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A.1. Year 2004 SSRL MEIS Publications (through August, 2004)A.1.1 2004 Journal Articles1. K. Andersson, M. Nyberg, H. Ogasawara, D. Nordlund, T. Kendelewicz, C.S. Doyle, G.E. Brown, Jr., L.G.M. Pettersson, and A. Nilsson, “Experimental and theoretical characterization of the structure of defects at the pyrite FeS2 (100) surface”, Phys. Rev. B (in press). 2. J.R. Bargar, T.P. Trainor, J.P. Fitts, S.A. Chambers, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “In-situ grazing incidence EXAFS study of Pb(II) chemisorption on hematite (0001) and (1-102)”. Langmuir 20, 1667-1673 (2004). 3. J. R. Bargar, B. M. Tebo, U. Bergamann, S.M. Webb, P. Glaetzel, M. Villalobos, and M.A. Marcus. “Biotic and Abiotic Products of Mn(II) Oxidation by Spores of the Marine Bacillus sp. strain SG-1”. American Mineralogist (in press). 4. J. R. Bargar, S. M. Webb, and B. M. Tebo, "EXAFS, XANES, and In-situ SR-XRD characterization of biogenic manganese oxides produced in sea water.", Physica Scripta (in press). 5. I. Berrodier, F. Farges, M. Benedetti, M. Winterer, G.E. Brown, Jr., M. Deveughéle “Adsorption mechanisms of trivalent gold on iron- and aluminum-oxyhydroxides. Part I: X-ray absorption and Raman scattering spectroscopic studies of Au(III) adsorbed on ferrihydrite, goethite and boehmite”. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 68, 3019-3042 (2004). 6. G.E. Brown, Jr., J.G. Catalano, A.S. Templeton, T.P. Trainor, F. Farges, B.C. Bostick, T. Kendelewicz, C.S. Doyle, A.M. Spormann, K. Revill, G. Morin, F. Juillot, and G. Calas, “Environmental interfaces, heavy metals, microbes, and plants: Applications of XAFS spectroscopy and related synchrotron radiation methods to environmental science”. Physica Scripta (in press). 7. J.G. Catalano, J.A Warner, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Sorption and precipitation of Co(II) in alkali aluminate solutions and Hanford sediments”, Appl. Geochem. (in press). 8. J.G. Catalano and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Analysis of uranyl-bearing phases by EXAFS spectroscopy: Interferences, multiple scattering, accuracy of structural parameters, and spectral differences.” Am. Mineral. 89, 1004-1021 (2004). 9. J. G. Catalano, S. M. Heald, J. M. Zachara and G. E. Brown, Jr., "Spectroscopic and Diffraction Study of Uranium Speciation in Contaminated Vadose Zone Sediments from the Hanford Site, Washington State", Environ. Sci. Technol. 38, 2822-2828 (2004). 10. S. D. Conradson, K. D. Abney, B. D. Begg, E. D. Brady, D. L. Clark, C. den Auwer, M. Ding, P. K. Dorhout, F. J. Espinosa-Faller, P. L. Gordon, R. G. Haire, N. J. Hess, R. F. Hess, D. W. Keogh, G. H. Lander, A. J. Lupinetti, L. A. Morales, M. P. Neu, P. D. Palmer, P. Paviet-Hartmann, S. D. Reilly, W. H. Runde, C. D. Tait, D. K. Veirs and F. Wastin, "Higher Order Speciation Effects on Plutonium L3 X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectra ", Inorg. Chem. 43, 116 (2004) 11. C.S. Doyle, T. Kendelewicz, and G.E. Brown, Jr. “Inhibition of the reduction of Cr(VI) at the magnetite-water interface by calcium carbonate coatings”. Appl. Surf. Sci. 230/1-4, 260-271 (2004). 12. C.S. Doyle, T. Kendelewicz, B.C. Bostick, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Soft x-ray spectroscopic studies of the reaction of fractured pyrite surfaces with Cr(VI)-containing aqueous solutions”, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (in press). 13. F. Farges, Y. Lefrère, S. Rossano, A. Berthereau, G. Calas, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “The effect of redox state on the local structural environment of iron in silicate glasses: a combined XAFS spectroscopy, molecular dynamics, and bond valence study”, J. Non-Crystal. Solids (in press). 14. F. Farges, E. Chalmin, C. Vignaud, I Pallot-Frossard, J. Susini, J. Bargar, G.E. Brown Jr., and M. Menu, “Archeological applications of XAFS: prehistorical paintings and medieval glasses”, Physica Scripta (in press). 15. F. Farges, S. Rossano, M. Wilke, Y. Lefrère, and G.E. Brown Jr., “Iron in silicate glasses: Systematic analysis of pre-edge and XANES features”, Physica Scripta (in press). 16. R. D. Foust, Jr., P. Mohapatra, A.-M. Compton-O'Brien and J. Reifel, "Groundwater Arsenic in the Verde Valley in Central Arizona, USA", Appl. Geochem. 19, 251 (2004). 17. F. E. Huggins, G. P. Huffman, W. P. Linak and C. A. Miller, "Quantifying Hazardous Species in Particulate Matter Derived from Fossil-Fuel Combustion", Environ. Sci. Technol. 38, 1836 (2004). 18. T. Kendelewicz, C.S. Doyle, B.C. Bostick, and G.E. Brown, Jr. “Oxidation of fractured surfaces of FeS2 (100) by molecular oxygen, water vapor, and air”, Surf. Sci. 558, 80-88 (2004). 19. C. S. Kim, J. J. Rytuba and G. E. Brown, Jr., "EXAFS Study of Mercury(II) Sorption to Fe- and Al-(Hydr)oxides II. Effects of Chloride and Sulfate", J. Colloid Interface Sci. 270, 9 (2004). 20. C. S. Kim, J. J. Rytuba and G. E. Brown, Jr., "EXAFS Study of Mercury(II) Sorption to Fe- and Al-(hydr)oxides I. Effects of pH", J. Colloid Interface Sci. 271, 1 (2004). 21. C. S. Kim, J. J. Rytuba and G. E. Brown, Jr., "Geological and Anthropogenic Factors Influencing Mercury Speciation in Mine Wastes: an EXAFS Spectroscopy Study", Appl. Geochem. 19, 379 (2004). 22. G.V. Lowry, S. Shaw, C.S. Kim, J.J. Rytuba, and G.E. Brown, Jr., “Macroscopic and microscopic observations of particle-facilitated mercury transport from New Idria and Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine tailings”, Environ Sci. Technol. (in press). 23. W. W. Lukens, D. K. Shuh, N. C. Schroeder and K. R. Ashley, "Identification of the Non-pertechnetate Species in Hanford Waste Tanks, Tc(I)-Carbonyl Complexes", Environ. Sci. Technol. 38, 229 (2004) 24. D. Paktunc, A. Foster, S. Heald and G. Laflamme, "Speciation and Characterization of Arsenic in Gold Ores and Cyanidation Tailings using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 969 (2004). 25. P. Piilonen, F. Farges, R. Linnen, and G.E. Brown Jr., “Sn and Nb in dry and fluid-rich (H2O, F) silicate glasses”, Physica Scripta (in press). 26. A. Ramirez-Solis, R. Mukopadhyay, B. P. Rosen and T. L. Stemmler, "Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of Arsenite in Water: Insights into the Coordination Environment of As-O", Inorg. Chem. 43, 2954 (2004). 27. R. G. Reina, A. C. Leri and S. C. B. Myneni, "Cl K-edge X-ray Spectroscopic Investigation of Enzymatic Formation of Organochlorines in Weathering Plant Material", Environ. Sci. Technol. 38, 783 (2004). 28. B. M. Tebo, J. R. Bargar, B. Clement, G. Dick, K. J. Murray, D. Parker, R. Verity and S. Webb, "Manganese Biooxides: Properties and Mechanisms of Formation", Earth Planet Sc. Lett., 32, 287-328 (2004). 29. S. M. Webb, J. R. Bargar and B. M. Tebo, "Determination of Uranyl Incorporation into Biogenic Manganese Oxides Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Scattering", Physica Scripta (in press). 30. S.M. Webb, J.R. Bargar, and B.M. Tebo (2004). Structural Characterization of Biogenic Manganese Oxides Produced in Sea Water by the Marine Bacillus sp. strain SG-1. In, 11th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, R. Wanty and B. Seal., Eds. Zwets and Zeitlinger, Lisse, Netherlands (in press). 31. J. M. Zachara, C. C. Ainsworth, G. E. Brown, Jr., J. G. Catalano, J. P. McKinley, O. Qafoku, S. C. Smith, J. E. Szecsody, S. J. Traina and J. A. Warner, "Chromium Speciation and Mobility in a High Level Nuclear Waste Vadose Zone Plume", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 68, 13 (2004). A.1.2 2004 Books and Conference Proceedings1. G.E. Brown, Jr., A.S. Templeton, T.P. Trainor, A.M. Spormann, T.H. Yoon, and K. Benzerara, “Synchrotron-based studies of microbe-metal ion-mineral interactions”. Water-Rock Interaction. Proc. 11th Internat. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, R.B. Wanty and R.R. Seal II, Eds., Taylor & Francis Group, London, p. 1069-1077 (2004). 2. J.G. Catalano and G.E. Brown, Jr., “EXAFS study of uranyl adsorption on Wyoming montmorillonite”. Water-Rock Interaction. Proc. 11th Internat. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, R.B. Wanty and R.R. Seal II, Eds., Taylor & Francis Group, London, p. 665-669 (2004). A.1.3 2004 Theses1. J.G. Catalano, “Molecular-scale Studies of Uranium Speciation in Contaminated Hanford, Washington Sediments and Related Model Systems.” Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 2004; Advisor: G. E. Brown, Jr. 2. C.S. Doyle, “Soft X-ray Spectroscopic Studies of Reactions at Mineral Surfaces and Mineral Surface Coatings.” Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 2004; Advisor: G.E. Brown, Jr. 3. C.S. Hansel, “Bacterial and geochemical controls on the reductive dissolution and secondary mineralization of iron (hydr)oxides.”, Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 2004; Advisor: S. Fendorf 4. T.H. Yoon, Naturally Occurring Organic Compounds at the Mineral-Water Interface: Their Interactions with Mineral Surfaces and Impacts on Pollutant Speciation.” Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University, 2004; Advisor: G.E. Brown, Jr. |
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