Experimental Station 1-5

Beam line 1-5 is a bend magnet end station with a programmatic split between small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), wide angle x-ray scattering (WAXS), as well as simultaneous SAXS/WAXS.  BL1-5 is equipped with two area detectors: Dectris Pilatus 1M (SAXS) and Dectris Pilatus 100K (WAXS).  The beamline is available in two standard configurations: 1- and 3-meter sample to SAXS detector distances.  The WAXS detector is typically capable of reaching a minimum q value of 1.2 Å-1 for either of the configurations.  The beam line accomodates x-ray energies in the range of 8-16 keV.  There are several sample environments available including capillary cells, heated transmission stages, and a grazing incidence thin film holder.

Some useful guides and explanations of the beam line hardware are located on the beamline cheat sheet

Supported Techniques
Materials Small-angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)
Main Scientific Disciplines
Materials Sciences
Beam Line Specifications


1.3 Tesla Bend Magnet

  Energy Range Resolution ΔE/E Nominal Spot Size Flux Angular Acceptance
Focused 8000-16000 eV 2x10-4 300 μm x 500 μm  ~1011 1.4 mrad


Angular Range Examples:

  Energy (eV) Typical q-range (Å-1)
1-meter 8000 0.008 - 0.324
1-meter 16000 0.016 - 0.647
3-meter 8000 0.003 - 0.108
3-meter 16000 0.005 - 0.216

Feel free to contact the staff for more specific details and questions.



M0 mirror: Rh-coated torroidal mirror

Monochromator: double-crystal, non-fixed exit slit.





  • Dectris Pilatus 1M (168.7 x 179.4 mm2 area, 172 x 172 micron2 pixels, 500 Hz max)
  • Dectris Pilatus 100K (83.8 x 33.5 mm2 area, 172 x 172 micron2 pixels, 500 Hz max)

Other: Shutter and variable filters to alleviate beam damage. 3-slit collimation and scatter-guard.


Sample Environment


6 sample transmission stage (heating to 150 ºC)

Single capillary holder (heating to 300 °C)

20 capillary holder (near room temperature heating and cooling)

Transmission thin film holder (no heating)

Grazing incidence thin film holder (no heating)


The motorized sample stages utilize standard X48 rail carriers to accomodate user-supplied sample holders. Please contact staff (and visit our makerspace!) if you require a custom sample holder for your experiment.

High throughput WAXS instrument designed to measure combinatorial wafers of graded materials in autonomous fashion.  For further information regarding the high throughput capabilities please contact Doug Van Campen.

High throughput SAXS/WAXS flow reactor designed to synthesize nanoparticles in an autonomous fashion. For further information regarding high throughput nanoparticle synthesis please contact Chris Tassone.

SAXS/WAXS flask reactor designed to study nanoparticle synthesis kinetics. For further information regarding nanoparticle synthesis kinetics please contact Chris Tassone.


Data Acquisition and Analysis

Data Acquisition:  spec, SPECTRE (spec GUI interface)

Data Analysis:  Irena & Nika macros for Igor Pro

Some useful explanations and instructions can be found on the beamline cheat sheet.

X-ray Data Booklet

Beam Line Phone
650-926-5215. On-site Users: Contact the Duty Operator at 9-926-4040
Beam Line Contact
Beam Line Engineering Notes

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