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A.5. Year 2000 SSRL MEIS PublicationsA.5. 1 2000 Journal Articles1. P. G. Allen, D. K. Shuh, J. J. Bucher, N. M. Edelstein and I. Craig, “Coordination Chemistry of Trivalent Lanthanide and Actinide Ions in Dilute and Concentrated Chloride Solutions”, Inorg. Chem. 39, 595 (2000) 2.R. Astheimer, B. Kristin, G. E. Brown, Jr., J. Hoy, K. W. Jones, N. C. Sturchio, S. R. Sutton, G. A. Waychunas and N. B. Woodward, “Inside Rocks”, Geotimes, American Geological Institute, 20 (2000) 3.J. R. Bargar, R. Reitmeyer, J. J. Lenhart and J. A. Davis, “Characterization of U(VI)-carbonato Ternary Complexes on Hematite: EXAFS and Electophoretic Mobility Measurements”, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 2737 (2000) 4.J. R. Bargar, B.M. Tebo and J.E. Villinski, “In Situ Characterization of Mn(II) Oxidation by Spores of the Marine Bacillus sp. Strain SG-1”, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 2775 (2000) 5.C. E. Barnes, Y. Shin, S. Saengkerdsub and S. Dai, “EXAFS Study of Uranyl Nitrate Dimer at High and Low Temperature”, Inorg. Chem. 39, 862 (2000) 6.B. D. Begg, N. J. Hess, W. J. Weber, S. D. Conradson, M. J. Sweiger and R. C. Ewing, “ XAS and XRD Study of Annealed 238Pu- and 239Pu-substituted Zircons (Zr0.92Pu0.08SiO4)”, J. Nucl. Mater. 278, 212 (2000) 7.J. Biener, M. Bäumer, R. J. Madix, P. Liu, E. Nelson, T. Kendelewicz and G. E. Brown, Jr. “Growth and Electronic Structure of Vanadium on a-Al2O3 (0001)”, Surf. Sci. 449, 50 (2000) 8.L. Bochatay, P. Persson and S. Sjöberg, “Metal Ion Coordination at the Water-Manganite Interface: I. An EXAFS Study of Cadmium(II)”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 229, 584 (2000) 9.L. Bochatay and P. Persson, “Metal Ion Coordination at the Water-Manganite Interface: II. An EXAFS Study of Zinc(II)”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 229, 593 (2000) 10. B. C. Bostick, S. Fendorf, B. T. Bowie and P. R. Griffiths, “Influence of Cadmium Sorption on Pyrite Oxidation”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 34, 1494 (2000) 11. M. F. Brigatti, C. Lugli, G. Cibin, A. Marcelli, G. Biuli, E. Paris, A. Mottana and Z. Wu, “Reduction and Sorption of Chromium by Fe(II)-Bearing Phyllosilicates: Chemical Treatments and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) Studies”, Clays and Clay Minerals 48, 272 (2000) 12. M. F. Brigatti, C. Lugli, A. Mottana, A. Marcelli and G. Cibin, “Redox and Sorption of Aqueous Chromium by Fe(II)-bearing Phyllosilicates”, Clays and Clay Minerals 48, 123 (2000) 13. S.-F. Cheah, G. E. Brown, Jr. and G. A. Parks, “XAFS Study of Copper Model Compounds and Copper(II) Sorption on Amorphous SiO2, g-Al2O3, and Anatase”, Am. Mineral. 85, 118 (2000) 14. J. P. Fitts, G. E. Brown, Jr. and G. A. Parks, “Structural Evolution of Cr(III) Polymeric Species at the g-Al2O3/Water Interface”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 34, 5122 (2000) 15. K. C. Galbreath, D. L. Toman, C. J. Zygarlicke, F. E. Huggins, G. P. Huffman and J. L. Wong, “Nickel Speciation of Residual Oil Fly-ash and Ambient Particulate Matter Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy”, J. Air Waste Mgmt. Assoc. 50, 1876 (2000) 16. K. C. Galbreath, D. L. Toman, C. J. Zygarlicke and J. H. Pavlish, “Trace Element Partitioning and Transformations During Combustion of Bituminous and Subbituminous U. S. Coals in a 7-kW Combustion System”, Energy & Fuels 14, 1265 (2000) 17. J. L. Gardea-Torresdey, K. J. Tiemann, V. Armendariz, L. Bess-Oberto, R. R. Chianelli, J. Rios, J. G. Parsons and G. Gamez, “Characterization of Cr(VI) Binding and Reduction to Cr(III) by the Agricultural Byproducts of Avena monida (Oat) Biomass”, J. Haz. Mat. 80, 175 (2000) 18. M. E. Hirsch, R. O. Stirling, F. E. Huggins and J. J. Helble, “Speciation of Combustion-Derived Particulate Phase Arsenic”, Environ. Eng. Sci. 17, 315 (2000) 19. G. P. Huffman, F. E. Huggins, N. Shah, R. Huggins, W. P. Linak, C. A. Miller, R. J. Pugmire, H. L. C. Meuzelaar, M. S. Seehra and A. Manivannan, “Characterization of Fine Particulate Matter Produced by Combustion of Residual Fuel Oil”, J. Air Waste Mgmt. Assoc. 50, 1106 (2000) 20. F. E. Huggins, G. P. Huffman and J. D. Robertson, “Speciation of Elements in NIST Particulate Matter SRMs 1648 and 1650”, J. Haz. Mat. 74, 1 (2000) 21. F. E. Huggins, N. Shah, G. P. Huffman, A. Kolker, S. Crowley, C. A. Palmer and R. B. Finkelman, “Mode of Occurrence of Chromium in Four U.S. Coals”, Fuel Proc. Technol. 63, 79 (2000) 22. M. Karabulut, G. K. Marasinghe, C. S. Ray, D. E. Day, G. D. Waddill, P. G. Allen, C. H. Booth, J. J. Bucher, D. L. Caulder, N. M. Edelstein, D. K. Shuh and M. Grimsditch, “Local Environment of Iron and Uranium Ions in Vitrified Iron Phosphate Waste Glasses Studied by Fe K and U LIII-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy”, J. Mater. Res. 15, 1972 (2000). 23. T. Kendelewicz, P. Liu, C. S. Doyle and G. E. Brown, Jr., “Spectroscopic Study of the Reaction of Cr(VI)Aqueous with Fe3O4 (111) Surfaces”, Surf. Sci. 469, 144 (2000) 24. T. Kendelewicz, P. Liu, C. S. Doyle, G. E. Brown, Jr., E. J. Nelson and S. A. Chambers, “Reaction of Water with the (100) and (111) Surfaces of Fe3O4”, Surf. Sci. 453, 32 (2000) 25. C. S. Kim, G. E. Brown, Jr. and J. J. Rytuba, “Characterization and Speciation of Mercury-bearing Mine Wastes Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)”, Science of the Total Environment 261, 157 (2000) 26. A. Kolker, S. Crowley, C. A. Palmer, R. B. Finkelman, F. E. Huggins, N. Shah and G. P. Huffman, “Mode of Occurrence of Arsenic in Four U.S. Coals”, Fuel Proc. Technol. 63, 167 (2000) 27. U. Krämer, I. J. Pickering, M. J. George, R. D. Smith, G. N. George and D. E. Salt, “Subcellular Localization and Speciation of Nickel in Hyperaccumulator and Non-Accumulator Thlaspi Species”, Plant Physiol. 122, 1343 (2000) 28. M. J. La Force, C. M. Hansel and S. Fendorf, “Arsenic Speciation, Seasonal Transformations, and Co-distribution with Iron in a Mine Waste-Influenced Palustrine Emergent Wetland”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 34, 3937 (2000) 29. G. K. Marasinghe, M. Karabulut, C. S. Ray, D. E. Day, D. K. Shuh, P. G. Allen, M. L. Saboungi, M. Grimsditch and D. Haeffner, “Properties and Structure of Vitrified Iron Phosphate Nuclear Wasteforms”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 263/264, 146 (2000) 30. P. A. O’Day, S. A. Carroll, S. Randall, R. E. Martinelli, S. L. Anderson, J. Jelinski and J. P. Knezovich, “Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Contaminated Estuary Sediments, Alameda Naval Air Station, California”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 34, 3665 (2000) 31. P. A. O’Day, M. Newville, P. S. Neuhoff, N. Sahai and S. A. Carroll, “X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Strontium(II) Coordination. I. Static and Thermal Disorder in Crystalline, Hydrated, and Precipitated Solids and in Aqueous Solution”, J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 222, 198 (2000) 32. J. D. Ostergren, G. E. Brown, Jr., G. A. Parks and P. Persson, “Inorganic Ligand Effects on Pb(II) Sorption to Goethite (a-FeOOH): II. Sulfate”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 225, 483 (2000) 33. J. D. Ostergren, T. P. Trainor, J. R. Bargar, G. E. Brown, Jr. and G. A. Parks, “Inorganic Ligand Effects on Pb(II) Sorption to Goethite (a-FeOOH): I. Carbonate”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 225, 466 (2000) 34. I. J. Pickering, R. C. Prince, M. J. George, R. D. Smith, G. N. George and D. E. Salt, “Reduction and Coordination of Arsenic in Indian Mustard”, Plant Physiol. 122, 1171 (2000) 35. I. J. Pickering, R. C. Prince, D. E. Salt and G. N. George, “Quantitative, Chemically Specific Imaging of Selenium Transformation in Plants”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 10717 (2000) 36. L. Polette, J. L. Gardea-Torresdey, R. Chianelli, G. N. George, I. J. Pickering and J. Arenas, “XAS and Microscopy Studies of the Uptake and Bio-Transformation of Copper in Larrea tridentata (Creosotebush)”, Microchemical J. 65, 227 (2000) 37. T. Ressler, J. Wong, J. Roos and I. L. Smith, “Quantitative Speciation of Mn-Bearing Particulates Emitted from Autos Burning (Methylcyclopentadienyl)manganese Tricarbonyl-Added Gasolines Using XANES Spectroscopy”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 34, 950 (2000) 38. E. A. Rochette, B. C. Bostick, G. Li and S. Fendorf, “Kinetics of Arsenate Reduction by Dissolved Sulfide”, Environ. Sci. Technol. 34, 4714 (2000) 39. C. Romano, E. Paris, B. T. Poe, G. Giuli, D. B. Dingwell and A. Mottana, “Effect of Aluminum on Ti-coordination in Silicate Glasses: A XANES Study”, Am. Mineral. 85, 108 (2000) 40. N. Sahai, S. A. Carroll, S. Roberts and P. A. O’Day, “X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Strontium(II) Coordination. II. Sorption and Precipitation at Kaolinite, Silica Gel, and Goethite Surfaces”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 222, 198 (2000) 41. K. S. Savage, T. N. Tingle, P. A. O’Day, G. A. Waychunas and D. K. Bird, “Arsenic Speciation in Pyrite and Secondary Weathering Phases, Southern Mother Lode Gold District, Tuolumne County, California”, Appl. Geochem. 15, 1219 (2000) 42. C. L. Senior, T. Zeng, J. Che, M. R. Ames, A. F. Sarofim, I. Olmez, F. E. Huggins, N. Shah, G. P. Huffman, A. Kolker, S. Mroczkowski, C. Palmer and R. Finkelman, “Distribution of Trace Elements in Selected Pulverized Coals as a Function of Particle Size and Density”, Fuel Proc. Technol. 63, 215 (2000) 43. M. P. de Souza, C. M. Lytle, M. M. Mulholland, M. L. Otte and N. Terry, “Selenium Assimilation and Volatilization from Dimethylselenoniopropionate by Indian Mustard”, Plant Physiol. 122, 1281 (2000) 44. E. R. Sylwester, E. A. Hudson and P. G. Allen, “The Structure of Uranium (VI) Sorption Complexes on Silica, Alumina, and Montmorillonite”, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 2431 (2000) 45. N. Terry, A. M. Zayed, M. P. de Souza and A. S. Tarun, “Selenium in Higher Plants”, Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 51, 401 (2000) 46. H. A. Thompson, G. A. Parks and G. E. Brown, Jr., “Formation and Release of Cobalt(II) Sorption and Precipitation Products in Aging Kaolinite-Water Slurries”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 222, 241 (2000) 47. T. P. Trainor, G. E. Brown Jr. and G. A. Parks, “Adsorption and Precipitation of Aqueous Zn(II) on Alumina Powders”, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 231, 359 (2000) 48. V. Van Fleet-Stalder, T. G. Chasteen, I. J. Pickering, G. N. George and R. C. Prince, “The Fate of Selenate and Selenite Metabolized by Rhodobacter sphaeroides”, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66, 4849 (2000) 49. E. R. Vance, M. L. Carter, B. D. Begg and S. H. F. Leung, “Solid Solubilities of Pu, U, Hf and Gd in Candidate Ceramic Phases for Actinide Immobilisation”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 608, 431 (2000) 50. B. Wu, T. W. Peterson, F. Shadman, C. L. Senior, J. R. Morency, F. E. Huggins and G. P. Huffman, “Interactions between Vapor-phase Mercury Compounds and Coal Char in Synthetic Flue Gas”, Fuel Proc. Technol. 63, 93 (2000) 51. P. Zhao, P. G. Allen, E. R. Sylwester and B. E. Viani, “The Sorption of Uranium(VI) and Neptunium(V) onto Hydrothermally Altered Concrete”, Radiochim. Acta. 88, 729 (2000) A.5.2. 2000 Book Chapters/Conference Proceedings1.C. Den Auwer, E. Simoni, S. D. Conradson, J. Mustre de Leon, P. Moisy and A. Bérès, “X-ray Absorption LIII and MV Edges of Hexavalent Lower Actinides”, Compte. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris Série IIc 3, 327 (2000) 2.B. K. Gullet, B. Ghorishi, R. Keeney and F. E. Huggins, “Mercuric Chloride Capture by Alkaline Sorbents”, in Proc. Air & Waste Management Association 93rd. Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (2000) paper 259 3.G. P. Huffman, F. E. Huggins, N. Shah, S. Pattanaik, W. P. Linak, C. A. Miller, D. Smith, B. Harris, R. J. Pugmire, H. L. C. Meuzelaar, M. Seehra and A. Manivannan, “Characterization of Fine PM Derived from Petroleum Sources”, in Proc. Air Quality II Conf., McLean, VA (2000) 4.G. P. Huffman, F. E. Huggins, N. Shah, S. Pattanaik, H. C. L. Meuzelaar, S. J. Jeon, D. Smith, B. Harris, M. S. Seehra and A. Manivannan, “Structure of Primary PM2.5 Derived from Diesel Truck Exhaust”, Preprints, ACS Div. Fuel Chem. 45, 441 (2000) 5.F. E. Huggins, G. P. Huffman, A. Kolker, S. Mroczkowski, C. A. Palmer and R. B. Finkelman, “Direct Comparison of XAFS Spectroscopy and Sequential Extraction for Arsenic Speciation in Coal”, Preprints, CAS Div. Fuel Chem. 45, 547 (2000) 6.F. E. Huggins, N. Shah, G. P. Huffman and J. D. Robertson, “XAFS Spectroscopic Characterization of Elements in Combustion Ash and Fine Particulate Matter”, in Proc. Conf. Air Quality, McLean, VA (2000) pp. 203-218 7.F. E. Huggins, N. Yap, G. P. Huffman and J. K. Neathery, “Investigation of Mercury Adsorption on Cherokee Fly-ash Using XAS Spectroscopy”, in Proc. Air & Waste Management Association 93rd Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (2000) 8.A. Kolker, R. B. Finkelman, C. A. Palmer, S. J. Mroczkowski, F. E. Huggins and G. P. Huffman, “Trace Metals in Coal: Where are They and Where are We?”, in Proc. 17th Ann. Pittsburgh Coal Conference (2000) 9.G. K. Marasinghe, M. Karabulut, X. Fang, C. S. Ray, D. E. Day, J. J. Bucher, N. M. Edelstein, D. K. Shuh, and P. G. Allen, “Vitrified Iron Phosphate Nuclear Wasteforms Containing Multiple Waste Components”, Ceramic Trans., 107, 115 (2000) 10. M. P. de Souza, E. A. H. Pilon-Smits and N. Terry, “The Physiology and Biochemistry of Selenium Volatilization by Plants”, in I. Raskin and B. D. Ensley (eds.) Phytoremediation of Toxic Metals: Using Plants to Clean Up the Environment, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2000) pp. 171 11. E. R. Sylwester, E. A. Hudson and P. G. Allen, “Surface Interactions of Actinide Ions with Geologic Materials Studied by XAFS”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 590, 9 (2000) 12. C. W. Williams, M. R. Antonio and L. Soderholm, “The Formation and Stability of [EuP5W30O110]12- and [AmP5W30O110]12-“, J. Alloys Compd. 303-304, 509 (2000) 13. A. Zayed, E. A. H. Pilon-Smits, M. de Souza, Z.-Q. Lin and N. Terry, “Remediation of Selenium-Polluted Soils and Waters by Phytovolatilization”, in Phytoremediation of Trace Elements, N. Terry and G. S. Bañuelos, eds. Ann Arbor Press, Michigan pp. 61-84 A.5.3. 2000 Ph.D. Theses1.S. Arteaga, “Applications of Creosote Bush in Phytoremediation of Cu(II) and Cr(VI) Ions”, University of Texas, El Paso, 2000; Advisors: J. L. Gardea-Torresdey and R. Chianelli 2.C.-C. Chen, “Characterization of Surface Hydroxyl and Fixed Charge Surface Sites for Trace Metal Sorption in Mineral Systems”, University of Michigan, 2000; Advisor: K. F. Hayes 3.E. Cooper, “X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Studies of Nickel Speciation in Datura innoxia”, Master’s Thesis, San Francisco State University, 2000; Advisor: J. G. DeWitt 4.D. J. Hansen, “Selenium Removal by Constructed Wetlands”, UC-Berkeley, 2000; Advisor: N. Terry 5.J. D. Morton, “The Bioavailability of Chelated and Soil-Adsorbed Copper and the Resulting Effect on Soluble Methane Monooxygenase Activity in Methylosinus trichosporium Ob3”, University of Michigan, 2000; Advisor: K. F. Hayes |
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