Experimental Station 11-3

Beam line 11-3 is a fixed energy (12.7 keV) wiggler side-station dedicated primarily for wide angle x-ray scattering (WAXS). BL11-3 is equipped with a two-dimensional Rayonix MX225 CCD area detector. Supports sample-to-detector distances of 80-550 mm. There are sample environments available for both transmission and grazing incidence geometries. Sample heating is available for both single sample transmission and grazing incidence geometries.

Supported Techniques
X-ray diffraction
X-ray scattering
X-ray wide angle scattering (WAXS); GIWAXS
Main Scientific Disciplines
Energy Science
Environmental Sciences
Materials Sciences
Beam Line Specifications


24-pole, 2-Tesla wiggler, 1.0 mrad acceptance

  Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Spot Size Flux
Focused 12700 eV ~5 x 10-4 3.0 x 0.15 mm 2 x 10 12 (full)



M0 mirror: vertically focusing, flat, bent, 1 m, Si, Rh-coated

Monochromator: Bent flat, side-scattering Si(311) with offcut; fixed energy at 12700 eV.

Slits: Adjustable slits for defining  beam to sample.

  • Typical beam sizes for geometries:
    • GIXRD (50 microns vertical x 150 microns horizontal)
    • Transmission (100 microns vertical x 100 microns horizontal)


508 μm Be, 2 mm C


Detectors:        Raxyonics 225, 73.242 micron x 73.242 micron, Variable work distances 80 mm - 550 mm

Vortex silicon drift detector (SSD) is available for transmission geometries.

Other (available on request):

Keithley 2601B source meter and Cryocon 24C temperature controller.

Sample Environment

GIXRD Helium Chamber: Room temperature to 350 C, Q-range 0.2 to 5

Transmission: Both single and 25 sample holder stages (1 cm aperture on sample holders)

Pouch cell holder (for batteries, electrochemical fuel cells, etc.)

Capillary holder

Data Acquisition and Analysis

SPEC, Spectre (SPEC client GUI interface), WxDiff, Igor Pro with NIKA.

Hutch instrumentation computer for battery testers and other devices.

Beam Line Phone
650-926-8656. On-site Users: Contact the Duty Operator at 9-650-926-4040
Beam Line Contact
Beam Line Engineering Notes

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