Submitting a proposal is the first step to access beam time at SSRL. Proposals are peer reviewed and rated by the SSRL Proposal Review Panel (PRP) on a scale from 1 (highest) to 3 (lowest). Peer reviewers evaluate proposals based on scientific merit and the value of using synchrotron radiation to accomplish the proposed work. To ensure consistency in the review process, reviewers use the following rating criteria:
OUTSTANDING (1.0-1.4): The proposed research is highly original and will significantly influence the development of the field and/or have major societal benefit. The project should be a high priority to receive beam time. The experimental and data analysis plans are very well described, even if the cutting-edge nature of the experiment may carry with it some risk of failure. Please be very clear in your comments as to why this proposal deserves the best possible score. |
EXCELLENT (1.5-1.7): The research will influence the development of the field and/or have societal benefit, and should be awarded beam time if available. The experimental and data analysis plans are adequately described. Please give feedback as to what would be needed to take this proposal to the highest level. |
GOOD (1.8-2.0): The research is worthwhile and may be deserving of beam time if available. There may be some weaknesses in the experimental or data analysis plans. Please give feedback as to how to improve the proposal to the point that it has a good chance of being awarded beam time. |
WEAK (2.1-2.9): The research is of questionable value and/or the experimental and data analysis plans do not suggest confidence in the ability of the team to address the scientific question. Should be given a low priority to receive peer-reviewed beam time. Please give feedback as to how the weaknesses of the proposal could be addressed. |
POOR/NO BEAM TIM (3.0): The research is of little to no merit and/or the experimental and data analysis plans are either absent or give no confidence in the abilities of the team to address the scientific question. Should NOT be given beam time even if available. Please be very clear in comments as to why this proposal deserves the worst possible score, and give feedback to the team regarding its major faults. |
Beginning with the August 2023 proposal review cycle, we implemented a pilot program within some panels where the panel members provie peer reviews for proposals submitted to their panel. Rather than identify additional external peer reviewers, panel members will serve as primary or secondary leads to review proposals. The full panel will then convene to determine the final rating for theri proposals. We anticipate that this will streamline the peer review process and facilitate more consistent ratings. We look forward to feedback from the panel and users on this pilot program.
The PRP also considers the amount of total beam time requested and recommends beam time allocations. Successful proposals are eligble to request and may be awarded beam time on SSRL beam lines, with priority given to the highest rated proposals and those which demonstrate efficient and productive use of beam time within their beam time allocation. We have three proposal calls per year with one on-site PRP meeting at SSRL annually. Access Policy
The work of the PRP is accomplished with five subpanels:
BIO - The biology panel reviews proposals for imaging, x-ray spectroscopic studies, small-angle x-ray scattering experiments, and crystallography of biologically important samples, including bioinorganic systems.
CHEMCAT - The chemistry and catalysis panel reviews proposals for all aspects of chemistry and catalysis. The catalytic science covers heterogeneous, homogeneous and electro-catalysis from model systems to fully formulated catalysts, while the chemical science covers all areas of fundamental and applied chemistry. The techniques include x-ray absorption, x-ray emission, and ambient pressure photoemission spectroscopies, small angle and wide-angle x-ray scattering, imaging, and transmission x-ray microscopy. Often these studies are conducted in-situ and operando.
EES: The earth and environmental science panel reviews proposals for imaging, spectroscopy, diffraction, and scattering studies of samples from field and laboratory settings relevant to environmental, geological, and soil processes, including those influenced by biological activity. Such samples are often characterized by their high degree of spatial, chemical, or structural heterogeneity and their study may require integration of multiple techniques. Investigations of art, archeological samples, and related culture materials are also reviewed by the EES panel (formerly the MEIS panel).
MAT1 - The materials-1 panel reviews proposals for hard x-ray materials science, including soft materials, materials for energy generation and storage, structural studies, complex fluids, synthetic polymers, batteries, and organic electronics. Techniques include diffraction, scattering, small-angle x-ray scattering, microscopy or tomography, and any of the x-ray absorption or emission spectroscopies. Often these studies are conducted in-situ and operando.
MAT2 - The materials-2 panel reviews proposals for solid state physics and materials science, including electronic structure of solids, surfaces and interfaces, using UV and soft x-ray sources at SSRL. Examples include angle-resolved and core-level photoelectron spectroscopies, x-ray absorption and x-ray magnetic dichroism, in-situ x-ray absorption, x-ray emission and photoemission.
Kelly Chacon
Reed College Chemistry Portland, OR USA |
Linxiao Chen, University of Akron |
Mahalingam Balasubramanian
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN USA |
John Freeland
Argonne National Lab, Advanced Photon Source Argonne, IL USA
Jon Chorover
University of Arizona, Soil Water & Env Sciences Tucson, AZ USA |
Thomas Grant University at Buffalo Structural Biology Buffalo, NY USA |
Phillip Christopher, University of California Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA USA |
Michael Chabinyc (PRP Chair)
University of California Santa Barbara
Materials Santa Barbara, CA USA |
Sujoy Roy
Lawrence Berkely National Lab, Scattering, Photon Science Operations Berkeley, CA USA |
Owen Duckworth
North Carolina State University, Soil Science Raleigh, NC USA |
Martina Ralle (Chair) Oregon Health Sciences University Molecular and Medical Genetics Portland, OR USA |
Ryan Hadt (Co-Chair) California Inst. Technology Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Pasadena, CA USA |
Anthony Van Buuren
Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Nanoscale Integration Livermore, CA USA |
Jonathan Judy
University of Florida Soil, Water & Ecosystem Sciences Gainesville, GA USA |
Ron Stenkamp University of Washington Biological Structure Seattle, WA USA |
Christopher Hahn Lawrence Livermore National La, Livermore, CA USA |
Tim Fister
Argonne National Lab, Chemical Science & Engineering Argonne, IL USA |
Inna Vishik
University of California Davis, CA USA |
Yuanzhi Tang Georgia Institute of Technology Earth & Atmospheric Science Atlanta, GA USAJ |
Frank Whitby |
Ayman Karim Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University Blacksburg, VA USA |
Gaurav Giri |
Alexis Templeton University of Colorado Geological Sciences Boulder, CO USA |
Jan Kern Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division Berkeley, CA USA |
Florian Meirer Utrecht University Inorganic Chemistry & Catalysis Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Suchismita Sarker |
Stephen Minasian Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Berkeley, CA USA |
Yijin Liu University of Texas at Austin, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, Austin, TX USA |
Matteo Monai Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Guoying Chen Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA USA |
Jason Shearer Trinity University Texas San Antonio, TX USA |
Kelsey Stoerzinger University of Minnesota Minneapolois, MN USA |
Janos Szanyi (Co-Chair) Pacific Northwest National Lab. Richland, WA USA |
Alper Uzun Koc University Istanbul, Turkey |