
Office of Science/U.S. DOE

Concept drawings for LCLS instruments presented at this workshop.

Instrument locations as agreed on at this workshop.

Location: LOS 137, 3rd Floor Conference Room
Tuesday October 18, 2005
13:30  Welcome    K. Hodgson
13:45  MIE status, photon division LCLS status    J. Arthur
14:30  LCLS Status    J. Galayda
15:00   Start discussion of draft layout for the LCLS instruments    J. Hastings (discussion leader)
17:30  End
18:30  Dinner

Wednesday October 19, 2005
08:00  Breakfast
08:30  Continued discussion of layout
10:15  break
10:45  Infrastructure needs, including diagnostics    J.Arthur discussion leader
12:00  Lunch
13:00  Infrastructure needs continued
14:00  Plan for development of CDR    J. Arthur
17:00  Adjourn