrad acceptance

  Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux (ph/sec)
Focused 7-40 eV ≥ 5 X 10-5 0.1(H) X 0.1(V) mm2 ∼ 8 X 1011

*@500 mA, 22 eV, E/ΔE = 10,000


  • M0: horizontal deflecting, flat, water-cooled
  • M1: vertical focusing 10:1, elliptically cylinder
  • Monochromator: Normal Incidence Monochromator (NIM)
    • 1700 l/mm: 7 - 18 eV
    • 2800 l/mm: 16 - 40 eV
    • 3600 l/mm: 20 - 40 eV
  • M3: horizontal refocusing 1:1, cylinder
  • M4: vertical refocusing 1:1, cylinder



  • Detector: SCIENTA R4000 Electron Analyzer
  • Manipulator: Low-temperature 5-axis Manipulator
  • Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED)
  • Alkaline metal doser
Sample Environment
  • UHV: < 5 X 10-11 Torr
  • Sample temperature: 5 - 300 K
  • Sample size: < 5 X 5 mm2
  • Annealing temperature: < 650 C°
Data Acquisition and Analysis
Beam Line Phone
650-926-5254. On-site Users: Contact the Duty Operator at 9-926-4040
Beam Line Contact
Beam Line Engineering Notes

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