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- Research program
- Research highlights
- Exported organic carbon promotes reducing conditions and redox cycling in oxic aquifers
- Soil organic matter controls Pb release during redox cycles in floodplain soils
- Spatial and Compositional Heterogeneities Control Zn Retention Mechanisms in a Simulated Aquifer
- Calcium-Uranyl-Carbonato Species Kinetically Limit U(VI) Reduction by Fe(II) and Result in U(V)-bearing Ferrihydrite
- Diverse Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Dominate Subsurface Nitrifying Communities in Semi-Arid Floodplains
- A Simplified Way to Predict the Function of Microbial Communities
- Complexation Organic Matter Controls Uranium Mobility Anoxic Sediments
- FES-Nanoclusters can mobilize Fe and S from sediment to the groundwater
- Hexavalent uranium storage mechanisms in wet-dry cycled sediments at contaminated DOE sites in the Western U.S.
- Redox-Interfaces can Produce Toxic Arsenic Levels Groundwater...
- Sorption to Organic Matter Controls Uranium Mobility
- Thermodynamic preservation of carbon in anoxic environments
- Iron and sulfur cycling in NRZs controlled by sediment textural and hydrology
- A regional model for uranium redox and mobility
- Long-Term in Situ Oxidation of Biogenic Uraninite in an Alluvial Aquifer: Impact of Dissolved Oxygen and Calcium
- U Release from NRZ sediments is inhibited by Transport and Geochemistry
- Team
- Previous research
- Publications
Peer-reviewed publications
†Denotes papers on which a university or other collaborator was the lead author.
Calendar Year 2022 Publications (including submitted manuscripts under review)
- Kumar, N.; Noël, V.; Besold, J.; Planer-Friedrich, B.; Boye, K.; Fendorf, S.; Brown Jr., G., (2022) Mechanism of arsenic partitioning during sulfidation of As-sorbed ferrihydrite nanoparticles. ACS Space and Earth Chemistry. Accepted.
- Baya, C.; Le Pape, P.; Baptiste, B.; Brest, J.; Landrot, G.; Elkaïm, E.; Noël, V.; Blanchard, M.; Ona-Nguema, G.; Juillot, F.; Morin, G. (2022) A methodological framework to study the behavior and kinetic influence of V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se and Mo during pyritization via the polysulfide pathway at ambient temperature. Chemical Geology. In review.
- Engel, M.; Noël, V.; Kukkadapu, R.; Boye, K.; Bargar, J.; Fendorf, S. (2022) Nitrate controls on the extent and type of metal retention in fine-grained sediments of a simulated aquifer. Environmental Science & Technology. In review.
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., O-Ryan, D., Beilsmith, K., Bond-Lamberty, B., Boye, K., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., Christianson, D.S., Crow, , M., Damerow, Ely, K. S., Goldman, A.E., Heinz, S., Hendrix, V., Kakalia, Z., Pennington, S., Robles E., Rogers, A., Simmonds, M., Velliquette, T., Weisenhorn, P., Welch, J. N., Whitenack, K., Agarwal, D. A. (2022) Enabling FAIR data in Earth and environmental science with community-centric (meta)data reporting formats. Scientific Data. In review.
- Fox, P., Carrero, S., Dewey, C., Keiluweit, M., Conrad, M., Naughton, H., Fendorf, S., Carroll, R., Dafflon, B., Malenda-Lawrence, H., Dwivedi, D., Gilbert, B., Christensen, J., Boye, K., Beutler, C., Brown, W., Newman, A., Versteeg, R., Williams, K. H., Nico, P. (2022) Sulfur Biogeochemical Cycling and Redox Dynamics in a Shale-Dominated Mountainous Watershed. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences. Accepted.
- Merrot, P.; Flipo, L.; Tharaud, M.; Viollier, E.; Noël, V.; Le Pape, P.; Fernandez, J.-M.; Moreton, B.; Morin, G.; Juillot, F. (2022) Speciation-driven bioavailability in lagoon sediments downstream of ultramafic catchments: A pilot study on chromium, nickel, iron and manganese in New Caledonia. Chemosphere. In press.
- Chardi, K.; Satpathy, A.; Schenkeveld, W.; Kumar, N.; Noël, V.; Kraemer, S.; Giammar, D. (2022) Ligand-induced U mobilization from chemogenic uraninite and biogenic non-crystalline U(IV) under anoxic conditions. Environmental Science & Technology. In press.
- Aeppli, M.; Babey, T.; Engel, M.; Lacroix, E. M.; Tolar, B. B.; Fendorf, S.; Bargar, J. R.; Boye, K. (2022) Export of organic carbon from reduced fine-grained zones governs biogeochemical reactivity in a simulated aquifer. Environmental Science & Technology. Published online. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c04664
Calendar Year 2021 Publications (including submitted manuscripts under review)
- Tolar, B.B.; Kilpatrick, S-M.; Dewey, C.; Fendorf, S.; Bargar, J.R.; Francis, C.A. (2021) Linking microbial community structure to hydrogeochemical shifts within floodplain subsurface sediments along the Slate River, Colorado. Journal TBD. Submitted.
- Babey, T.; Boye, K.; Tolar, B.; Perzan, Z.; Noël, V.; Engels, M.; Kumar, N.; Francis, C.; Bargar, J. R.; Maher, K. (2021) Simulations of anoxic lenses as exporters of reactivity in alluvial sediments. Geochimica et Cosomochimica Acta. In Review.
- Juillot F.; Noël V.; Gelabert A.; Jouvin D.; Louvat P.; Göttlicher J.; Belin S.; Mueller B.; Morin G.; Voegelin A. (2021) Zn isotopes and XAS speciation reveal past eutrophication events in continental sediments (Baldeggersee, Switzerland). Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta. In review.
- Reji, L.; Cardarelli, E.L.; Boye, K.; Bargar, J.R.; Francis, C.A. (2021) Diverse ecophysiological adaptations of subsurface Thaumarchaeota in floodplain sediments revealed through genome-resolved metagenomics. The ISME Journal. DOI: 10.1038/s41396-021-01167-7
- Crystal-Ornelas, R., Varadharajan, C., Bond-Lamberty, B., Boye, K., Burrus, M., Cholia, S., Crow, M., Damerow, J., Devarakonda, R., Ely, K. S., Goldman, A., Heinz, S., Hendrix, V., Kakalia, Z., Pennington, S., Robles E., Rogers, A., Simmonds, M., Velliquette, T., Weierbach, H., Weisenhorn, P., Welch, J. N., Agarwal, D. A. (2021) A guide to using GitHub for developing and versioning data standards and reporting formats. Earth and Space Science, 8 (8), e2021EA001797. DOI: 10.1029/2021EA001797
- Cervi, E.C.; Clark, S.; Boye, K.; Gustafsson, J.P.; Baken, S.; Burton, G.A. Jr. (2021) Copper transformation, speciation, and detoxification in anoxic and suboxic freshwater sediments. Chemosphere, 282, 131063. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.131063
- Perzan, Z.; Babey, T.; Caers, J.; Bargar, J. R.; Maker, K. (2021) Local and global sensitivity analysis of a reactive transport model simulating floodplain redox cycling. Water Resources Research. Submitted
- Le Traon C.; Aquino, T.; Maher K.; Le Borgne T. (2021) Effective kinetics driven by dynamic concentration gradients under coupled transport and reaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 306, 189-209. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.04.033
- Noël, V.; Kumar, N.; Boye, K.; Lezama-Pacheco, J. S.; Brown, G. E.; Bargar, J. R. (2021) Reply to the Comment on “FeS colloids – formation and mobilization pathways in natural waters” by S. Peiffer, D0EN00967A. Environmental Science: Nano. DOI: 10.1039/D1EN00278C
- Baya C., Le Pape P., Baptiste B., Brest J., Landrot G., Elkaïm E., Noël V., Blanchard M., Ona-Nguema G., Juillot F, Morin G. (2021) Influence of trace level As or Ni on pyrite formation kinetics at low temperature. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 300, 333-353. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.01.042
- Nolan, P.; Bone, S.; Campbell, K. M.; Pan, D.; Healy, O.; Stange, M.; Bargar, J.; Weber, K. A. (2021) Uranium(VI) attenuation in a carbonate-bearing oxic alluvial aquifer. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 412, 125089. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125089
- Damerow, J.E.; Varadharajan, C.; Boye, K.; Brodie, E.L.; Burrus, M.; Chadwick, K.D.; Crystal-Ornelas, R.; Elbashandy, H.; Alves, R.J.E.; Ely, K.S.; Goldman, A.E.; Haberman, T.; Hendrix, V.; Kakalia, Z.; Kemner, K.M.; Kersting, A.B.; Merino, N.; O’Brien, F.; Perzan, Z.; Robles, E.; Sorensen, P.; Stegen, J.C.; Walls, R.L.; Weisenhorn, P.; Zavarin, M.; Agarwal, D. (2021) Sample identifiers and metadata to support data management and reuse in multidisciplinary ecosystem sciences. Data Science Journal, 20:1–19. DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2021-011
- Dewey, C.; Bargar, J.R.; Fendorf, S. (2021) Porewater lead concentrations limited by particulate organic matter coupled with ephemeral iron(III) and sulfide phases during redox cycles within contaminated floodplain soils. Environ. Sci. Techno. 55 (9) 5878-5886. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c08162
- Engel, M.; Boye, K.; Noël, V.; Babey, T.; Bargar, J. R.; Fendorf, S. (2021) Simulated aquifer heterogeneity leads to enhanced attenuation and multiple retention processes of zinc. Environmental Science & Technology. 55 (5) 2939–2948. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c06750
- Engel M.; Lezama Pacheco J.S.; Noël V.; Boye K.; Fendorf S. (2021) Organic compounds alter preference and rates of heavy metal adsorption on ferrihydrite. Science of the Total Environment. 750, 141485. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141485
Calendar Year 2020 Publications (including submitted manuscripts under review)
- Bone, S. E.; Cliff, J.; Weaver, K.; Takacs, C. J.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Bargar, J. R. (2020) Uranium complexation by organic matter and clay minerals in anoxic contaminated sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (3), 1493-1502. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b04741
- Cardarelli, E. L.; Bargar, J. R.; Francis, C. A. (2020) Diverse thaumarchaeota dominate subsurface ammonia-oxidizing communities in the Western United States. Microbial Ecology. 80 (4) 778-792. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-020-01534-5.
- Dewey, C.; Sokaras, D.; Kroll, T.; Bargar, J.R.; Fendorf S. (2020) Calcium-uranyl-carbonato species kinetically limit U(VI) reduction by Fe(II) and lead to U(V)-bearing ferrihydrite. Environ. Sci. Techno. 54 (10) 6021–6030. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b05870
- Kumar, N.; Noël, V.; Planer-Friedrich, B.; Besold, J.; Lezama Pacheco, J.; Bargar, J. R.; Brown, J., G.; Fendorf, S.; Boye, K. (2020) Redox heterogeneities promote thioarsenate formation and release into groundwater from low arsenic sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (6), 3237-3244. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06502
- Meredith, L., Boye, K., Savage, K., Vargas, R. (2020) Formation and fluxes of soil trace gases. Soil Systems: 4, 22. DOI: 10.3390/soilsystems4020022
- Tolar, B. B., Boye, K., Bobb, C., Maher, K., Bargar, J. R., & Francis, C. A. (2020) Stability of floodplain subsurface microbial communities through seasonal hydrological and geochemical cycles. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8(338). DOI:10.3389/feart.2020.00338
- Xu, J.; Avellan, A.; Li, H.; Liu, X.; Noël, V.; Lou, Z.; Wang, Y.; Kaegi, R.; Henkelman, G.; Lowry, G. (2020) Sulfur loading and speciation control the hydrophobicity, electron transfer, reactivity, and selectivity of sulfidized nanoscale zerovalent iron., Advanced Materials, 32 (17). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201906910
- Noël, V.; Kumar, N.; Boye, K.; Barragan, L.; Lezama-Pacheco, J.; Chu, R. K.; Tolic, N.; Brown Jr., G. E.; Bargar, J. R. (2020) FeS colloids – formation and mobilization pathways in natural waters. Environmental Science: Nano, 7, 2102-2116. DOI: 10.1039/C9EN01427F
Calendar Year 2019 Publications
- Besold, J.; Eberle, A.; Noël, V.; Kujala, K.; Kumar, N.; Scheinost, A. C.; Pacheco, J. L.; Fendorf, S. (2019) Planer-Friedrich, B., Antimonite binding to natural organic matter: spectroscopic evidence from a mine water impacted peatland. Environmental science & technology, 53 (18), 10792-10802. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b03924
- Besold, J.; Kumar, N.; Scheinost, A. C.; Lezama-Pacheco, J. S.; Fendorf, S.; Planer-Friedrich, B. (2019) Antimonite complexation with thiol and carboxyl/phenol groups of peat organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (9), 5005-5015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b00495
- Duan, Y.; Schaefer, M. V.; Wang, Y.; Gan, Y.; Yu, K.; Deng, Y.; Fendorf, S. (2019) Experimental constrains on redox-induced arsenic release and retention from aquifer sediments in the central Yangtze River Basin. The Science of the Total Environment, 649, 629-639. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.205
- Garcia-Arredondo, M.; Lawrence, C.; Schulz, M.; Tfaily, M. M.; Kukkadapu, R.; Jones, M. E.; Boye, K.; Keiluweit, M. (2019) Root-driven weathering impacts on mineral-organic associations over pedogenic time scales. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 263, 68-84. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.07.030
- Lefebvre, P.; Noël, V.; Jemison, N. E.; Weaver, K. L.; Bargar, J. R.; Maher, K. (2019) Isotopic fingerprint of uranium bio-accumulation and redox cycling in floodplains of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (7), 3399-3409. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b05593
- Maher, K.; Mayer, K. U. (2019) Tracking diverse minerals, hungry organisms, and dangerous contaminants using reactive transport models. Elements, 15 (2), 81-86. DOI: 10.2138/gselements.15.2.81
- Meredith, L. K.; Ogee, J.; Boye, K.; Singer, E.; Wingate, L.; von Sperber, C.; Sengupta, A.; Whelan, M.; Pang, E.; Keiluweit, M.; Bruggemann, N.; Berry, J. A.; Welander, P. V. (2019) Soil exchange rates of COS and (COO)-O-18 differ with the diversity of microbial communities and their carbonic anhydrase enzymes. Isme Journal, 13 (2), 290-300. DOI: 10.1038/s41396-018-0270-2
- Merrot, P.; Juillot, F.; V., N.; Lefebvre, P.; Brest, J.; Menguy, N.; Guigner, J.-M.; Blondeau, M.; Viollier, E.; Fernandez, J.-M.; Moreton, B.; Bargar, J.; Morin, G. (2019) Nickel and iron partitionning between clays, Fe-oxides and Fe-sulfides in lagoon sediments from New Caledonia. Environmental Science & Technology, 689, 1212-1227. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.274
- Noel, V.; Boye, K.; Kukkadapu, R. K.; Li, Q. Y.; Bargar, J. R. (2019) Uranium storage mechanisms in wet-dry redox cycled sediments. Water Research, 152, 251-263. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2018.12.040
Calendar Year 2018 Publications
- Stetten, L.; Blanchart, P.; Mangeret, A.; Lefebvre, P.; Le Pape, P.; Brest, J., Merrot, P.; Julien, A.; Proux, O.; Webb, S. M. (2018) Redox fluctuations and organic complexation govern uranium redistribution from u (iv)-phosphate minerals in a mining-polluted wetland soil, Brittany, France. Environmental science & technology, 52, 13099-13109. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b03031
- Boye, K.; Herrmann, A. M.; Schaefer, M. V.; Tfaily, M. M.; Fendorf, S. (2018) Discerning Microbially Mediated Processes During Redox Transitions in Flooded Soils Using Carbon and Energy Balances. Front Environ Sci, 6, 15. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00015
- Hsu, H. T.; Lawrence, C. R.; Winnick, M. J.; Bargar, J. R.; Maher, K. A. (2018) Molecular Investigation of Soil Organic Carbon Composition across a Subalpine Catchment. Soil Systems, 2 (1), 6. DOI: 10.3390/soils2010006
- Kumar, N.; Lezama Pacheco, J. S.; Noël, V.; Dublet, G.; Brown, G. E. (2018) Sulfidation Mechanisms of Fe(III)-(oxyhydr)oxide Nanoparticles: A Spectroscopic Study. Environmental Science: Nano, 5 (4), 1012-1026. DOI: 10.1039/C7EN01109A
- Löv, Å.; Cornelis, G.; Larsbo, M.; Persson, I.; Sjöstedt, C.; Gustafsson, J. P.; Boye, K.; Kleja, D. B. (2018) Particle and colloid facilitated Pb leaching in four historically contaminated soils – Speciation and effect of irrigation intensity. Applied Geochemistry, 96, 327-338. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.07.012
- Meredith, L. K.; Boye, K.; Youngerman, C.; Whelan, M.; Ogée, J.; Sauze, J.; Wingate, L. (2018) Coupled biological and abiotic mechanisms driving carbonyl sulfide production in soils. Soil Systems, 2 (3), 37. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b01255
- Seder-Colomina, M.; Mangeret, A.; Stetten, L.; Merrot, P.; Diez, O.; Julien, A.; Barker, E.; Thouveno, A.; Bargar, J. R.; Cazala, C.; Morin, G. (2018) Carbonate Facilitated Mobilization of Uranium from Lacustrine Sediments under Anoxic Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (17), 9615-9624. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b01255
- Sjöstedt, C.; Löv, Å.; Olivecrona, Z.; Boye, K.; Kleja, D. B. (2018) Improved geochemical modeling of lead solubility in contaminated soils by considering colloidal fractions and solid phase EXAFS speciation. Applied Geochemistry, 92, 110-120. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.01.014
- Stetten, L.; Blanchart, P.; Mangeret, A.; Lefebvre, P.; Le Pape, P.; Brest, J.; Merrot, P.; Julien, A.; Proux, O.; Webb, S. M.; Bargar, J. R.; Cazala, C.; Morin, G. (2018) Redox Fluctuations and Organic Complexation Govern Uranium Redistribution from U(IV)-Phosphate Minerals in a Mining-Polluted Wetland Soil, Brittany, France. Environmental Science & Technology, 52 (22), 13099-13109. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b03031
- Vilhelmsen, T. N.; Maher, K.; Da Silva, C.; Hermans, T.; Grujic, O.; Park, J.; Yang, G. (2018) Quantifying uncertainty in subsurface systems. In: Quantifying Uncertainty in Subsurface Systems (C. Scheidt, L. Li, J. Caers), Wiley-Blackwell, American Geophysical Union, 217-262. DOI: 10.1002/9781119325888.ch8
Calendar Year 2017 Publications
- Bone, S. E.; Cahill, M. R.; Jones, M. E.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K. H.; Bargar, J. R. (2017) Oxidative Uranium Release from Anoxic Sediments under Diffusion-Limited Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (19), 11039-11047. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02241
- Bone, S. E.; Dynes, J. J.; Cliff, J.; Bargar, J. R. (2017) Uranium (IV) adsorption by natural organic matter in sediments. P Natl Acad Sci USA, 114 (4), 711–716. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1611918114
- Boye, K.; Lezama Pacheco, J. S.; Fendorf, S. (2017) Relevance of Reactive Fe:S Ratios for Sulfur Impacts on Arsenic Uptake by Rice. Soils, 1 (1), 1. DOI: 10.3390/soils1010001
- Boye, K.; Noël, V.; Tfaily, M.; Bone, S.; Williams, K.; Bargar, J.; Fendorf, S. (2017) Thermodynamically controlled preservation of organic carbon in floodplains. Nature Geoscience, 10, 415–419. DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2940
- César, N.; Almeida, J.; Ellström, M.; Bahr, A.; Bone, S. E.; Rosenstock, N.; Bargar, J. R.; Tunlid, A.; Persson, P.; Wallander, H. (2017) Chemical changes in organic matter after fungal colonization in a nitrogen fertilized and unfertilized Norway spruce forest. Plant and Soi,l, 419 (1-2), 113-126. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3324-8
- Dublet, G.; Lezama Pacheco, J.; Bargar, J. R.; Fendorf, S.; Kumar, N.; Lowry, G. V.; Brown, G. E. (2017) Partitioning of uranyl between ferrihydrite and humic substances at acidic and circum-neutral ph. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 215, 122. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.07.013
- Hausladen, D. M.; Fendorf, S., (2017) Hexavalent Chromium Generation within Naturally Structured Soils and Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (4), 2058-2067. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04039
- Ikogou, M.; Ona-Nguema, G.; Juillot, F.; Le Pape, P.; Menguy, N.; Richeux, N.; Guigner, J.-M.; Noël, V.; Brest, J.; Baptiste, B.; Morin, G. (2017) Long-term sequestration of nickel in mackinawite formed by Desulfovibrio capillatus upon Fe(III)-citrate reduction in the presence of thiosulfate. Applied Geochemistry, 80, 143-154. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.02.019
- Keiluweit, M.; Wanzek, T.; Kleber, M.; Nico, P.; Fendorf, S. (2017) Anaerobic microsites have an unaccounted role in soil carbon stabilization. Nature Communications, 8, 1771. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01406-6
- Morin, G.; Noël, V.; Menguy, N.; Brest, J.; Baptiste, B.; Tharaud, M.; Ona-Nguema, G.; Ikogou, M.; Viollier, E.; Juillot, F. (2017) Nickel accelerates pyrite nucleation at ambient temperature. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 5, 6-11. DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.1738
- Noël, V.; Boye, K.; Kukkadapu, R. K.; Bone, S.; Pacheco, J. S. L.; Cardarelli, E.; Janot, N.; Fendorf, S.; Williams, K. H.; Bargar, J. R., (2017) Understanding controls on redox processes in floodplain sediments of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Sci Total Environ, 603, 663-675. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.109
- Noël, V.; Boye, K.; Lezama Pacheco, J. S.; Bone, S. E.; Janot, N.; Cardarelli, E.; Williams, K. H.; Bargar, J. R., (2017) Redox controls over the stability of U(IV) in floodplains of the Upper Colorado River Basin. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (19), 10954-10964. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02203
- Noël, V.; Juillot, F.; Morin, G.; Marchand, C.; Ona-Nguema, G.; Viollier, E.; Prévot, F.; Dublet, G.; Maillot, F.; Delbes, L.; Marakovic, G.; Bargar, J. R.; Brown, G. E., (2017) Oxidation of Ni-Rich Mangrove Sediments after Isolation from the Sea (Dumbea Bay, New Caledonia): Fe and Ni Behavior and Environmental Implications. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 1, (8) 455-464. DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00005
- Stubbs, J. E.; Biwer, C. A.; Chaka, A. M.; Ilton, E. S.; Bargar, J. R.; Eng, P. J. (2017) Oxidative corrosion of the UO2 (001) surface by nonclassical diffusion . Langmuir, 33 (46), 13189-13196 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b02800.
- Yabusaki, S. B.; Wilkins, M. J.; Fang, Y.; Williams, K. H.; Arora, B.; Bargar, J.; Beller, H. R.; Bouskill, N. J.; Brodie, E. L.; Christensen, J. N.; Conrad, M. E.; Danczak, R. E.; King, E.; Soltanian, M. R.; Spycher, N. F.; Steefel, C. I.; Tokunaga, T. K.; Versteeg, R.; Waichler, S. R.; Wainwright, H. M. (2017) Water Table Dynamics and Biogeochemical Cycling in a Shallow, Variably-Saturated Floodplain. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (6), 3307-3317. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04873
Calendar Year 2016:
- Janot, Noémie, Lezama Pacheco, Juan S, Pham, Don Q, O’Brien, Timothy M, Hausladen, Debra, Noël, Vincent, Lallier, Florent, Maher, Kate, Fendorf, Scott and Williams, Kenneth H (2016). Physico-chemical heterogeneity of organic-rich sediments in the Rifle aquifer, CO: Impact on uranium biogeochemistry. Environmental Science & Technology 50(1):46-53. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b03208.
- †Morin, G, Mangeret, A, Othmane, G, Stetten, L, Seder-Colomina, M, Brest, J, Ona-Nguema, G, Bassot, S, Courbet, C and Guillevic, J. (2016) Mononuclear U(IV) complexes and ningyoite as major uranium species in lake sediments. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 2(1):95-105. DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.1610.
- †Mikutta, C., P. Langner, J. R. Bargar and R. Kretzschmar (2016). Tetra- and hexavalent uranium forms bidentate-mononuclear complexes with particulate organic matter in a naturally uranium-enriched peatland. Environmental Science & Technology 50(19): 10465-10475.
Calendar Year 2015:
- Lezama-Pacheco, J. S., J. M. Cerrato, H. Veeramani, D. S. Alessi, E. Suvorova, R. Bernier-Latmani, D. E. Giammar, P. E. Long, K. H. Williams and J. R. Bargar (2015). Long-term in situ oxidation of biogenic uraninite in an alluvial aquifer: Impact of dissolved oxygen and calcium. Environmental Science & Technology 49(12): 7340-7347.
- Noël, V., G. Morin, F. Juillot, C. Marchand, J. Brest, J. R. Bargar, M. Muñoz, G. Marakovic, S. Ardo and G. E. Brown (2015). Ni cycling in mangrove sediments from New Caledonia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 169: 82-98.
- †Gallegos, T. J., K. M. Campbell, R. A. Zielinski, P. W. Reimus, J. T. Clay, N. Janot, J. R. Bargar and W. M. Benzel (2015). Persistent U(IV) and U(VI) following in-situ recovery (ISR) mining of a sandstone uranium deposit, Wyoming, USA. Applied Geochemistry 63: 222-234.
- †Herndon, E. M., Z. Yang, J. Bargar, N. Janot, T. Z. Regier, D. E. Graham, S. D. Wullschleger, B. Gu and L. Liang (2015). Geochemical drivers of organic matter decomposition in arctic tundra soils. Biogeochemistry 126(3): 397-414.
- †Jones, L. C., B. Peters, J. S. Lezama Pacheco, K. L. Casciotti and S. Fendorf (2015). Stable isotopes and iron oxide mineral products as markers of chemodenitrification. Environmental Science & Technology 49(6): 3444-3452.
- †Stubbs, J. E., A. M. Chaka, E. S. Ilton, C. A. Biwer, M. H. Engelhard, J. R. Bargar and P. J. Eng (2015). UO2 oxidative corrosion by nonclassical diffusion. Physical Review Letters 114(24): 246103.
Calendar Year 2014:
- Bone, S. E., J. R. Bargar and G. Sposito (2014). Mackinawite (FeS) reduces mercury(II) under sulfidic conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 48(18): 10681-10689.
- Massey, M. S., J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, M. E. Jones, E. S. Ilton, J. M. Cerrato, J. R. Bargar and S. Fendorf (2014). Competing retention pathways of uranium upon reaction with Fe(II). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 142: 166-185.
- Massey, M. S., J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, F. M. Michel and S. Fendorf (2014). Uranium incorporation into aluminum-substituted ferrihydrite during iron(II)-induced transformation. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16(9): 2137-2144.
- Massey, M. S., J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, J. M. Nelson, S. Fendorf and K. Maher (2014). Uranium incorporation into amorphous silica. Environmental Science & Technology 48(15): 8636-8644.
- Alessi, D. S., J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, N. Janot, E. I. Suvorova, J. M. Cerrato, D. E. Giammar, J. A. Davis, P. M. Fox, K. H. Williams, P. E. Long, K. M. Handley, R. Bernier-Latmani and J. R. Bargar (2014) Speciation and reactivity of uranium products formed during in situ bioremediation in a shallow alluvial aquifer. Environmental Science & Technology 48(21): 12842-12850.
- Alessi, D. S., J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, J. E. Stubbs, M. Janousch, J. R. Bargar, P. Persson and R. Bernier-Latmani (2014). "The product of microbial uranium reduction includes multiple species with U(IV)-phosphate coordination." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 131: 115-127.
- †Qafoku, N.P., B.N. Gartman, R.K. Kukkadapu, B.W. Arey, K.H. Williams, P.J. Mouser, S.M. Heald, J.R. Bargar, N. Janot, S. Yabusaki, and P.E. Long (2014) Geochemical and mineralogical investigation of uranium in multi-element contaminated, organic-rich subsurface sediment, Appl. Geochem., 42: 77–85. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.12.001.
Calendar Year 2013:
- Bargar, J.R., K.H. Williams, K.M. Campbell, P.E. Long, J.E. Stubbs, E. Suvorova, D.S. Alessi, M. Stylo, and R. Bernier-Latmani (2013) Uranium redox transition pathways in acetate-amended sediments, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(12): 4506-4511. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1219198110.
- Stylo, M., D.S. Alessi, P.P. Shao, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani. Biogeochemical controls on the product of microbial U(VI) reduction, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 47(21): 12351-12358. DOI: 201310.1021/es402631w.
- Cerrato, J.M., M.N. Ashner, D.S. Alessi, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.R. Bargar, and D.E. Giammar (2013) Relative reactivity of uraninite and non-crystalline U(IV) species, Environ. Sci. & Technol.. 47 (17): 9756–9763. DOI: 10.1021/es401663t.
- Alessi, D.S., B. Uster, C. Borca, D. Grolimund and R. Bernier-Latmani (2013) Beam induced oxidation of monomeric U(IV) species, J. Synchrotron Radiation 20(1): 197-199. DOI: 10.1107/S0909049512041763.
- †Wang, Z. S.-W. Lee, P. Kapoor, B.M. Tebo, and D.E. Giammar (2013) Uraninite oxidation and dissolution induced by manganese oxide: A redox reaction between two insoluble minerals, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 100: 24-40. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.09.053.
- †Wang, Z., S.-W. Lee, J.G. Catalano, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, B.M. Tebo, and D.E. Giammar (2013) Adsorption of uranium(VI) to manganese oxides: X-ray absorption spectroscopy and surface complexation modeling, Environ. Sci. & Technol. 47(2): 850-858. DOI: 10.1021/es304454g.
- †Wang, Z. and D.E. Giammar (2013) Mass action expressions for bidentate adsorption in surface complexation modeling: Theory and practice, Environ. Sci. & Technol., 47(9): 3982–3996. DOI: 10.1021/es305180e.
- †Williams, K.H., J.R. Bargar, J.R. Lloyd, and D.R. Lovley (2013) Bioremediation of uranium-contaminated groundwater: a systems approach to subsurface biogeochemistry. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 24(3): 489-497, DOI: 497 DOI: 10.1016/j.copbio.2012.10.008.
- †Orellana, R., J.J. Leavitt, L.R. Comolli, R. Csencsits, N. Janot, K.A. Flanagan, A.S. Gray, C. Leang, M. Izallalen, T. Mester and D.R. Lovley (2013) U(VI) reduction by a diversity of outer surface c-type cytochromes of Geobacter sulfurreducens, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 76(12): 3999-4007. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00027-10.
- †Maher, K., J.R. Bargar, and G.E. Brown, Jr. (2013) Environmental speciation of actinides. Inorg. Chem., 52(7): 3510-3532. DOI: 10.1021/ic301686d.
- †Cismasu, A.C., C. Levard, F.M. Michel, and G.E. Brown, Jr. (2013) Properties of impurity-bearing ferrihydrite II: Insights into the surface structure and composition of pure, Al- and Si-bearing ferrihydrite from Zn(II) sorption experiments and Zn K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 119: 46-60: DOI: 10.1016/j.gca2013.05.040.
Calendar Year 2012:
- Giammar, D.E., J.M. Cerrato, V. Mehta, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, T.J. Pepping, K.-U. Ulrich, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, and J.R. Bargar (2012) Effect of diffusive transport limitations on UO2 dissolution, Water Research 46(18): 6023-6032. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2012.08.034.
- †Cismasu, A.C., F.M. Michel, J.F. Stebbins, C.M. Levard, and G.E. Brown, Jr. (2012) Properties of impurity-bearing ferrihydrite I. Effects of Al content and precipitation rate on the structure of 2-line ferrihydrite, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 92: 275-291. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.06.010.
- Alessi, D. S., B. Uster, H. Veeramani, E.I. Suvorova, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.E. Stubbs, J.R. Bargar and R. Bernier-Latmani (2012) Quantitative separation of monomeric U(IV) from UO2 in products of U(VI) reduction, Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(11): 6150-6157. DOI: 10.1021/es204123z
- †Barrón, V., J. Torrent, and F.M. Michel (2012) Critical evaluation of the revised akdalaite model for ferrihydrite – Discussion, Amer. Mineral, 97(1): 253-254. DOI: 10.2138/am.2012.3894
- Cerrato, J.M., C.J. Barrows, L.Y. Blue, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, and D.E. Giammar (2012) Effect of Ca2+ and Zn2+ on UO2 dissolution rates, Environ. Sci. Technol., 46(5): 2731-2737. DOI: 10.1021/es203751t
- †Toner, B.M., T.S. Berquó, F.M. Michel, J.V. Sorensen, A.S. Templeton, and K.J. Edwards (2012) Mineralogy of iron microbial mats from Loihi Seamount, Front. Microbiol., 3: 1-18. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2012.00118
- †Ma, R., C.M. Levard, S. Marinakos, S.Y. Chen, J. Liu, F.M. Michel, G.E. Brown, Jr., and G.V. Lowry (2012) Size-controlled dissolution of organic-coated silver nanoparticles, Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(2):752-759. DOI: 10.1021/es201686j
- †Singh, A., J.G. Catalano, K.-U. Ulrich, and D.E. Giammar (2012) Molecular-scale structure of uranium(VI) immobilized with goethite and phosphate, Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(12): 6604-6611. DOI: 10.1021/es300494x
- Campbell, K.M., H. Veeramani, K.-U. Ulrich, L.Y. Blue, D.E. Giammar, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.E. Stubbs, E.I. Suvorova, S.B. Yabusaki, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, A. Mehta, P.E. Long, and J.R. Bargar (2011) Oxidative dissolution of biogenic uraninite in groundwater at Old Rifle, CO. Envir. Sci. Technol. 45(20): 8748-8754. DOI: 10.1021/es200482f
- †Campbell, K.M., R.K. Kukkadapu, N.P. Qafoku, A.D. Peacock, E. Lesher, K.H. Williams, J.R. Bargar, M.J. Wilkins, L. Figueroa, J. Ranville, J.A. Davis, and P.E. Long (2012) Geochemical, mineralogical and microbiological characteristics of sediment from a naturally reduced zone in a uranium-contaminated aquifer. Appl. Geochem., 27(8): 1499-1511. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2012.04.013.
- †Handley, K.M., K.C. Wrighton, Y.M. Piceno, G.L. Andersen, T.Z. DeSantis, K.H. Williams, M.J. Wilkins, A.L. N'Guessan, A.D. Peacock, J.R. Bargar, P.E. Long, and J.F. Banfield (2012) High-density PhyloChip profiling of stimulated aquifer microbial communities reveals a complex response to acetate amendment. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 81(1): 188-204. DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01363.x
Calendar Year 2011:
- †Harrington, R., D.B. Hausner, W. Xu, N. Bhandari, F.M. Michel, G.E. Brown, Jr., D.R. Strongin, and J.B. Parise, (2011) Neutron pair distribution function study of two-line ferrihydrite, Environ. Sci. Technol., 45(23): 9883-9890. DOI: 10.1021/es2020633
- †Levard, C.M., F.M. Michel, Y. Wang, Y. Choi, P. Eng, and G.E. Brown, Jr. (2011) Probing Ag nanoparticle surface oxidation in contact with (in)organics: an X-ray scattering and fluorescence yield approach, J Synchrotron. Radiat., 18:871-878. DOI: 10.1107/S090904951103843X
- Sharp, J.O., J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, E.J. Schofield, P. Junier, K.-U. Ulrich, S. Chinni, H. Veeramani, C. Margot-Roquier, S.M. Webb, B.M. Tebo, D.E. Giammar, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani (2011) Uranium speciation and stability after reductive immobilization in aquifer sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75(21): 6497-6510. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.08.022
- †Levard, C.M., B.C. Reinsch, F.M. Michel, C. Oumahi, G.V. Lowry, G.E. Brown, Jr. (2011) Sulfidation processes of PVP-coated silver nanoparticles in aqueous solution: Impact on dissolution rate, Environ. Sci. Technol., 45(12): 5260-5266. DOI: 10.1021/es2007758
- Ulrich, K.-U., H. Veeramani, R. Bernier-Latmani, and D.E. Giammar (2011) Speciation-dependent kinetics of uranium(VI) bioreduction. Geomicrobio. J., 28(5-6): 396-409. DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2010.507640
- †Campbell, K.M., J.A. Davis, J.R., Bargar, D.E. Giammar, R. Kukkadapu, K.H. Williams, H. Veeramani, K.-U. Ulrich, J.E. Stubbs, S.B. Yabusaki, L. Figueroa, F. Lesher, M.J. Wilkins, A. Peakcock, and P.E. Long (2011) Composition, stability, and measurement of reduced uranium phases for groundwater bioremediation at Old Rifle, CO. Appl. Geochemistry, 26(S): S167-S169. DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2011.03.094
- Veeramani, H., D.S. Alessi, E.I. Suvorova, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.E. Stubbs, J.O. Sharp, U. Dippon, A. Kappler, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani (2011) Products of abiotic U(VI) reduction by biogenic magnetite and vivianite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75(9): 2512-2528. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.02.024
- †Ray, A.E., J.R. Bargar, V. Sivaswamy, A.C. Dohnalkovae, U. Fujita, B.M. Peyton, and T.S. Magnuson. (2011) Evidence for multiple modes of uranium immobilization by an anaerobic bacterium. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75(10): 2648-2695. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.02.040
- †Cismasu, A.C., F.M. Michel, P.A. Tcaciuc, T. Tyliszczak, and G.E. Brown, Jr., (2011) Composition and structural aspects of naturally-occurring ferrihydrite. C. R. Geosci., 343(2-3): 210-218. DOI: 10.1016/j.crte.2010.11.001
- Xin, D., B. Boonchayaanant, W.-M. Wu, S. Fendorf, J.R. Bargar, and C.S. Criddle (2011) Reduction of uranium(VI) by soluble iron(II) conforms with thermodynamic predictions. Environ. Sci. Technol., 45(11): 4718-4725. DOI: 10.1021/es2006012.
Calendar Year 2010:
- †Dalla Vecchia, E., H. Veeramani, E.I. Suvorova, N.S. Wigginton, J.R. Bargar and R. Bernier-Latmani. (2010) U(VI) reduction by spores of Clostridium acetobutylicum. Res. Microbiol., 161(9): 765-771. DOI: 10.1016/j.resmic.2010.08.001
- Bernier-Latmani, R., H. Veeramani, E. Dalla Vecchia, P. Junier, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, E.I. Suvorova, J.O. Sharp, J.E. Stubbs, N.S. Wigginton, and J.R. Bargar (2010) Non-uraninite products of microbial U(VI) reduction. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44(24): 9456-9462. DOI: 10.1021/es101675a
- †Ilton, E.S., J.-F. Boily, E.C. Buck, F.N. Skomurski, K.M. Rosso, C.L. Cahill, J.R. Bargar, and A.R. Felmy (2010) Influence of Dynamical Conditions on the Reduction of U-VI at the Magnetite-Solution Interface. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44(1): 170-176. DOI: 10.1021/es9014597
- Michel, F.M., V. Barrón, J. Torrent, M.P. Morales, C.J. Serna, J.-F. Boily, Q.S. Liu, A. Ambrosini, A.C. Cismasu, and G.E. Brown, Jr. (2010) Ordered ferrimagnetic form of ferrihydrite reveals links among structure and magnetism. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 107(7): 2787-2792. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0910170107
- †Singh, A., K.-U. Ulrich, and D.E. Giammar (2010) Impact of phosphate on U(VI) immobilization in the presence of goethite, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 74(22): 6324-6343. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.08.031
Calendar Year 2009:
- Sharp, J.O., E.J. Schofield, H. Veeramani, E.I. Suvorova, D.W. Kennedy, M.J. Marshall, A. Mehta, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani (2009) Structural similarities between biogenic uraninites produced by phylogenetically and metabolically diverse bacteria, Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(21): 8295-8301. DOI: 10.1021/es901281e
- Ulrich, K.-U., E.S. Ilton, H. Veeramani, J.O. Sharp, R. Bernier-Latmani, E.J. Schofield, J.R. Bargar., S.D. Conradson, and D.E. Giammar (2009) Comparative dissolution kinetics of biogenic and chemogenic uraninite under oxidizing conditions in the presence of carbonate. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73(20): 6065–6083. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.07.012
- Veeramani, H., E.J. Schofield, J.O. Sharp, E.I. Suvorova, K.-U. Ulrich, A. Mehta, D.E. Giammar, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani (2009) Effect of Mn(II) on the structure and reactivity of biogenic uraninite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(17): 6541–6547. DOI: 10.1021/es900556k
- † Zeng, H., A. Singh, S. Basak, K.-U. Ulrich, M. Sahu, P. Biswas, J.G. Catalano, and D.E. Giammar (2009) Nanoscale size effects on uranium(VI) adsorption to hematite. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(5): 1373-1378. DOI: 10.1021/es802334e
- †Hiemstra, T., W.H. Van Riemsdijk, A. Rossberg, and K.-U. Ulrich (2009) A surface structural model for ferrihydrite. II. Adsorption of uranyl and carbonate. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 73(15): 4437-4451. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.04.035
- †Junier, P., J. Frutschi, N.S. Wiggington, E.J. Schofield, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani (2009) Metal reduction by spores of Desulfotomaculum reducens. Environ. Microbiol. 11(12): 3007-3017. DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2009.02003.x
- †Rossberg, A., K.-U. Ulrich, S. Weiss, S. Tsushima, T. Hiemstra, and A.C. Scheinost. (2009) Identification of uranyl surface complexes on ferrihydrite: Advanced EXAFS data analysis and CD-MUSIC modeling. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(5): 1400-1406. DOI: 10.1021/es801727w
Calendar Year 2008:
- Bargar, J.R., R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, and B.M. Tebo (2008) Biogenic uraninite nanoparticles and their importance for uranium remediation. Elements, 4(6): 407-412. DOI: 10.2113/gselements.4.6.407
- Schofield, E.J., H. Veeramani, J.O. Sharp, E.I. Suvorova, R. Bernier-Latmani, A. Mehta, J. Stahlman, S.M. Webb, D.L. Clark, S.D. Conradson, and J.R. Bargar (2008) Structure of biogenic uraninite produced by Shewanella Oneidensis, strain MR-1. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(21): 7898-7904. DOI: 10.1021/es800579g
- Ulrich, K.-U., D.E. Giammar, S. Dixon, A. Singh, E.J. Schofield, J.R. Bargar, H. Veeramani, J.O. Sharp, and R. Bernier-Latmani (2008) Dissolution of biogenic and synthetic UO2 under varied reducing conditions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(15): 5600-5606. DOI: 10.1021/es800647u
- † Schofield, E.J., B. Ingham, A. Turnbull, M.F. Toney, and M.P. Ryan (2008) Strain development in nanoporous metallic foils formed by dealloying. Appl. Phys. Lett. 92(4): 043118. DOI: 10.1063/1.2838351
- † Chinni, S., C.R. Anderson, K.-U. Ulrich, D.E. Giammar, and B.M. Tebo (2008) Indirect UO2 oxidation by Mn(II)-oxidizing spores of Bacillus sp. strain SG-1 and the effect of U and Mn concentrations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42(23): 8709-8714. DOI: 10.1021/es801388p
Symposia organized at National and International Scientific Meetings wholly or partially supported by this project
- Engel, M.; Yan, J.; Rod, K. A.; Kaplan, D. I.; Druschel, G. K. (2021) Colloids and Beyond: The Role of Nano-Colloids and Particulate Matter in Biogeochemical Cycles of Elements in Terrestrial Environments. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Oral]
- Dewey, C.; Bargar, J.; Herndon, E.; Nico, P. S. (2021) Hydrobiogeochemical Dynamics of Subsurface Interfaces. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Oral]
Presentations at National and International Scientific Meetings - wholly or partly supported by this program
Calendar Year 2021 Presentations
- Tolar, B. B.; Pierce, S. W.; Boye, K.; Bargar, J.; Francis, C. (2021) Hydrology and microbial communities cause shifts in geochemistry and the oxic-anoxic interface in floodplain soils. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Oral]
- Wang, L.; Perzan, Z.; Babey, T.; Pierce, S. W.; Rogers, B.; Bargar, J.; Maher, K. (2021) Uncertainty quantification of water exchanges due to beaver-induced inundation. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Oral]
- Babey, T.; Perzan, Z.; Rogers, B.; Wang, L.; Pierce, S. W.; Bargar, J.; Maher, K. (2021) Hydro-biogeochemical response of oxic-anoxic interfaces to beaver dam construction in a simulated floodplain aquifer. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Poster]
- Boye, K.; Aeppli, M.; Babey, T.; Engel, M.; Tolar, B. B.; Fendorf, S. E.; Maher, K.; Francis, C.; Bargar, J. (2021) Large organic colloids drive biogeochemical reactions downstream of sediment interfaces in simulated aquifers. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Oral]
- Noel, V. (2021) Formation and mobility of FeS colloids in natural waters. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Poster]
- Engel, M.; Pierce, S. W.; Noel, V.; Zhou, W.; Chiu, W.; Cui, Y.; Runyon, J. R.; Chorover, J.; Bargar, J. (2021) Zooming into natural Fe-rich colloids from Slate River Floodplain (CO). Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Poster]
- Bargar, J. (2021) Hydro-biogeochemical reactivity of floodplain subsurface Interfaces. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, December 13-17. [Poster]
- Bone, S.; Aristilde, L.; Bargar, J.; Klein, A.; Cliff, J. B. (2021) X-ray methods to investigate nutrient cycling in the subsurface. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA. [Poster]
- Boye, K.; Engel, M.; Aeppli, M.; Babey, T.; Fendorf, S.; Bargar, J. R. (2021) SLAC floodplain hydro-biogeochemistry SFA: reactivity, structure, and transport of colloids and particles across subsurface interface. Presented at the Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Virtual. August 17-19. [Poster]
- Babey, T.; Tolar, B.; Bargar, J. R.; Maher, K.; Francis, C.; Fendorf, S.; Boye, K.; Pierce, S.; Rogers, B.; Perzan, Z. (2021) SLAC floodplain hydro-biogeochemistry SFA: hydro-biogeochemical reactivity across interfaces in riparian floodplains along Slate River, CO. Presented at the Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Virtual. August 17-19. [Poster].
- Bargar J.R.,; Bone S.E.; Dewey C.; Noël V.; Fendorf S. (2021) Radionuclide and heavy metal complexation on complex natural sorbents. Presented at the American Chemical Society (ACS) Virtual Spring Meeting. April 5-16. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R.; Bone, S.E; Noel, V.; Dewey, C.; Fendorf. S. (2021) Multi-technique investigations of metal and radionuclide behavior in biogeochemical systems. Presented at the 2nd International Pan American Light Sources for Agriculture Meeting, Campinas, Brazil. April 16. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R.; Bone, S.E; Noel, V.; Dewey, C.; Fendorf. S. (2021) Organic matter as a control over U(IV)- and Pb(II)-surface interactions in natural sediments. Presented at the 2021 Spring ACS National Conference, Symposium on Molecular Processes at Mineral-Water Interfaces, April 7. [Talk]
- Chardi K.J.; Salas M.A.; Kumar N.; Schenkeveld W.D.C.; Noël V.; Pjevac P.; Giammar D.; Kraemer S.M. (2021) Remobilization of uranium from a bioreduced field sediment by organic ligands. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference. July 4-9. [Talk]
- Engel M.; Boye K.; Noël V.; Babey T.; Bargar J.R.; Fendorf S. (2021) How spatial and compositional heterogeneities influence zinc retention in a simulated aquifer. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference. July 4-9. [Talk]
Calendar Year 2020 Presentations
- Babey, T. (2020) Simulation of biogeochemical cycling in a synthetic alluvial aquifer. Presented at the CMWR - Computational Methods in Water Resources XXIII, Stanford, CA. December 14-17. [Talk]
- Perzan, Z. (2020) Short-term water quality forecasting with continuous-time recurrent neural networks. Presented at the CMWR - Computational Methods in Water Resources XXIII, Stanford, CA. December 14-17. [Talk]
- Perzan, Z.; Babey, T.; Maher, K. (2020) Interpreting parameter interactions using global sensitivity analysis on a hillslope-scale reactive transport model. Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting - Virtual, San Francisco, CA. December 1-17. [Poster]
- Bone, S.E.; Govind, N.; Andersen, A.; Cliff, J.; Weaver, K.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Takacs, C.J.; Bargar, J.R. (2020) Calcium complexation by organic matter in calcareous sediments. Presented at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting - Virtual, San Francisco, CA. December 1-17. [Invited]
- Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Andersen, A.; Govind, N.; Takacs, C.J.; Roycroft, S.; Weaver, K.; Fendorf, S.; Bargar, J.R. (2020) Probing metal‐organic matter complexation in sediments using chemical imaging. Presented at the Advanced Light Source User Meeting, August 25-28 [Invited]
- Bone, S.E.; Cliff, J.; Weaver, K.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Takacs, C.J.; Bargar, J.R. (2020) Calcium complexation by organic matter in calcareous sediments. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Talk]
- Noël V.; Kumar N.; Engel M.; Boye K.; Brown G.; Bargar J.R. (2020) Formation and stability of colloids driven by reducing conditions: impact on water quality. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Invited].
- Boye K.; Babey T.; Kumar N.; Noël V.; Perzan Z.; Engel, M.; Tolar, B.; Bargar J. R.; Fendorf, S. (2020) Redox interfaces produce halos of altered biogeochemical reactivity in alluvial groundwater sediments. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Talk]
- Juillot, F.; Noël, V.; Voegelin, A.; Louvat, P.; Gelabert, A.; Mueller, B.; Morin, G. (2020) Zn isotopes can reveal past eutrophication of continental lakes: the example of baldeg (Switzerland). Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Talk]
- Engel, M.; Boye, K.; Noël, V.; Bargar, J. R.; Fendorf, S. (2020) Biogeochemical variability controls heavy metal mobility within alluvial aquifers. Presented at the Goldschmidt Virtual Conference, June 21-26. [Talk].
- Bargar, J. R.; Noel, V.; Bone, S.; Boye, K.; Fendorf, S.; Babey, T.; Maher, K. (2020) Influence of environmental interfaces on molecular processes controlling uranium behavior. Presented at the ACS 2020 National Spring Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, March 23. [Talk]
- Bargar, J.R.; Pierce, S.W.; Dewey, C.; Tolar, B.B.; Kilpatrick, S.-M; Maher, K.; Manning, A.H.; Williams, K.H (2020) Coupled hydrological-biogeochemical mobilization of zinc in montane floodplains in the Rocky Mountains. Presented at the departmental seminar series, U. Arizona, Department of Hydrological and Atmospheric Sciences, Tucson, AZ, Mar 16. [Invited]
- Fendorf, S. (2020) Sustaining groundwater and food quality in the twenty-first century. Presented at the Donald L. Sparks Distinguished Lectureship in Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Delaware. YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZfCrlad3os Feb 18. [Invited]
- Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Takacs, C.J.; Roycroft, S.; Weaver, K.; Fendorf, S.; Bargar, J.R. (2020) Molecular insights into interfacial chemistry in natural and engineered systems. Presented at Stanford University, Civil and Environmental Engineering. Feb 10. [Invited]
- Bargar, J. R.; Ulrich, K.-U.; Cerrato, J. M.; Lezama-Pacheco, J.; Giammar, D. E.; Campbell, K. M.; Alessi, D. A.; Bernier-Latmani, R.; Williams, K. H.; Long, P. E. (2020) Long-term structure and reactivity of synthetic nanoparticulate UO2 in groundwater. Presented at the Workshop on Los Alamos National Laboratory Nuclear Forensics Workshop, Los Alamos, NM, Feb 6. [Invited]
- Bargar, J. R.; Ulrich, K.-U.; Cerrato, J. M.; Lezama-Pacheco, J.; Giammar, D. E.; Campbell, K. M.; Alessi, D. A.; Bernier-Latmani, R.; Williams, K. H.; Long, P. E.(2020) Long-term structure and reactivity of synthetic nanoparticulate UO2 in groundwater. Presented at the International Workshop on Theory Frontiers in Actinide, Santa Fe, NM, Feb 5. [Invited]
- Fendorf, S. (2020) Sustaining groundwater quality in the 21st century. Presented at the Environmental Science Departmental Lectureship. University of California, Riverside. Jan 17. [Invited]
Calendar Year 2019 Presentations
- Perzan, Z.; Babey, T.; Maher, K. (2019) Forecasting groundwater quality using continuous-time recurrent neural networks. Presented at Stanford Deep Learning Symposium, Stanford, CA, Dec 11.[Poster]
- Fendorf, S., Lopez, A. M., Wells, A. A., Sherris,A., Fakhreddine S. (2019) Assessing and mitigating triggers releasing geogenic contaminants to groundwater. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 9-13. [Invited]
- Cardarelli, E.L., Bargar, J.R., and C.A. Francis. (2019) Microbes in the American West: subsurface spatiotemporal dynamics reveal depth-specific metabolic strategies and critical water cycle interactions. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. December 9-13. [Talk]
- Engel, M.; Boye, K.; Fendorf, S. (2019) Heavy metal mobility in a model aquifer exhibiting redox heterogeneities. Presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 9-13. [Invited].
- Perzan, Z.; Boye, K.; Roycroft, S.; Berghouse, M.; Bargar, J. R.; Maher, K. (2019) Seasonal nutrient cycling between the saturated and unsaturated zones in a contaminated floodplain. Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 9-13. [Talk].
- Babey, T.; Perzan, Z.; Boye, K.; Bobb, C.; Bargar, J. R.; Maher, K. (2019) Modeling of biogeochemical responses to hydrologic transitions in floodplain aquifers. Presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 9-13. [Poster].
- Tolar, B. B.; Boye, K.; Bobb, C.; Francis, C. A.; Bargar, J. R. (2019) Stability of microbial communities through seasonal hydrological transitions and the resulting biogeochemical redox response. Presented at AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 9-13. [Talk].
- Bargar, J.R.; Pierce, S.W.; Dewey, C.; Tolar, B.B.; Kilpatrick, S.-M.Maher, K.; Manning, A.H.; and Williams, K.H. (2019) Biogeochemical-hydrological mobilization of zinc in montane floodplains. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec 10. [Talk]
- Pierce, S.W.; Bargar, J.R.; Dewey, C.; Maher, K.; Fendorf, S.; Manning, A.H.; Carroll, R.; and Williams, K.H. (2019) H-BGC reactivity of riparian-aquifer interfaces along Slate River. Presented at the LBNL Watershed Function SFA project retreat, Bodega Bay, CA, Nov 14-15. [Contributed poster]
- Bargar, J. R., Noel, V., Roycroft, S., Bobb, C., Bone, S. E., Boye, K., Johnson, R. and Dam, W. L. (2019) Uranium Dynamics in Semi-Arid Watersheds. Presented at the Water Systems Symposium, Stanford, CA, USA. October 12. [Invited]
- Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Jones, M.A.; Cahill, M.; Roycroft, S.; Weaver, K.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K.; Boye, K.; Noel, V.; Takacs, C.; Bargar, J.R. (2019) Influences of Organic Matter on Uranium Retention and Mobilization in Contaminated Aquifers. Presented at the University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics. Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct 2, 2019 [Invited]
- Boye, K.; Kumar, N.; Noel, V.; Spielman, L. E.; Barragan, L.; Planer-Friedrich, B.; Besold, J.; Bargar, J. R.; Fendorf, S. (2019). Influence of redox interfaces on metal(loid) contaminant mobility in shallow alluvial groundwater aquifers. Presented at ACS National Fall Meeting, San Diego, CA, Aug 25-29. [Talk]
- Bargar, J.R.; Roycroft, S.; Boye, K.; Perzan, Z.; Johnson, R.; Dam, W.; Noel, V.; Fendorf, S. (2019) Uranium mobilization across saturated-unsaturated interfaces. Presented at Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium 04l: Session Honoring Professor Georges Calas. Barcelona, Spain, Aug 19. [Talk]
- Merrot, P.; Juillot, F.; Noël, V.; Le pape, P.; Lefebvre, P.; Menguy, N.; Viollier, E.; Bargar, J. R.; Morin, G. (2019) Green-clays and the coastal biogeochemical cycles of trace metals. Presented at Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 18-23. [Talk]
- Kumar, N.; Boye, K.; Noël, V.; Planer- Friedrich, B.; Bargar, J. R.; Brown, G. E. J.; Fendorf, S. (2019) Influence of redox interfaces on Arsenic mobility. Presented at Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 18-23. [Poster].
- Fendorf, S. (2019) From As to U—Central and complex controls of Fe and Mn on contaminant cycling. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference Barcelona, Spain, Aug 18-23. [Invited]
- Le pape, P.; Ona-Nguema, G.; Juillot, F.; Blanchard, M.; V., N.; Ikogou, M.; Brest, J.; Battaglia, F.; Casiot, C.; Bargar, J.; Morin, G. (2019) Formation mechanisms of trace metal-bearing sulfide minerals in acidic and saline environments. Presented at Goldschmidt Conference Barcelona, Spain, Aug 18-23. [Talk]
- Boye, K., (2019) Illuminating the mechanisms behind contaminant behavior in below-ground heterogeneous redox environments. Presented at MAXIV Workshop for X-ray and Neutron Imaging Applications. Presented at the Soil Sciences, Lund, Sweden, Jun 17-18. [Invited]
- Babey, T., Bobb, C., Perzan, Z., Maher, K. and Bargar, J. R. (2019). SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Modeling and Scaling of Biogeochemical Responses to Hydrologic Transitions in Floodplain Aquifers. Presented at the Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 30-May 1. [Poster]
- Boye, K., Kumar, N., Noël, V., Dewey, C. W., Tolar, B. B., Brown, G. E., Francis, C.A., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2019). SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Impact of reduced zones and hydrological-biogeochemical coupling on solute transport and groundwater quality. Presented at the Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 30-May 1. [Poster]
- Noël, V., Kumar, N., Boye, K., Kukkadapu, R., Bargar, J. R., Brown, G. E. and Williams, K. H. (2019). SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Mechanisms controlling colloid formation and impact on water quality in alluvial sediments. Presented at the Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 30-May 1. [Poster]
- Tolar, B. B., Boye, K., Bobb, C., Spielman, L. E., Cardarelli, E., Bargar, J. R. and Francis, C. A. (2019). SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Biogeochemical redox responses of soil microbial communities to seasonal hydrological transitions at Riverton, WY. Presented at the Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 30-May 1. [Poster]
- Cardarelli, E.L., Bargar, J.R., and C.A. Francis. (2019) Comparative metagenomics below-ground and potential water cycle interactions in the American West. Presented at the Southern California Geobiology Symposium, Pasadena, CA. Apr 6. [Poster]
- Boye, K., Noël, V., Kumar, N., Bargar, J., Fendorf, S. (2019) Understanding metal(loid) contaminant threats to shallow groundwater resources. Presented at the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, Region 2 meeting, Stanford, CA. Apr 6. [Invited]
- Cardarelli, E.L., Bargar, J.R., and C.A. Francis. (2019) Microbes in the American West: comparative metagenomics of subsurface communities reveals depth-specific metabolic strategies and potential water cycle interactions. Presented at the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute User Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Apr 3-4. [Poster]
- Bargar, J.R., Roycroft, S.R., Boye, K., Johnson, R., Noel, V., Perzan, Z., and Fendorf, S. (2019) Hydrological-geochemical controls over uranium mobility in unsaturated zone sediments. Presented at the 2019 Spring National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Orlando, FL, April 2. [Invited]
- Fendorf, S. (2019) A growing threat to global water resources and food security. Presented at the University of Michigan, Earth and Planetary Science Lecture Series. Mar 29. [Invited]
- Boye, K., Noël, V., Kumar, N., Bargar, J., Fendorf, S. (2019) How X-rays are helping us understand groundwater contaminant behavior. Presented at the SSRL monthly lunch seminar series, Menlo Park, CA. Mar 21. [Invited]
- Tolar, B. B., Boye, K., Bobb, C., Spielman, L. E., Francis, C. A. and Bargar, J. R. (2019). Microbial Signatures of Seasonal Redox Transitions in a Uranium-Contaminated Floodplain. Presented at the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Mar 1. [Talk]
- Cardarelli, E. L., Bargar, J. R. and Francis, C. A. (2019). Microbes of the American West: subsurface spatiotemporal dynamics reveal new taxa and critical watercycle interactions. Presented at the Caltech GPS Division “Geoclub” Seminar, Pasadena, CA. Feb 28. [Invited]
- Bargar, J. R., Noël, V., Bone, S. E., Roycroft, S., Dam, W. L., Johnson, R. H. and Williams, K. H. (2019) Redox, Hydrological, and Molecular Controls over Uranium Mobility in Redox-Variable Aquifers Presented at the Seaborg Institute Science Symposium Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Jan 18. [Invited]
- Noël, V., Ikogou, M., Le Pape, P., Ona-Nguema, G., Juillot, F., Blanchard, M., Brest, J., Baptiste, B., Landrot, G., Olivi, L., Bargar, J. R. and Morin, G. (2019). Crystal chemistry of trace elements in sulfide minerals: environmental implications. Presented at the Soleil User Meeting, Paris, France. Jan 17-18. [Invited]
- Bargar, J. R., Ulrich, K.-U., Cerrato, J. M., Lezama-Pacheco, J., Giammar, D. E., Campbell, K. M., Alessi, D. A., Bernier-Latmani, R., Williams, K. H. and Long, P. E. (2019). Hydrological-biogeochemical controls over uranium redox rates. Presented at the Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA. Jan 9. [Invited]
- Boye, K., Kumar, N., Noël, V., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2019). The power of reduction and its influence on arsenic and uranium mobility. Presented at the Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA. Jan 6-9. [Poster]
- Fendorf, S. (2019) Soils as open-system, integrated processors: Central controls on atmospheric and water composition. Presented at the Soil Science Society of America International Soils Meeting, San Diego, CA. Jan 6-9. [Invited]
Calendar Year 2018 Presentations
- Boye, K., Perzan, Z., Bobb, C. and Bargar, J. R. (2018). SLAC-SFA: Groundwater Quality Science Focus Area, Field Site: Riverton, WY. Presented at the Northern Arapaho Natural Resource Office’s 3rd Annual Environmental Meeting, Riverton, WY. Nov 15. [Poster]
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Kukkadapu, R. and Bargar, J. R. (2018). Coupled hydrologyredox controls over U mobility in shallow contaminated sediments. Presented at the International Conference Uranium Biogeochemistry, Monte Veritá Ascona, Switzerland. Oct 21-26. [Talk]
- Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Jones, M.A.; Cahill, M.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K.; Boye, K.; Noel, V.; Bargar, J.R. (2018) Integrating imaging techniques for elucidating coupled nutrient and contaminant biogeochemical cycles. SSRL User Meeting. Sep. 25-28. [Invited]
- Bargar, J. R. (2018). Biogeochemical controls on uranium reactivity in aquifers and shales. Presented at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Earth Sciences Division Scientific Seminar Series, Berkeley, CA. Sept 6. [Invited]
- Trusiak, A., Treibergs, L., Kling, G., Bargar, J., Noël, V. and Cory, R. (2018). The Role of Iron Complexation in the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and CO2 in Arctic Soil Waters. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Talk]
- Merrot, P., Juillot, F., Noël, V., Viollier, E., Menguy, N., Bargar, J. and Morin, G. (2018). Crystal-Chemistry of Trace Metals in the Lagoon Sediments of New Caledonia. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Talk]
- Kumar, N., Noël, V., Boye, K., Besold, J., Planer-Friedrich, B., Fendorf, S. and Brown, G. (2018). Behavior of As(III) and As(V) during Ferrihydrite Sulfidation. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Talk]
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Kukkadapu, R. and Bargar, J. (2018). Combining Hydrology and Redox Cycling: A New Model to Consider for U Transport? . Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Cory, R., Trusiak, A., Ward, C., Kling, G., Noël, V. and Bargar, J. (2018). Role of Iron in Dissolved Organic Carbon Degradation in the Arctic. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Invited]
- Boye, K., Herrmann, A. M., Bobb, C., Tolar, B., Noël, V., Bargar, J. R., Maher, K and Fendorf, S. (2018). Microbial energetics, carbon, and the progression of redox reactions in flooded soils. Presented at the Goldschmidt, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Poster]
- Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Jones, M.A.; Cahill, M.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K.; Boye, K.; Noel, V.; Bargar, J.R. (2018) Influences of Organic Matter on Uranium Retention and Mobilization in Contaminated Aquifers. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17 [Keynote]
- Maher, K. (2018). A Field Guide to Experimenting with Biogeochemical Models. Theme 12f: Identifying and Modeling Mechanistic Drivers of Elemental Cycles Across the Critical Zone. Presented at the Goldschmidt 2018 Conference, Boston, MA. Aug 12-17. [Poster]
- Bone, S.E., Cliff, J.; Jones, M.A.; Cahill, M.; Roycroft, S.; Fendorf, S.; Davis, J.; Williams, K.; Boye, K.; Noel, V.; Bargar, J.R. (2018) Impact of organic matter type on uranium complexation in anoxic contaminated sediments: a combined NanoSIMS and x-ray spectromicroscopy study. EMSL Integration Meeting. Richland, WA. August 6-8 [Invited]
- Boye, K., Herrmann, A. M., Tfaily, M. M., Schaefer, M., Noël, V., Bargar, J. and Fendorf, S. (2018). Carbon in transit – implications of microbial energetics for carbon and contaminant fate in transitory systems. Presented at the Organic Geochemistry Gordon Research Conference, Holderness, NH. Jul 29-Aug 3. [Invited]
- Bargar, J. R., Noël, V., Boye, K., Bobb, C., Cardarelli, E., Fendorf, S., Maher, K. and Francis, C. A. (2018). Multi-technique synchrotron investigations of metal and radionuclide behavior in complex biogeochemical systems. Presented at the National Meeting of the Swedish Chemical Society, Satellite meeting on The Future of Chemistry with MAX IV and ESS, Lund, Sweden. Jun 20. [Keynote]
- Bargar, J. R., Noël, V., Boye, K., Bobb, C., Cardarelli, E., Kukkadapu, R., Fendorf, S., Maher, K. and Francis, C. A. (2018). Iron-sulfur redox cycling and contaminant mobility in the upper Colorado River Basin. Presented at the Clay Minerals Society 55th Annual Meeting, Urbana-Champaign, IL. Jun 11. [Invited]
- Dewey, C., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2018). Impacts of Ca on U(VI) reduction. Presented at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. May 8. [Invited]
- Roycroft, S., Noël, V., Bargar, J. R., Boye, K., Fendorf, S., Francis, C. A. and Maher, K. (2018). SLAC-SFA: Groundwater Quality SFA, Hydrologically driven biogeochemical processes controlling groundwater quality. Presented at the 2019 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Poster]
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Bargar, J. R., Kukkadapu, R. and Williams, K. (2018). SLAC SFA:Groundwater Quality SFA, Contaminant response to hydrologic transitions in transiently-reduced zones. Presented at the 2018 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Poster]
- Bobb, C., Maher, K., Boye, K., Noël, V., Bargar, J. R., Dam, W. L., Frazier, W. and Johnson, R. H. (2018). SLAC-SFA: Groundwater Quality SFA. Biogeochemical-Hydrologic Coupling in the Capillary Fringe at the Riverton, WY Site. Presented at the 2018 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Poster]
- Cardarelli, E. L., Boye, K., Dam, W. L., Bargar, J. R. and Francis, C. A. (2018). SLAC-SFA: Groundwater Quality SFA, Microbial niche partitioning at the soilgroundwater interface in transiently reduced floodplains. Presented at the 2018 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Poster]
- Boye, K., Tfaily, M. M., Noël, V., Schaefer, M., Herrmann, A. M., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2018). Implications of microbial energetics for carbon fate in floodplain soils and groundwater. Presented at the US DOE ESS Annual PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. May 1-2. [Invited]
- Cardarelli, E. L., Bargar, J. R. and Francis, C. A. (2018). Microbes of the West: niche partitioning and new phyla in the depths of the terrestrial subsurface. Presented at the Southern California Geobiology Symposium, Riverside, CA. April 21. [Talk]
- Fendorf, S. (2018). The unforeseen metabolic constraint on soil carbon mineralization. Presented at the Harwood Lecturer, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. April 10. [Invited]
- Fendorf, S. (2018). Sustaining Groundwater Quality in the 21st Century: Soil Processes as Solutions and Threats. Presented at the Harwood Lecturer, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. April 8. [Invited]
- Bargar, J. R., Roycroft, S., Noël, V., Boye, K., Johnson, R., Dam, W. L. and Fendorf, S. (2018). Vertical transport of uranium in the unsaturated zone: A likely plume persistence mechanism. Presented at the ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. Mar 19-21. [Talk]
- Roycroft, S., Noël, V., Boye, K., Johnson, R. H., Dam, W. L., Fendorf, S. E. and Bargar, J. R. (2018). Vertical transport of Uranium in the unsaturated zone: a likely plume persistence mechanisms. Presented at the American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA. Mar 18-22. [Talk]
- Boye, K., Müehe, M. and Fendorf, S. (2018). Current and future challenges to rice production. Presented at the Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden. Jan 30-31. [Invited]
Calendar Year 2017 Presentations
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Bone, S. E., Kukkadapu, R., Dynes, J., Lezama-Pacheco, J. S., Cardarelli, E. L., Williams, K. H., Fendorf, S. and Bargar, J. R. (2017). Redox constraints on shallow alluvial sediments: Implications for U mobility. Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
- Müller, A. L., Fendorf, S., Francis, C. A., Bargar, J. R. and Spormann, A. M. (2017). Spatial constraints on microbial metabolic activity in anaerobic environments. Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
- Maher K. (2017) Response of hydrologic interfaces to hydrologic fluctuations: the ultimate control on water quality. Gordon Conference on Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology and Geochemistry. Bates College, Lewiston, ME. June 25 – 30. [Keynote]
- Stetten, L., Mangeret, A., Seder-Colomina, J., Cazala, C., Brest, J., Othmane, G., Bargar, J. R. and Morin, G. (2017). Uranium scavenging in lake sediments: Importance of mononuclear U(IV) species and ningyoite. TE radionuclides in the environment. Presented at the ICOBTE 2017, Zurich, Switzerland. July 16-20. [Oral]
- Dynes, J., Noel, V., Bone, S. E. and Bargar, J. (2017). Investigation of Organic Matter in Uranium-Enriched Sediments. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France. Aug 16 [Oral]
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Kukkadapu, R., Lezama-Pacheco, J., Fendorf, S., Roycroft, S. J.and Bargar, J. (2017). Fe and S Speciation to Track Redox Constraints on Shallow Alluvial Sediments: Implications for U Storage and Stability. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France. August 18. [Oral]
- Kumar N.; Noël V.; Brown G.E. Jr. (2017) Fate of Arsenic during Sulfidation of FeIII-(oxyhydr)oxides. Presented at the Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France. August 18. [Poster]
- Cardarelli, E. L., Bargar, J. R., Dam, W. L., Johnson, R. H. and Francis, C.A. (2017). Effects of microbial communities on uranium oxidation andmobilization in the presence of nitrate, nitrite, and oxygen. Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
- Boye, K., Tfaily, M. M., Herrmann, A. M., Noël, V., Bargar, J. and Fendorf, S. (2017). Carbon in transit – implications of microbial energetics for carbon and contaminant fate in transitory systems. Presented at the SSSA Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. Oct 22-25. [Invited]
- Boye, K., Tfaily, M.M., Herrmann, A. M., Noël, V., Bargar, J.R., Fendorf, S. (2017). Carbon in transit – implications of microbial energetics for carbon and contaminant fate in transitory systems. Presented at Goldschmidt, Paris, France. Aug 13-18. [Poster]
- Stetten, L., Mangeret, A., Seder-Colomina, J., Cazala, C., Brest, J., Othmane, G., Bargar, J.R. and Morin, G. (2017). Uranium scavenging in lake sediments: Importance of mononuclear U(IV) species and ningyoite. Presented at ICOBTE 2017, Zurich, Switzerland. Jul 16-20. [Oral]
- Boye, K., Noël, V., Bobb, C., Cardarelli, E.L., Dam, W.L., Johnson, R.H., Kukkadapu, R., Tfaily, M., Pasa-Tolic, L., Fendorf, S., Francis, C.A., Maher, K. and Bargar, J.R. (2017). Hydrologically driven process coupling between biogeochemical cycles and solute transport in transiently saturated sediments at the Riverton site (WY). Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
- Cardarelli, E.L., Bargar, J.R., Dam, W.L., Johnson, R.H. and Francis, C.A. (2017). Effects of microbial communities on uranium oxidation and mobilization in the presence of nitrate, nitrite, and oxygen. Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
- Müller, A.L., Fendorf, S., Francis, C.A., Bargar, J.R. and Spormann, A.M. (2017). Spatial constraints on microbial metabolic activity in anaerobic environments. Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Bone, S. E., Kukkadapu, R., Dynes, J., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., Cardarelli, E.L., Williams, K.H., Fendorf, S. and Bargar, J.R. (2017). Redox constraints on shallow alluvial sediments: Implications for U mobility. Presented at the 2017 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. Apr 25-26. [Poster]
- Dam, William L., Gil, April, Johnson, Raymond H., Campbell, Sam, Bargar, John R. and Picel, Mary. (2017). Long-term stewardship at a former uranium mill tailings site in Riverton, Wyoming - 17090. Presented at the WM2017 Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Mar 5-9. [Oral]
- Bargar, J. R., Noël, V., Bone, S. E., Roycroft, S., Dam, W. L., Johnson, R. H. and Williams, K. H. (2017) Redox controls over uranium mobility in hydrologically variable aquifers. Presented at the Synchrotron Environmental Science Symposium 7: Illuminating the Links Between Environmental Science and Human Health, Brookhaven, NY. Oct 30. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., Noël, V.N., Bone, S., Roycroft, S., Williams, K.H., Dam, R. and Johnson R. (2017) Redox, Hydrological, and Molecular Controls over Uranium Mobility in Redox-Variable Aquifers. Presented the 2017 Goldschmidt Geochemistry conference, Paris, France, Aug, 15 [Keynote]
- Bargar, J.R., Jew, A.D., Harrison, A.L., Kohli, A., Kiss, A., Li, Q.L., Maher, K., and Brown, G.E., Jr. Geochemistry of Shale-Fluid Reactions at Pore and Fracture Scales. Presented the 2017 Goldschmidt Geochemistry conference, Paris, France, Aug, 16 [Talk]
- Bargar, J.R., Bone, S.E., Cliff, J., Dynes, J., Janot, N., and Noël, V. (2017) Molecular controls over uranium mobility in complex redox-active sediment system. Presented at the 253rd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 3. [Talk]
Calendar Year 2016 Presentations
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Bargar, J.R., Maher, K., Bone, S. E., Cardarelli, E.L., Dam, W.L. and Johnson, R.H. (2016) Biogeochemical constraints on uranium cycling in redox active floodplain sediments. Presented at AGU, San Francisco, CA. Dec 12-16. [oral]
- Barragan, L., Boye, K., Bargar, J.R. and Fendorf, S.E. (2016) Microbial metabolic response to carbon sources in a uranium contaminated floodplain. Presented at AGU, San Francisco, CA. Dec 12-16. [poster]
- Cardarelli, E.L., Bargar, J.R., Williams, K.H., Dam, W.L. and Francis, C.A. (2016) The influence of nitrate, nitrite, and dissolved oxygen on uranium oxidation in the presence of a sediment microbial community. Presented at AGU, San Francisco, CA. Dec 12-16. [oral]
- Cardarelli, E.L., Bargar, J.R., Dam, W.L. and Francis, C.A. (2016). Characterization of nitrogen-cycling microbial communities impacting uranium release in the Colorado River Basin. Presented at the 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 16), Montreal, Canada. Aug 21-24. [poster]
- Fendorf, S. (2016) The coupled iron and carbon cycle within soils and sediments. Presented at the Fe Biogeochemistry TSRC Workshop, CO. Aug 1-4. [oral]
- Fendorf, S. and Keiluweit, M. (2016) Anaerobic constraints as regulators of organic carbon oxidation in soils. Presented at Goldschmidt, Yokohama, Japan. June 26-July 1. [keynote]
- Boye, K., Noël, V., Cardarelli, E., Tfaily, M., Dam, W. L., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2016). Imprints of thermodynamic constraints on microbial carbon oxidation in floodplains. Presented at the 2016 Goldschmidt Conference, Yokohama, Japan. 30 Jun. [oral]
- Bargar, J. R., Bone, S. E. and Janot, N. (2016). Redox and coordination environment: Controls over uranium chemistry in complex natural sediments. Presented at the International Symposium on Metal Complexes, Barcelona, Spain. 7-10 Jun. [invited plenary]
- Bargar, J. R., Bone, S. E., Boye, K., Lezama-Pacheco, J., Noël, V., Cardarelli, E., Jones, M. E., Fendorf, S., Francis, C. A., Spormann, A. M., Long, P. E. and Williams, K. H. (2016). Aquifer anaerobic heterogeneities: Molecular controls over carbon fate and radionuclide cycling. Presented at the 2016 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. 27 Apr. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R., Bone, S. E., Jones, M. E., Dam, W. L., Johnson, R. H., Dynes, J., Cliff, J. and Fendorf, S. (2016). Molecular controls over uranium mobility in organic-rich sediments. Presented at the 2016 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. 27 Apr. [poster]
- Bargar, J. R., Cardarelli, E., Boye, K., Dam, W. L., Johnson, R. H., Williams, K. H. and Francis, C. A. (2016). Diversity and biogeography of subsurface nitrogen-cycling communities at uranium-contaminated DOE legacy sites in the upper Colorado River Basin. Presented at the 2016 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. 27 Apr. [poster]
- Bargar, J. R., Fendorf, S., Francis, C. A., Maher, K. and Spormann, A. M. (2016). Coupled cycling of organic matter, uranium, and biogeochemical critical elements in subsurface systems. Presented at the 2016 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. 27 Apr. [poster]
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Müller, A. L., Bone, S. E., Cardarelli, E., Lezama-Pacheco, J., Lefebvre, P., Williams, K. H., Dam, W. L., Johnson, R. H., Kukkadapu, R., Tfaily, M., Chu, R. K., Pasa-Tolic, L., Spormann, A. M., Fendorf, S. and Bargar, J. R. (2016). Mechanistic linkages between floodplain critical element and contaminant redox cycles. Presented at the 2016 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting, Potomac, MD. 27 Apr. [poster]
- Cardarelli, E., Bargar, J. R., Williams, K. H., Dam, W. L. and Francis, C. A. (2016). Metagenomic characterization of nitrogen-cycling microbial communities impacting uranium release in the upper Colorado River Basin. Presented at the Joint Genome Institute’s Annual User Meeting, Walnut Creek, CA. 22-24 Apr. [poster]
- Lefebvre, P., Noël, V., Jemison, N., Weaver, K., Bargar, J. R. and Maher, K. A. (2016). Uranium bio-accumulation and cycling as revealed by uranium isotopes in naturally reduced sediments from the Upper Colorado River Basin. Presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria. 17-22 Apr. [poster]
- Bargar, J. R., Bone, S. E., Lezama-Pacheco, J., Alessi, D. S., Cerrato, J. M., Veeramani, H., Noël, V., Suvorova, E., Bernier-Latmani, R., Giammar, D. E., Long, P. E. and Williams, K. H. (2016). Impact of redox conditions on interfacial uranium chemistry in complex natural sediments. Presented at the 251st ACS National Conference, San Diego, CA. 14 Mar. [invited]
- Noël, V., Boye, K., Bargar, J.R., Lefebvre, P., Maher, K., Bone, S. E., Lezama-Pacheco, J., Cardarelli, E.L., Dam, W.L. and Johnson, R.H. (2016) Regional importance of organic-rich sediments to uranium mobility in the upper Colorado River Basin. Presented at the 251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA. Mar 14. [oral]
- Fendorf, S. (2016). Threats to groundwater quality during managed aquifer recharge. Presented at the Annual conference of Association of Ground Water Agencies and American Ground Water Trust on “Everything aquifers and groundwater management”, Ontario, CA. 17-18 Feb. [invited]
- Fendorf. S. (2016) Soil and sediment impacts on water quality. Presented atthe Watershed Forum of the Peninsula Conservation Society, Palo Alto, CA. Jan 25. [oral]
- Johnson, R. H., W. L. Dam, S. Campbell, V. Noel, S. E. Bone, J. R. Bargar and J. Dayvault (2016). Persistent secondary contaminant sources at a former uranium mill site. IMWA Conference 2016. Leipzig, Germany. [poster]
- Johnson, R. H., W. L. Dam, S. Campbell, V. Nöel, S. E. Bone, J. R. Bargar and J. Dayvault (2016). Persistent secondary contaminant sources at a former uranium mill site, Riverton, Wyoming USA. IMWA Conference 2016. Leipzig, Germany. [poster]
Calendar Year 2015 Presentations
- Jones, M. E., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. E. (2015). Inhibition mechanism of uranyl reduction induced by calcium-carbonato complexes Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 16 Dec. [oral]
- Bone, S. E., Dynes, J. J., Cliff, J. and Bargar, J. R. (2015). Spectromicroscopic and spectroscopic investigation of U(IV) speciation in model mineral-organic matter assemblages. Uranium Mobility in the Environment II. Presented at the AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. [oral]
- Boye, K., Noël, V., Tfaily, M., Dam, W. L., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2015). Carbon characteristics and biogeochemical processes of uranium accumulating organic matter rich sediments in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Presented at the AGU annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. [oral]
- Cardarelli, E., Bargar, J. R., Williams, K. H., Dam, W. L. and Francis, C. A. (2015). Subsurface nitrogen-cycling microbial communities at uranium contaminated sites in the Colorado River Basin. Presented at the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. 14-18 Dec. [poster]
- Fendorf, S. (2015). Anticipating and avoiding metal contamination of groundwater during managed aquifer recharge. Presented at the Groundwater Resource Association of California’s symposium on “Naturally Occurring Compounds of Regulatory Concern”, Garden Grove, CA. 18-19 Nov. [invited]
- Boye, K., Noël, V., Tfaily, M., Bone, S. E., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2015). Organic matter chemistry in floodplain soils and sediments – implications for uranium retention. Presented at the SSSA annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN. 15-18 Nov. [oral]
- Jones, M. E. (2015). Diffusion-limitation on uranium cycling in organic-rich sediments contributes to plume persistence in a contaminated aquifer. Presented at the The International Symposium on Persistent Toxic Substances (ISPTS), Riverside, CA. 15-17 Nov. [invited]
- Boye, K., Noël, V., Cardarelli, E., Tfaily, M., Bargar, J. R. and Fendorf, S. (2015). Carbon characteristics and biogeochemical processes of uranium accumulating organic matter rich sediments in the upper colorado river basin. Presented at the LCLS/SSRL Annual Users' Meeting, Menlo Park, CA. 7-10 Oct. [invited]
- Bone, S. E., Dynes, J. J., Cliff, J. and Bargar, J. R. (2015). Nanocrystalline and non-crystalline U(IV) in the subsurface. Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Materials and their Role in Biogeochemical Element Cycling, Pollutant Remediation and Radioactive Waste Disposal. Presented at the 2015 Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, CZ. 21 Aug. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R., Williams, K. H., Bone, S. E., Boye, K., Janot, N. and Noël, V. (2015). Uranium biogeochemistry: Nanometer to regional scales. Presented at the 2015 Goldschmidt Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. 19 Aug. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R. (2015). Why little matters: Fluid-mineral interactions from mineral and microbial surfaces to pores. Presented at the 2015 Basic Research Needs for Environmental Management Workshop, Bethesda, MD. 8 Jul. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R. (2015). Synchrotron techniques for subsurface metal contaminant science and remediation. DOE Legacy Management. Grand Junction, CO. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R., S. E. Bone, K. Boye, R. Bush, W. L. Dam, J. A. Davis, S. E. Fendorf, S. Fakhreddine, C. A. Francis, N. Janot, M. Kautsky, J. Lezama-Pacheco, J. Linard, K. Maher, V. Noël, M. E. Jones, P. E. Long, A. M. Spormann, B. B. Tolar and K. H. Williams (2015). Coupling between subsurface organic matter, sediment microbial processes, and uranium biogeochemistry. 2015 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R., S. Fendorf, C. A. Francis, K. Maher and A. M. Spormann (2015). Coupled cycling of organic matter, uranium, and biogeochemical critical elements in subsurface systems. 2015 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Bargar, J. R., G. E. Brown, M. Dustin, A. E. Harrison, J. A.D., C. Joe-Wong and K. A. Maher (2015). Geochemical control of shale fracture and matrix permeability. Shales without Scales Workshop. Santa Fe, NM. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R., N. Janot, D. Pham, M. E. Jones, S. E. Bone, J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, S. Fendorf, K. H. Williams and P. E. Long (2015). Influence of natural organic matter on uranium mobility in the upper Colorado River Basin. 249th ACS National Meeting. Denver, CO. [oral]
- Bargar, J. R., V. Noel, K. Boye, K. H. Williams, S. E. Bone, E. Cardarelli, J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, C. Patty, S. Fendorf, R. P. Bush, J. Dayvault, W. L. Dam, M. Kautsky and J. Linard (2015). Biogeochemistry of U(IV) and carbon in organic-rich sediments in the upper Colorado River Basin. 2015 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Fendorf, S., C. A. Francis, A. M. Spormann, M. E. Jones, B. B. Tolar and J. R. Bargar (2015). Molecular pathways of U(VI) reduction in organic-rich sediments. 2015 Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Fendorf, S., D. Hausladen and S. Ying (2015). Combined impact of (bio)chemical and physical processes in defining metal dynamics within soils. American Chemical Society, Spring Meeting. Denver, CO. [invited keynote]
Calendar Year 2014 Presentations
- Akinleye, A. A., S. E. Bone and J. R. Bargar (2014). Reduction of uranium by bacterial products. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Menlo Park, CA. [poster]
- Bargar, J. R. (2014). Bioremediation to plume persistence: Uranium biogeochemistry in bioreduced aquifer sediments. Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory. Richland, WA. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R. (2014). Bioremediation to plume persistence: Uranium biogeochemistry in bioreduced aquifer sediments. Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of Nevada Reno and Desert Research Institute. Reno, NV. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R. (2014). Impact of sediment organic matter on long-term uranium mobility. DOE-Navajo-Hopi Spring 2014 Quarterly Meeting. Durango, CO. [invited]
- Bargar, J. R., S. Fendorf, C. A. Francis, A. M. Spormann, S. E. Bone, N. Janot and M. E. Jones (2014). SLAC-SFA: Coupled cycling of organic matter, uranium, and biogeochemical critical elements in subsurface systems. 2014 TES SBR PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Bargar, J. R., N. Janot, D. S. Alessi, M. E. Jones, K. H. Williams, P. E. Long, R. Bernier-Latmani and J. M. Cerrato (2014). Bioremediation to plume persistence: Uranium biogeochemistry in naturally and artificially bioreduced aquifer sediments. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA. [oral]
- Bargar, J. R., N. Janot, M. E. Jones, S. E. Bone, J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, S. E. Fendorf, P. E. Long, K. H. Williams and R. P. Bush (2014). Importance of organic matter-uranium biogeochemistry to uranium plume persistence in the Upper Colorado River Basin. 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, CA. Abstract B21B-0040. [poster]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., M. Stylo, Y. Wang, P. Shao, J. R. Bargar, N. Neubert and S. Weyer (2014). Molecular-scale interactions of organic and inorganic pollutants with mineral, organic, and biological surfaces. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA. [invited]
- Bone, S. E., J. Dynes, T. Regier, M. E. Jones, S. Fendorf and J. R. Bargar (2014). U(IV) complexation by sedimentary organic matter. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA. [oral]
- Bone, S. E., N. Janot, S. Fendorf, M. E. Jones, K. H. Williams, P. E. Long, S. D. Wullschleger, E. Herndon, B. Gu, J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, J. M. Cerrato, D. E. Giammar, E. Suvorova, D. S. Alessi, R. Bernier-Latmani and J. R. Bargar (2014). SLAC-SFA: Characterization of uranium and biogeochemical critical elements in organic-rich sediments. 2014 TES SBR PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Bone, S. E., N. Janot, S. E. Fendorf and J. R. Bargar (2014). Natural organic matter controls on U in the subsurface. 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU. San Francisco, CA. Abstract B12A-04. [oral]
- Bone, S. E., M. E. Jones, S. E. Fendorf, J. Dynes, T. Regier and J. R. Bargar (2014). What is the speciation of U(IV) in organic-rich sediments. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA. Abstract Gold2014-2977. [oral]
- Bone, S. E., J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, M. E. Jones, K. Boye, E. Cardarelli, S. E. Fendorf and J. R. Bargar (2014). Uranium behavior in contaminated aquifers: linking the molecular and floodplain scales to understand regional behavior. SSRL Annual User Meeting 2014. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA. [oral]
- Cerrato, J. M., J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, K. H. Williams, P. E. Long, D. S. Alessi, E. Suvorova, R. Bernier-Latmani, D. E. Giammar and J. R. Bargar (2014). Effect of groundwater solutes on uraninite stability: Laboratory and field studies. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA. [oral]
- Dublet, G., G. E. Brown, J. R. Bargar, N. Janot and S. Fendorf (2014). Effect of humic substances on the affinity of ferrihydrite for U(VI). 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA. [poster]
- Fendorf, S., M. E. Jones, S. E. Bone and J. R. Bargar (2014). SLAC-SFA: Uranium biogeochemistry in organic-rich sediments: Laboratory analog studies. 2014 TES SBR PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Fendorf, S., M. Keiluweit, M. Kleber and P. S. Nico (2014). Complexity in soil biogeochemical processes arising from aggregate-scale heterogeneity. Complex Soil Systems Conference. Berkeley, CA. [invited]
- Fendorf, S., M. Massey, J. E. Jones, J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, G. Dublet, G. E. Brown, P. Nico and E. Ilton (2014). Subsurface conditions controlling uranium retention pathways. 2014 TES SBR PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Gu, B., E. M. Herndon, B. Mann, J. R. Bargar, S. D. Wullschleger, D. Graham and L. Liang (2014). Reactions of soil organic matter with iron and iron-oxides on its sorption, transport and degradation. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA. [poster]
- Gu, B., E. M. Herndon, M. F. Mann, T. R. Chowdhury, J. R. Bargar, S. D. Wullschleger, D. Graham and L. Liyan (2014). Biogeochemical processes affecting Arctic tundra soil organic matter degradation and greenhouse gas emission. 2014 TES SBR PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Herndon, E., B. Mann, J. R. Bargar, D. Graham, S. D. Wullschleger, B. Gu and L. Liang (2014). Geochemical drivers of organic matter degradation in Arctic tundra. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento CA. [oral]
- Jones, M. E., J. R. Bargar and S. Fendorf (2014). Diffusion-limited controls on U, Fe, and S cycling in organic-rich sediments. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA.
- Schaefer, M., S. Fendorf, M. Keiluweit, J. E. Jones, S. E. Bone and J. R. Bargar (2014). Variation in microbial processes controlling carbon mineralization within wetland soils. 2014 TES SBR PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Sharp, J., S. M. Webb and J. R. Bargar (2014). Geochemical zonation linked to microbial spatial distribution and microbe-mineral interactions in metal-immobilizing systems. 2014 TES SBR PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
- Stubbs, J. E., P. J. Eng, C. A. Biwer, A. M. Chaka and J. R. Bargar (2014). Oxidative corrosion of uraninite (UO2) surfaces. 247th ACS National Meeting. Dallas, TX. [poster]
- Tee, F. M., M. E. Jones, S. E. Bone, M. Schaefer and S. E. Fendorf (2014). Characterization of organic carbon in sediments from Old Rifle, CO, a former uranium mill. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Menlo Park, CA.[poster]
- Williams, K. H. and J. R. Bargar (2014). A floodplain perspective on elemental cycling and uranium plume persistence. 2014 Goldschmidt Conference. Sacramento, CA.
- Williams, K. H., S. S. Hubbard, A. F. Orozco, M. Bucker, C. Hobson, H. Wainwright, B. Dafflon, M. Conrad, T. Tokunaga and J. R. Bargar (2014). Floodplains as biogeochemical reactors: Using multi-scale approaches to quantify hot spots and hot moments at DOE's Rifle, Colorado field site. 2014 TES SBR PI Meeting. Potomac, MD. [poster]
Calendar Year 2013 Presentations
- Jones, M.E., N. Janot, J.R. Bargar, and S. Fendorf. “Porosity and Organic Carbon Controls on Naturally Reduced Zone (NRZ) Formation Creating Microbial ‘Hotspots’ for Fe, S, and U Cycling in Subsurface Sediments”. Presented at the American Geophysical Union 2013 Fall Meeting, symposium H41H. Overcoming Remediation Barriers and Improving the Understanding of Processes Controlling Contaminant Transport III, San Francisco, CA, December 12, 2013. [poster]
- Dublet, G., G.E. Brown, J. Bargar, S.E. Fendrof, and N. Janot. “Effect of Humic Substances on the Trapping and Transformations of U(VI) by Ferrihydrite”. Presented at the American Geophysical Union 2013 Fall Meeting, symposium B31C. Soil Change and Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in the Anthropocene IV, San Francisco, CA, December 11, 2013. [poster]
- Herndon, E., T.R. Chowdhury, B.F. Mann, D.E. Graham, J. Bargar, B. Gu, and L. Liang. “Chemical and spectroscopic analyses of organic matter transformation in warming tundra soils”. Presented at the American Geophysical Union 2013 Fall Meeting, symposium B23I. Soil Change and Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in the Anthropocene II, San Francisco, CA, December 10, 2013. [oral]
- Bargar, J.R. “The “Undercover” Life of Uranium in Aquifers; Why it Matters to Energy and the Environment”. Presented at the Lockheed Martin Palo Alto Colloquium, Palo Alto, CA, October 17, 2013. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R. “X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigations of biogeochemical dynamics of uranium, sulfur, and iron in reduced sediments”. Presented at the International Association of Hydrologists Symposium on Determining the Hydrogeochemistry, Transport and Fate of Uranium in the Context of Environmental Outcomes, Perth, Australia, Sept 21-22, 2013. [Invited]
- Stylo, M., D.S. Alessi, P.P. Shao, J. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, J.R., and R. Bernier-Latmani, “Biogeochemical Controls on the Product of Microbial U(VI) Reduction”. Presented at the 2014 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium 10f: Microbe/Mineral Interfaces and their Role in Biomineralization Processes, Florence, Italy, August 26, 2013. [oral]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., P.P. Shao, L.R. Comolli, M. Stylo, D.S. Alessi, and J.R. Bargar. “Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances Modulate the Product of Uranium Biomineralization”. Presented at the 2014 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium 10f: Microbe/Mineral Interfaces and their Role in Biomineralization Processes, Florence, Italy, August 26, 2013. [oral]
- Alessi, D., N. Janot, J. Lezama-Pacheco, E. Suvorova, J. Cerrato, D.E. Giammar, P. Fox, K.H. Williams, P.E. Long, K. Handley, K. Wrighton, C. Miller, L. Yang, R. Bernier-Latmani, and J.R. Bargar. “Speciation of Uranium Products Formed during in situ Biostimulation of the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer”. Presented at the 2014 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium 18d: Trace element dynamics in mining impacted environments and integrated remediation solutions, Florence, Italy, August 27, 2013. [oral]
- Janot, N., J. Lezama-Pacheco, D. Alessi, R. Bernier-Latmani, E. Suvorova, J. Cerrato, D. Giammar, L. Yang, J. Davis, P. Fox, K. Williams, P. Long, K. Handley, and J.R. Bargar. “Fe and S Redox Cycling during a Biostimulation Episode at the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer”. Presented at the 2014 Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy, August 28, 2013. [oral]
- Jones, M.E., N. Janot, J.R. Bargar, and S. Fendorf. “Effects of Sediment Porosity and Particulate Organic Carbon on Fe, S and U Cycling in Naturally Reduced Zones (NRZs) of a Contaminated Aquifer”. Presented at the 2014 Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy, August 26, 2013. [oral]
- Stubbs, J., P. Eng, C. Biwer, A. Chaka, G. Waychunas, and J. Bargar. “Oxidative Corrosion of Uraninite (UO2) Surfaces”. Presented at the 2014 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium 10a: Geochemical Processes at Mineral-Water Interfaces: Insight from Macroscopic, Spectroscopic, and Computational Methods, Florence, Italy, August 27, 2013. [oral]
- Bargar, J.R. “Progress in understanding uranium redox transitions in reduced sediments”. Presented at the Department of Energy, Office of Legacy Management, Grand Junction, CO, Aug 7, 2013. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., Shao, P.P., Comolli, L.R., Bargar, J.R., Alessi, D.S. and M. Stylo. “Microbial uranium reduction: a tale of two products”. Swiss Society for Microbiology meeting, Interlaken, Switzerland, June 26, 2013. [Invited]
- Brown, G.E., Jr., J.R. Bargar, K. Maher, S. Fendorf, G. Dublet, N. Janot, M. Massey, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, and D.L. Clark. “Environmental Geochemistry of the Light Actinides”. Presented at the Institut de Minéralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condensés (IMPMC), Université Paris VI, Paris, France, June 24, 2013. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R.. “Progress in understanding uranium redox transitions in reduced sediments”. Presented at the Max IV/BECC Workshop on Synchrotron Radiation in Environmental and Soil Science, Lund, Sweden, May 30, 2013. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R, Alessi, D.S., Shao, P.P., Stylo, M., Suvorova, E.I., Bargar, J.R., and Lezama-Pacheco, J.S. “The remediation of aquifer U(VI) contamination using microorganisms”. Presented at the E-MRS 2013 Spring meeting, Symposium 13 E: Scientific basis of the nuclear fuel cycle Strasbourg, May 27, 2013. [Invited]
- Giammar, D.E.. “Biogeochemical processes influence the mobility of uranium in the environment.” Presented at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, May 22, 2013. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, P.E. Long, and K.H. Williams. “Synchrotron and biogeochemical techniques to understand biogeochemical critical element cycling at molecular to pore scales”. Presented at the 2013 TES/SBR Investigators Meeting, Session on Investigating Biogeochemical Processes Using Advanced Technologies, Potomac, MD, May 15, 2013. [Invited]
- Fendorf, S. "Deciphering Molecular-Scale Processes to Describe Field-Scale Phenomena in Carbon and Metal Cycling". Presented at the 2013 TES/SBR Investigators Meeting, Plenary Session, Potomac, MD, May 14, 2013. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., D.S. Alessi, P.P. Shao, M. Stylo, E.I. Suvorova, D.E. Giammar, José M. Cerrato, Matthew N. Ashner, J.R. Bargar, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, N. Janot, K.H. Williams, P.E. Long, L.R. Comolli, and K. Handley. “SLAC SFA: Molecular-scale biogeochemical controls over uranium, sulfur, and iron redox cycling in the subsurface”. Presented at the 2013 TES/SBR Investigators Meeting, Potomac, MD, May 14-15, 2013. [poster]
- Jones, M.E., J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, S.E. Fendorf, G.E. Brown Jr., P.E. Long, K.H. Williams, N. Janot, D. Nordlund, D.Q. Pham, T. O’Brien, J.R. Bargar, and P. Persson. SLAC-SFA: “Biogeochemical controls over C, S, Fe and U redox cycling in NOM-rich aquifer sediments”. Presented at the 2013 TES/SBR Investigators Meeting, Potomac, MD, May 14-15, 2013. [poster]
- Bargar, J.R.. “Uranium redox processes in biologically reduced sediments”. Presented at the Canadian Light Source 2013 Annual Users Meeting, Workshop on Green Mining: Synchrotron Approaches and Applications, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, May 2, 2013. [Invited]
- Brown, G.E., Jr., K. Maher, K.D. Bird, N.C. Johnson, B. Thomas, R.J. Rosenhauer, T. Kendelewicz, S., Yamamoto, J.T. Newberg, S. Kaya, H. Bluhm, A. Nilsson, Y. Wang, J.R. Bargar, A. Jew, A.C. Cismasu, F.M. Michel, C. Levard, P.J. Eng, Y. Choi, and A.M. Spormann. “Mineral-aqueous solution interfacial processes and their impact on the environment". Presented at the 2013 Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Reactions on Surfaces. Les Diablerets, Switzerland, May 2, 2013. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R. “Uranium redox processes in biologically reduced sediments”. Presented at the SLAC Photon Sciences Seminar, Menlo Park, CA, April 24, 2013. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R. “The “Undercover” Life of Uranium in Aquifers; Why it Matters to Energy and the Environment”. Presented at the SLAC Colloquium, Menlo Park, CA, April 15, 2013. [Invited]
- N. Janot, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, D.Q. Pham, D. Hausladen, M.E. Jones, S.E. Fendorf, J.M. Cerrato, D.E. Giammar, K.H. Williams, P.E. Long, C. Cismasu, P.S. Nico, G.E. Brown, Jr., and J.R. Bargar. “Biogeochemical cycling of organic carbon, uranium, and sulfur in an alluvial aquifer”. Presented at the 245th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Carbon Dynamics and the Biogeochemical Cycling of Major and Minor Elements, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 10, 2013. [poster]
- N. Janot, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, S.M. Dunham-Cheatham, D.Q. Pham, K.H. Williams, P.E. Long, D.S. Alessi, R. Bernier-Latmani, L. Yang, J.A. Davis, J.M. Cerrato, D.E. Giammar, and J.R. Bargar. “Biogeochemical cycling of uranium in a reduced aquifer”. Presented at the 245th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Redox Processes at Mineral-Water Interfaces and their Impacts on Metal Biogeochemical Cycling and Contaminant Remediation, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 9, 2013. [oral]
- Wang, Z., S.-W. Lee, W. Wu, B.M. Tebo, and D.E. Giammar. “Different effects of Mn(II) on UO2 dissolution kinetics under reducing and oxidizing conditions”. Presented at the 245th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Redox Processes at Mineral-Water Interfaces and their Impacts on Metal Biogeochemical Cycling and Contaminant Remediation, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 9, 2013. [oral]
- Cerrato, J.M., M.N. Ashner, D.S. Alessi, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.R. Bargar, and D.E. Giammar. “Reactivity of U(IV) species under different chemical conditions.” Presented at the 245th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Redox Processes at Mineral-Water Interfaces and their Impacts on Metal Biogeochemical Cycling and Contaminant Remediation, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 7, 2013. [oral]
- Giammar, D.E.. “Biogeochemical processes controlling the mobility of uranium in contaminated subsurface environments”. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 28, 2013 [Invited].
- Brown, G.E., Jr.. “Characterization of NOM and It’s Interactions with Metal Ions and Mineral Surfaces”. Presented at the Workshop on Belowground Carbon Cycling Processes at the Molecular Scale, Environmental Molecular Science Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland, WA, February 2013. [Invited]
FY 2012 [Oct 1, 2011 – Sept 30, 2012]:
- Bargar, J.R., K.H. Williams, K.M. Campbell, J.E. Stubbs, E.I. Suvorova, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, D.S. Alessi, M. Stylo, K.M. Handley, S.M. Webb, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.M. Cerrato, J.A. Davis, P.E. Fox, and P.E. Long. “Progress in understanding Uranium(VI) reduction mechanisms in natural aquifers”. Presented at Duke University, Center for Environmental Implications for Nanotechnology, Durham, NC. September 11, 2012. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, N. Janot, J.E. Stubbs, K.H. Williams, P.E. Long, E.I. Suvorova, M.A. Stylo, D.S. Alessi, R. Bernier-Latmani, K.M. Campbell, J.A. Davis, P.M. Fox, J.M. Cerrato, and D.E. Giammar. “Uranium(VI) reduction products in the Old Rifle, CO alluvial aquifer: Insights from X-ray absorption spectroscopy”. Presented at the 244th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Spectroscopic Identification of Interfacial Chemical Species in Natural and Engineered Environments, Philadelphia, PA, Aug 22, 2013. [Invited]
- Pham, D., J.R. Bargar, and N. Janot. “Determining the elemental composition of naturally reduced sediments at Old Rifle aquifer”. Presented at the STEM Teacher and Researcher Conference, Mountain View, CA, August 11, 2012. [poster]
- Wang, Z., S.-W. Lee, B.M. Tebo, and D.E. Giammar. “Oxidative dissolution of uraninite in the presence of manganese oxide.” Presented at the 2012 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium Inorganic Redox Processes at Mineral Surfaces and Nanoparticles, Montreal, Canada, June 24-29, 2012. [oral]
- Alessi, D.S., M. Stylo, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.E. Stubbs, S. Dunham-Cheatham, J.R. Bargar, P.E. Long, and R. Bernier-Latmani. “Stability and transformation of monomeric U(IV) species at the Rifle, Colorado IFRC field site”. Presented at 2012 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Uranium: from a Durable Resource to its Environmental Impact. Montreal, Canada, June 24-29, 2012. [oral]
- Stylo, M., D.S. Alessi, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani. “Modulation of the product of U(VI) reduction by phosphate and calcium”. Presented at 2012 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Microbial Transformations of Radionuclides. Montreal, Canada, June 24-29, 2012. [oral]
- Fendorf, S. “The impact of on mineral surfaces on metal-contaminant redox cycles”. Geochemical Society’s 22nd V. M. Goldschmidt Conference. Montreal, Canada. June 24-29, 2012. [Invited]
- Fendorf, S. 2012. “The Dynamic Nature of Iron Oxides on Modes of Ion Retention”. Geochemical Society’s 22nd V. M. Goldschmidt Conference. Montreal, Canada. June 24-29, 2012. [Invited]
- Janot, N., J.R. Bargar, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.E. Stubbs, K.H. Williams, P.E. Long, E. Suvorova, M. Stylo, D.S. Alessi, R. Bernier-Latmani, K. Campbell, J.A. Davis, P. Fox, J.M. Cerrato, and D.E. Giammar. “Speciation of Uranium(IV) in a bioreduced aquifer”. Presented at the 2012 Interfaces Against Pollution International Conference, Symposium on Synchrotron source as a tool in environmental science, Nancy, France, June 11, 2012. [oral]
- Bargar, J.R. R. Bernier-Latmani, G.E. Brown Jr., S.E. Fendorf, and D.E. Giammar. “SLAC SFA Project Overview: Biogeochemical Processes Governing the Speciation, Dynamics, and Stability of Uranium in Reduced Aquifers”. Presented at the 2012 SBR Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC, April 30 – May 2, 2012. [poster]
- Bargar, J.R., J.S. Lezama Pacheco, N. Janot, J.E. Stubbs, D.S. Alessi, E.I. Suvorova, G.M. Stylo, R. Bernier-Latmani, K.H. Williams, P.E. Long, J.A. Davis, P.M. Fox, K.M. Handley, J.M. Cerrato, and D. E. Giammar. “SLAC SFA: Speciation of Uranium in Biologically Reduced Sediments During Iron and Sulfate Reduction in the Old Rifle Aquifer”. Presented at the 2012 SBR Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC, April 30 – May 2, 2012. [poster]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., D.S. Alessi, P.P. Shao, M. Stylo, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, N. Janot, J.R. Bargar, P. E. Long, and L.R. Comolli. “SLAC SFA: U(IV) Biomineralization and Stability of Monomeric U(IV) Species”. Presented at the 2012 SBR Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC, April 30 – May 2, 2012. [poster]
- D.E. Giammar, J.M. Cerrato, M.N. Ashner, Z. Wang, V. Mehta, J. S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, D. S. Alessi, and R. Bernier-Latmani. “SLAC SFA: Biogeochemical Processes and Diffusive Transport Limitations Affecting the Stability of Biogenic U(IV)”. Presented at the 2012 SBR Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC, April 30 – May 2, 2012. [poster]
- Michel, F.M., J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, A.C. Cismasu, G.E. Brown, Jr., K.H. Williams, and P.E. Long. “SLAC-SFA: Structural Basis for Ferrihydrite Reactivity in Subsurface Environments”. Presented at the 2012 SBR Investigators Meeting, Washington, DC, April 30 – May 2, 2012. [poster]
- Bernier-Latmani R., Alessi, D.S., Stylo, M., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., Bargar, J.R. “X-rays shine light on environmental clean-up: using synchrotron techniques for bioremediation”. Presented at the International Workshop on the Management of Radioactive Waste: from Transmutation to Bioremediation, Roma, Italy April 23, 2012. [Invited]
- Giammar, D.E. “Influence of Aqueous Geochemistry on the Oxidative Dissolution of Uraninite”. Presented at the International Workshop on Uranium Biogeochemistry: Transformations and Applications in Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, March 11-16, 2012. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., K.J. Williams, K.M. Campbell, J.E. Stubbs, E. Suvorova, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, D.S. Alessi, D., M. Stylo, M., K.M. Handley, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.M. Cerrato, D.E. Giammar, J.A. Davis, P.M. Fox, and P.E. Long. “Progress in understanding uranium (IV) speciation and dynamics in biologically reduced aquifer sediments at Old Rifle, CO”. Presented by Rizlan Bernier-Latmani on behalf of John Bargar at the International Workshop on Uranium Biogeochemistry: Transformations and Applications in Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, March 11-16, 2012. [Invited]
- Alessi, D.S., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., Stubbs, J.E., Janousch, M., Persson, P., Bargar, J.R., and R. Bernier-Latmani. “Determination of U(IV) biomass complexes using X-ray absorption and infrared spectroscopy”. Presented at the International Workshop on Uranium Biogeochemistry: Transformations and Applications in Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, March 11-16, 2012. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., Alessi, D.S., Shao, P.P., Stylo, M., Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., Persson, P., Bargar, J.R. “Formation, structure and stability of monomeric U(IV), a product of microbial U(VI) reduction”. Presented at the 243rd National meeting of the American Chemical Society, Symposium on Redox Transformations of Metals in Sediments at Molecular and Pore Scales, in San Diego, March, 25-29 2012. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., K.J. Williams, K.M. Campbell, J.E. Stubbs, E. Suvorova, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, D.S. Alessi, D., M. Stylo, M., K.M. Handley, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.M. Cerrato, D.E. Giammar, J.A. Davis, P.M. Fox, and P.E. Long. “Progress in understanding uranium(IV) speciation and dynamics in biologically reduced sediments: Research at molecular to centimeter scales by the SLAC SFA program”. Presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, Symposium H23I, Bioreductive Immobilization and Remediation of Metals and Radionuclides: Mechanisms, Models, and Sustainability II, San Francisco, December 6, 2011 [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., K.J. Williams, K.M. Campbell, J.E. Stubbs, E. Suvorova, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, D.S. Alessi, D., M. Stylo, M., K.M. Handley, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.M. Cerrato, D.E. Giammar, J.A. Davis, P.M. Fox, and P.E. Long. “Progress in understanding U(IV) products of biological uranium reduction in the Old Rifle, CO aquifer”. Presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, Symposium B34H, Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Modern and Ancient Environments I. San Francisco, December 8, 2011 [Invited]
- Lezama-Pacheco, J. S, J.R. Bargar, J.E. Stubbs, R. Bernier-Latmani, E. Suvorova, K.H. Williams, J.A. Davis, P.M. Fox, D.E. Giammar, J.M. Cerrato, and P.E. Long. “Speciation of uranium in biologically reduced sediments during iron and sulfate reduction in the Old Rifle Aquifer” Presented at the American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, Symposium V22B, Radionuclides in the Environment I, San Francisco, December 6, 2011. [oral]
- Lezama-Pacheco, J. S, J.R. Bargar, J.E. Stubbs, R. Bernier-Latmani, E. Suvorova, K.H. Williams, J.A. Davis, P.M. Fox, D.E. Giammar, J.M. Cerrato, and P.E. Long. “Spectroscopic insights on U(VI) species in biologically reduced sediments at the Old Rifle aquifer”. Presented at the 2011 GSA Annual Meeting, Session on 88. Symposium on Uranium in Groundwater: Biogeochemical Controls on Mobility and Persistence, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 10, 2011 [Invited]
FY 2011:
- Ulrich, K.-U., H. Veeramani, E.J. Schofield, J.O. Sharp, E.I. Suvorova, J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, C.J. Barrows, J.M. Cerrato, K.M. Campbell, S.B. Yabusaki, P.E. Long, R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, and J.R. Bargar. “Biostimulated Uranium Immobilization within Aquifers – From Bench Scaled to Field Experiments”. Presented at International Mine Water Congress, Aachen, Germany, Sept. 4-11, 2011. [Oral]
- Bargar, J.R., K.M. Campbell, J.E. Stubbs, E.I. Suvorova, K.H. Williams, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, L.Y. Blue, J.M. Cerrato, R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, and P.E. Long. “Speciation and Dynamics of Biologically Reduced Uranium(IV) in the Old Rifle Aquifer.” Presented at the 242nd ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Uptake and Incorporation of Radionuclides in Minerals, Denver, CO, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2011. [Invited]
- Cerrato, J.M., D.E. Giammar, C. Barrows, J.R. Bargar, and J.S. Lezama-Pacheco. “Impact of Adsorption Reactions on Mobilization of Uranium from UO2 in Groundwater.” Presented at the 242nd ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Uptake and Incorporation of Radionuclides in Minerals, Denver, CO, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2011. [Oral]
- Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., M.S. Massey, F.M. Michel, J.R. Bargar, and S.E. Fendorf. “Mechanism of Uranium Incorporation in Iron Oxides During Catalytic Transformation by Fe(II).” Presented at the 242nd ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Uptake and Incorporation of Radionuclides in Minerals, Denver, CO, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2011. [Oral]
- Michel, F.M., Y. Wang, C. Levard, J.R. Bargar, Y. Choi, P.J. Eng, and G.E. Brown, Jr. “From Single Crystals to Nanoparticles: Probing Reactive Interfaces Using the Long-Period X-ray Standing Wave Approach.” Presented at the 242nd ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Reactive Properties of Environmental Interfaces, Denver, CO, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2011. [Invited]
- Stubbs, J.E., P.J. Eng, G.A. Waychunas, and J.R. Bargar. “Structure and Reactivity of the Uraninite (111) Surface.” Presented at the 242nd ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Reactive Properties of Environmental Interfaces, Denver, CO, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2011. [Oral]
- Brown, G.E., Jr., G. Morin, G. Ona-Nguema, F. Juillot, Y. Wang, D. Fandeur, K. Benzerara, G. Calas, Y. Wang, J.-Y. Ha, S. Kaya, T. Kendelewicz, A.M. Spormann, and A. Nilsson. “Element Attachment and Electron Transfer Reactions at Mineral-Water and Mineral-Microbe Interfaces”. Presented at the Goldschmidt 2011 Conference, Prague, The Czech Republic, August 2011. [Keynote]
- Alessi D.S., J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.E. Stubbs, M. Janousch, P. Persson, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani, “Spectroscopic Characterization of U(IV)-Biomass Complexes”. Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Biogeochemical Processes in Management and Forensics of Legacy Radioactive Materials, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 14-19, 2011. [Oral]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., D.S. Alessi, H. Veeramani, J.O. Sharp, E. Dalla Vecchia, E.I. Suvorova, J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, and J.R. Bargar. “Does the Electron Transfer Process Determine the Product of U(VI) Reduction?” Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Chemical and Microbial Electron Transfer Processes at Mineral Surfaces, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 14-19, 2011. [Invited]
- Cismasu, A.C., F.M. Michel, J. Stebbins, C. Levard, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Structural Aspects and Surface Reactivity of Aluminous Ferrihydrite Precipitates”. Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Natural, Synthetic, and Incidental Nanoparticles, Their Surface Characteristics, and Their Interactions with Earth and Life, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 14-19, 2011. [Oral]
- Giammar D.E., J.M. Cerrato, C. Barrows, Z. Wang, V. Mehta, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, and J.R. Bargar. “Impact of Groundwater Composition and Diffusive Transport Limitations on Uraninite Stability.” Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Understanding the Fate and Transformation of Metal and Radionuclide Contaminants in Unsaturated and Saturated Subsurface Environments, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 14-19, 2011. [Oral]
- Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., M.S. Massey, J.R. Bargar, S.E. Fendorf, and F.M. Michel, “Structural Incorporation of Uranium During the Fe(II)-Induced Transformation of Ferrihydrite”. Presented at the 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Understanding the Fate and Transformations of Metal and Radionuclide Contaminants in Unsaturated and Saturated Subsurface Environments, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 14-19, 2011. [Oral]
- Michel, F.M., A.C. Cismasu, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, M. Massey, S.E. Fendorf, G.E. Brown, Jr., and J.R. Bargar. “Natural Ferrihydrite: Impact of Structure and Composition on Redox Cycling.” Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Chemical and Microbial Electron Transfer Processes at Mineral Surfaces, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 14-19, 2011. [Invited]
- Plathe, K., S.-W. Lee, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, B. Tebo, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani. Fate of U(IV) during Microbially-Driven Mn(II) Oxidation in Sediments.” Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Understanding the Fate and Transformation of Metal and Radionuclide Contaminants in Unsaturated and Saturated Subsurface Environments, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 14-17, 2011. [Oral]
- Shao, P., D.S. Alessi, M. Stylo, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani. “Nanoscale Study of Exopolymeric Substance-Mediated Uranium Biomineralization.” Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Advanced Microanalytical, Spectroscopic, and (Spectro-)Microscopic Surface Methods: STXM, NEXAFS, AFM, NANOSIMS, …, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 17, 2011. [Oral]
- Stylo, M., D.S. Alessi, B. Uster, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani. “Geochemical and Biological Controls on the Product of Microbial U(VI) Reduction.” Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Microbial Catalysis of Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 17, 2011. [Oral]
- Toner, B.M., L. Briscoe, F.M. Michel, S. Alexander, C. Alexander, and J. Gralnick. “Iron Microbial Mat Formation from Deep Continental Brines”. Presented at 2011 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 14-19, 2011. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, G.E. Brown, Jr., and S.E. Fendorf. “Progress in understanding uranium speciation and dynamics in reduced sediments: Research at molecular to centimeter scales by the SLAC SFA program”. Presented at the 2011 SBR PI meeting, Washington, D.C., April 27, 2011. [Invited]
- Lezama-Pacheco, J.S., M.S. Massey, J.R. Bargar, S.E. Fendorf, and F.M. Michel, “Structural Mechanisms of Uranium Incorporation in Iron Oxides”. Presented at the 241st ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Geochemical Implications in Toxic Trace Metal Remobilization from Sediments to the Surrounding Aqueous Environment, Anaheim, CA, Mar. 30, 2011. [Oral]
- Brown, G.E., Jr., S. Yamamoto, T. Kendelewicz, J.T. Newberg, S. Kaya, H. Bluhm, M. Salmeron, A. Nilsson, Y. Wang, F.M. Michel, C. Levard, P.J. Eng, Y. Choi, J.-Y. Ha, and A.M. Spormann. “Environmental Interfaces: Where the Vacuum, Cleanliness, and Size Gaps Must be Minimized”, Presented at the Surface Science Symposium on Environmental Interfaces, 57th Annual American Vacuum Society Meeting Albuquerque, NM, October 2010. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, K.H. Williams, K.M. Campbell, E.I. Suvorova, R. Bernier-Latmani, L.Y. Blue, and P.E. Long, “Whole-Sediment Speciation of U(IV) in Acetate-Bioreduced Aquifer Sediments at the Rifle IFRC Site”. Presented at the 2010 American Geophysical Union Conference, Symposium on Metal and Radionuclide Transformation and Remediation in Biogeochemically Dynamic Subsurface Environments III, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 17, 2010. [Oral]
- Bargar, J.R., K.M. Campbell, H. Veeramani, E.I. Suvorova, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, K.-U. Ulrich, L.Y. Blue, D.E. Giammar, P.E. Long, and S.B. Yabusaki. “Stability of Biogeochemically Reduced Uranium Under in situ Conditions at the Old Rifle Site”. Presented at the 2010 Long-Term Surveillance and Monitoring Conference, Grand Junction, CO, Nov. 17, 2010. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., H. Veeramani, E.J. Schofield, J.O. Sharp, D.S. Alessi, B. Uster, E.I. Suvorova, and J.R. Bargar. “Reduction of U(VI) by Microorganisms: Formation of Nanoparticulate Uraninite and Other Products”. Presented at 2010 Mineralogical Society of America Conference, Symposium on Structure, Properties, and Geochemistry of Nanoparticles, Nanoclusters, and Nanocomposites in Biogeochemical Systems: In honor of Benjamin Gilbert, Recipient of the 2010 MSA Award, Denver, CO, Oct. 30, 2010. [Invited]
- Michel, F.M., J.R. Bargar, and G.E. Brown, Jr. “Strain and Structural Disorder in Nanoparticles: Effects on Stability and Reactivity”. Presented at 2010 Mineralogical Society of America Conference, Symposium on Structure, Properties, and Geochemistry of Nanoparticles, Nanoclusters, and Nanocomposites in Biogeochemical Systems: In honor of Benjamin Gilbert, Recipient of the 2010 MSA Award, Denver, CO, Oct. 30, 2010. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., K.M. Campbell, H. Veeramani, E.I. Suvorova, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, K.-U. Ulrich, L.Y. Blue, D.E. Giammar, P.E. Long, and S.B. Yabusaki. “Reactivity and Structural Chemistry of Biogenic Uraninite Nanoparticles in Geochemical Matrices”. Presented at 2010 Mineralogical Society of America Conference, Symposium on Structure, Properties, and Geochemistry of Nanoparticles, Nanoclusters, and Nanocomposites in Biogeochemical Systems: In honor of Benjamin Gilbert, Recipient of the 2010 MSA Award, Denver, CO, Oct. 30, 2010. [Invited]
- Alessi, D.S., B. Uster, H. Veeramani, J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani, “Method to Estimate the Contribution of Molecular U(IV) to the Product of U(VI) Reduction”. Presented at the 2010 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium on Transformation of Radionuclides by Microorganisms and Minerals, Knoxville, TN, Jun. 15, 2010. [Oral]
- Bargar, J. R., K.M. Campbell, K.-U. Ulrich, H. Veeramani, D.E. Giammar, R. Bernier-Latmani, and P.E. Long. “Corrosion of Biogenic Uraninite: Molecular and Intermediate-Scale Measurements”. Presented at the 2009 Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Symposium on Frontiers in Mineral Sciences: Mineral/Melt Energetics, Mineral Surface Chemistry, Mineral Nanosciences, and High-Pressure Mineralogy II, Portland, OR, Oct. 18, 2009. [Invited].
- Bargar, J.R., K.M. Campbell, H. Veeramani, J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, E.I. Suvorova, K.-U. Ulrich, L.Y. Blue, R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, S.B. Yabusaki, and P.E. Long, “Reactivity of Nano-Biogenic Uraninite in the Subsurface: Dissolution Rates and Mechanisms”. Presented at the 2010 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium on Nanogeology: How nanoparticle structure and composition lead to unique function and reactivity, Knoxville, TN, Jun. 16, 2010. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., K.M. Campbell, H. Veeramani, K.-U. Ulrich, P.E. Long, K.H. Williams, R. Bernier-Latmani, and D.E. Giammar “Mechanisms of Biogenic Uraninite Corrosion in Groundwater at the Rifle IFRC Site”. Presented at the 2009 American Geophysical Union Conference, Symposium on Sustained Metal and Radionuclide Attenuation in Complex, Evolving Subsurface Environments II, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 16, 2009. [Oral]
- Bargar, J.R., K.M. Campbell, J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, K.H. Williams, P.E. Long, R. Bernier-Latmani, L.Y. Blue, and D.E. Giammar, “In-situ Measurement of Acetate-Bioreduced Uranium Products at the Rifle IFRC Field Site”. Presented at S.M. Stoller Corp., Grand Junction, CO, Sept. 22, 2010. [Oral]
- Bargar, J.R., R. Bernier-Latmani, H. Veeramani, J.O. Sharp, K.M. Campbell, L.Y. Blue, D.E. Giammar, E.J. Schofield, J.E. Stubbs, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, P.E. Long, and K.H. Williams, “Biogenic Nano-UO2: Impact of Structure and Composition on Reactivity in the Environment”. Presented at the Colorado School of Mines, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Golden, CO, Apr. 16, 2010. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., “Synchrotron-Based Characterization of the Product of Microbial U(VI) Reduction”. Presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of MAX-lab, Symposium on XAFS Spectroscopy at MAX IV, Lund, Sweden, Nov. 4, 2009. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., D.S. Alessi, B. Uster, E. Dalla Vecchia, E.I. Suvorova, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.R. Bargar, and P. Persson, “Microbially-Mediated Uranium Reduction: Role of Solutes and Biomolecules in Product Formation”. Presented at the 20th General meeting of the international mineralogical association in Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 21-27th, 2010. [Oral]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., E. Dalla Vecchia, P. Junier, Lezama, J., H. Veeramani, E.I. Suvorova, J.R. Bargar, D.S. Alessi, Sharp, J.S., N.S. Wigginton, and J.E. Stubbs, “Non-Uraninite Products for Microbial U(VI) Reduction”. Presented at the 2010 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium on Chemical and Biological Processes at Mineral Surfaces: Influence on Contaminant Dynamics, Knoxville, TN, Jun. 18, 2010. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., H.J. Veeramani, P. Junier, E. Dalla Vecchia, J.O. Sharp, E.I. Suvorova, J.R. Bargar, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.E. Stubbs, and N.S. Wigginton, “Complexed U(IV) is a Product of Microbial U(VI) Reduction”. Presented at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Symposium on Spectroscopic Investigations of Metal Interactions at Mineral/Water/Microbial Interfaces, San Francisco, CA, Mar. 24, 2010. [Invited]
- Campbell, K.M., J.R. Bargar, H. Veeramani, R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar L.Y. Blue, K.H. Williams, and J.A. Davis, “Reactivity and Stability of U(IV) Phases at Rifle, CO”. Presented at the 2009 American Geophysical Union Conference, Symposium on Fate and Transport of Radionuclides in the Environment II, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 16, 2009. [Invited]
- Ding, M., P. Longmire, D. Vaniman, D. Broxton, M. Rearick, B.N. Spall, S.D. Ware, D. Katzman, J.R. Bargar, and S.M. Webb, “Experimental Characterization of Chromium Fate and Transport in the Vadose Zone and Regional Aquifer at Sandia Canyon, Los Alamos, New Mexico”. Presented at the 2009 Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Symposium Contaminant Hydrogeology: Contaminant Fate and Transport in Geological Systems, Portland, OR, Oct. 21, 2009. [Poster]
- Ding, M., P. Longmire, D. Vaniman, D. Broxton, M. Rearick, S.D. Ware, D. Katzman, J.R. Bargar, and S.M. Webb, “Experimental Characterization of Chromium Fate and Transport in the Vadose Zone and Regional Aquifer at Sandia Canyon, Los Alamos, New Mexico”. Presented at the 2009 American Geophysical Union Conference, Symposium on Sustained Metal and Radionuclide Attenuation in Complex, Evolving Subsurface Environments II, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 16, 2009. [Oral]
- Lezama, J.L., M.S. Massey, F.M. Michel, J.R. Bargar, G.E. Brown, Jr., S.E. Fendorf, and P.S. Nico, “Structural Mechanisms of Uranium Incorporation in Iron Oxides”. Presented at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Symposium on Spectroscopic Investigations of Metal Interactions at Mineral/Water/Microbial Interfaces, San Francisco, CA, Mar. 24, 2010. [Poster]
- Michel, F.M., “Iron Oxide Structures and Reactivity”. Presented at the Biogeochemical Processes of the Iron Cycle: From Microbes to Minerals, Telluride, Co, Jul. 28-31, 2010. [Invited]
- Michel, F.M., J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, M.S. Massey, G.E. Brown, Jr., S.E. Fendorf, and J.R. Bargar, “Structural Basis of Uranium Incorporation in Natural Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides”. Presented at the 2009 Annual SSRL/LCLS Users Meeting, Menlo Park, CA, Oct. 19, 2009. [Poster]
- Michel, F.M., M.S. Massey, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, G.E. Brown, Jr., S.E. Fendorf, and J.R. Bargar “Structural Basis of Uranium Incorporation in Natural Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides”. Presented at the 2009 American Geophysical Union Conference, Symposium on Fate of Nanoparticles and Colloids in the Environment III, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 17, 2009. [Poster]
- Michel, F.M., V. Barrón, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Total X-ray Scattering Reveals Lattice Strain in Ferrihydrite and Clues to Surface Structure”. Presented at the 2010 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium on Pushing Experimental and Computational Limits: A Perspective Look at Mineral-Fluid Interfaces, Knoxville, TN, Jun. 18, 2010. [Invited Keynote]
- Michel, F.M., V. Barrón, J. Torrent, M.P. Morales, C.J. Serna, J.-F. Boily, L. Qingsong, A. Ambrosini, A.C. Cismasu, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Ferrimagnetic Form of Ferrihydrite Reveals Links Among Structure, Composition, and Magnetism”. Presented at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Symposium on Spectroscopic Investigations of Metal Interactions at Mineral/Water/Microbial Interfaces, San Francisco, CA, Mar. 24, 2010. [Invited]
- Michel, F.M., V. Barrón, J. Torrent, M.P. Morales, C.J. Serna, J.-F. Boily, O.S. Liu, A. Ambrosini, A.C. Cismasu, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Ordered Ferrimagnetic Form of Ferrihydrite Reveals Links Among Structure, Composition, and Magnetism”. Presented at the 2009 Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Symposium on Frontiers in Mineral Sciences: Mineral/Melt Energetics, Mineral Surface Chemistry, Mineral Nanosciences, and High-Pressure Mineralogy III, Portland, OR, Oct. 19, 2009. [Oral]
- Stubbs, J.E., P.J. Eng, G.A. Waychunas, M. Paffett, and J.R. Bargar, “Structure of Hydrated UO2 Surfaces”. Presented at the 2010 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium on In situ Observations of Fluid-Mineral Interfacial Structure, Dynamics and Reactivity, Knoxville, TN, Jun. 14, 2010. [Poster]
- Veeramani, H., D.S. Alessi, E.I. Suvorova, J.S. Lezama-Pacheco, J.E. Stubbs, U. Dippon, A. Kappler, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani, “Products of Abiotic U(VI) Reduction by Biogenic Magnetite and Vivianite”. Presented at the 2010 Goldschmidt Conference, Symposium on Microbial Redox Transformations of Metal(loid)s and their Implication for Bioremediation, Knoxville, TN, Jun. 17, 2010. [Oral]
- Wang, Y., F.M. Michel, C. Yong, P.J. Eng, J.R. Bargar, B. Gu, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Metal Ion Partitioning and Speciation at Complex Natural Organic Matter-Mineral Interfaces”. Presented at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Symposium on the Influence of Natural Organic Matter on the Fate and Transport of Metals, Colloids and Nanoparticles in the Aquatic Systems, San Francisco, CA, Mar. 24, 2010. [Oral]
- Bargar, J.R. R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, K.M. Campbell, and P.E. Long, “Biogeochemical Factors Governing the Speciation and Reactivity of Reduced Uranium: Implications for Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation”. Presented at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, Sept. 18, 2009. [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., E.J. Schofield, H. Veeramani, K.-U. Ulrich, J.O. Sharp, R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, K.M. Campbell, A. Mehta, M. Marshall, and E.S. Ilton, “Structure, Composition, Size, and Reactivity of Biogenic Nano-Uraninite”. Presented at the Seaborg Institute for Transactinium Science Institute at LBNL, Berkeley, CA, May 27, 2009 [Invited]
- Bargar, J.R., E.J. Schofield, H. Veeramani, K.-U. Ulrich, Sharp, J., R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, K.M. Campbell, A. Mehta, M. Marshall, and E.S. Ilton, “Structure, Composition, Size, and Reactivity of Environmental Nano-Uraninite”. Presented at the EuCheMS ICCE Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 17, 2009. [Keynote].
- Bargar, J.R., R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, A. Mehta, E.J. Schofield, J.O. Sharp, E.I. Suvorova, K.-U. Ulrich, and H. Veeramani, “Structure, Composition, Size and Reactivity of Biogenic Nano-Uraninite”. Presented at the 2009 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Synchrotron and Neutron Advances in Environmental Geochemistry and Mineralogy. Davos, Switzerland, Jun. 21-26, 2009. [Keynote]
- Bargar, J.R., R. Bernier-Latmani, D.E. Giammar, E.J. Schofield, H. Veeramani, K.-U. Ulrich, J.O. Sharp, S.D. Conradson, A. Mehta, and D.L. Clark, “Fundamental Structural/Compositional and Solute Controls Governing Biogenic Uraninite Stability in Ground Water”. Presented at the DOE-ERSP 4th Annual PI Meeting 2009, Lansdowne, VA, Apr. 23, 2009. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R. and P. Junier, “Metal Reduction in Metal- vs. Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria: Insights from Genomics and Transcriptomics”. Presented at the 2009 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on the Genomics of Geochemistry. Davos, Switzerland, Jun. 21-26, 2009. [Invited]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., J.O. Sharp, H. Veeramani, E.I. Suvorova, J.R. Bargar, A. Mehta, Ulrich, K.-U., D.E. Giammar “How Do Biogeochemical Conditions Affect the Product of U(VI) Reduction by Bacteria?” Presented at the 237th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Metal and Metalloid Speciation and Adsorption in Honor of James O. Leckie, Salt Lake City, UT, Mar. 24, 2009. [Oral]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., P. Junier, J.O. Sharp, E.J. Schofield, and J.R. Bargar, “Reduction of U(VI) by Spores of Desulfotomaculum reducens”. 109th ASM meeting in Philadelphia May 17-21, 2009. [Poster]
- Bernier-Latmani, R., P. Junier, N.S. Wigginton, H. Veeramani, E. Dalla Vecchia, J.O. Sharp, E.J. Schofield, J.R. Bargar, “Reduction of U(VI) by Spores of Desulfotomaculum reducens”. 68th Swiss Society for Microbiology annual meeting in Lausanne, Jun. 4-5, 2009. [Invited]
- Giammar, D.E., K.-U. Ulrich, E.S. Ilton, H. Veeramani, J.O. Sharp, R. Bernier-Latmani, E.J. Schofield, and J.R. Bargar, “Geochemical Factors Controlling the Equilibrium Solubility and Dissolution Rate of Biogenic Uraninite”. Presented at Migration '09: 12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Kennewick, Washington, Sept. 20-25, 2009. [Oral]
- Junier, P., M. Frutschi, N.S. Wigginton, E. Dalla Vecchia, J.O. Sharp, E.I. Suvorova, E.J. Schofield, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani, “U(VI) Reduction by Desulfotomaculum reducens”. Presented at the 2009 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Synchrotron and Neutron Advances in Environmental Geochemistry and Mineralogy. Davos, Switzerland, Jun. 21-26, 2009. [Oral]
- Michel, F.M., A.C. Cismasu, D.R. Strongin, J.B. Parise, and G.E. Brown, Jr. “Real-Space Structural Analysis of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles”. Presented at the 237th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Metal and Metalloid Speciation and Adsorption in Honor of James O. Leckie, Salt Lake City, UT, Mar. 24, 2009. [Invited]
- Michel, F.M., A.C. Cismasu, J.B. Parise, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Evaluating the Structure of Poorly-Crystalline Iron Oxyhydroxides”. Presented at the 2008 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Molecular-Scale Chemical and Biogeochemical Processes Affecting the Mobility of Metal and Radionuclide Contaminants in the Subsurface: Structures of Nanostructured Minerals and Minerals with Incorporation of Dopants. Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 13-18, 2008. [Invited]
- Schofield, E., J.R. Bargar, H. Veeramani, J.O. Sharp, R. Bernier-Latmani, E.I. Survova, D.E. Giammar, K.-U. Ulrich, A. Mehta, S.M. Webb, D.L. Clark, S.D. Conradson, and E.S. Ilton “Molecular- and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium(IV) Oxide”. Presented at the 2008 Fall Conference of the American Geophysical Union, Session on Nature and Role of Colloids and Nanoparticles in the Environment I, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 16, 2008. [Oral]
- Schofield, E.J., J.R. Bargar, S.M. Webb, A. Mehta, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.O. Sharp, H. Veeramani, S.D. Conradson, D.L. Clark, K.-U. Ulrich, D.E. Giammar, and E.S. Ilton. “Molecular and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium(IV) Oxide”. Presented at the 2008 SSRL/LCLS Users Meeting Workshop on Advanced Topics in EXAFS Analysis and Applications, Menlo Park, CA, Oct. 15, 2008. [Invited]
- Schofield, E.J., J.R. Bargar, S.M. Webb, A. Mehta, R. Bernier-Latmani, J.O. Sharp, H. Veeramani, S.D. Conradson, D.L. Clark, K.-U. Ulrich, D.E. Giammar, and E.S. Ilton. “Molecular and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium(IV) Oxide”. Presented at the 2008 SSRL/LCLS Users Meeting, Menlo Park, CA, Oct. 15, 2008. [Poster]
- Ulrich, K.-U., E.S. Ilton, H. Veeramani, J.O. Sharp, R. Bernier-Latmani, E.J. Schofield, J.R. Bargar, and D.E. Giammar “Speciation and Reactivity of Biogenic UO2 in Water”. Presented at the 237th ACS National Meeting, Symposium on Metal and Metalloid Speciation and Adsorption in Honor of James O. Leckie, Salt Lake City, UT, Mar. 24, 2009. [Oral]
- Veeramani, H., J.O. Sharp, E.I. Suvorova, E.J. Schofield, K.-U. Ulrich, A. Mehta, D.E. Giammar, J.R. Bargar, and R. Bernier-Latmani, “Manganese Incorporation Into Biogenic Uraninite and Affects Its Oxidative Stability”. Presented at the 2009 Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Symposium on Geomicrobiological Processes Controlling Bioremediation, Natural Attenuation and Trace Gas Emissions. Davos, Switzerland, Jun. 21-26, 2009. [Oral]