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A.9. Year 1996 SSRL MEIS PublicationsA.9.1 1996 Journal Articles1. P.G.Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "XAFS Spectroscopic Studies of Uranium(VI) Oxide Precipitates", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 432, 139 (1996) 2. P.G. Allen, D.K. Shuh, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, C.E.-A. Palmer, R.J. Silva, S.N. Nguyen, L.N. Marquez and E.A. Hudson, "EXAFS Determinations ofUranium Structures: Schoepite and Other U(VI) Oxide Precipitates", Radiochim. Acta 75, 47 (1996) 3. P.G. Allen, D.K. Shuh, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, T. Reich, M.A. Denecke and H. Nitsche, "EXAFS Determinations of Uranium Structures: The Uranyl Ion Complexed with Tartaric, Citric, and Malic Acids", Inorg. Chem. 35, 784 (1996) 4. P.G. Allen, D.K. Veirs, S.D. Conradson, C.A. Smith and S.F. Marsh, "Characterization ofAqueous Plutonium(IV) Nitrate Complexes by Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy", Inorg. Chem. 35, 2841 (1996) 5. M.R. Antonio, U. Staub, J.S. Xue and L. Soderholm, "Comparison of the Cation Valence and Coordination in Ce2UO6 and Ce2MoO6", Chem. Mater. 8, 2673 (1996) 6. J.R.Bargar, S.N. Towle, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Outer-sphere Lead (II) Adsorbed at Specific Surface Sites on Single Crystal a-Alumina," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3541 (1996) 7. J.J. Bucher, P.G. Allen, N.M. Edelstein, D.K. Shuh, N.W. Madden, C. Cork, P. Luke, D. Pehl and D. Malone, "A Multi-channel Detector System for Fluorescence X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 67, 1 (1996) 8. D.L. Clark, S.D. Conradson, S.A. Ekberg, N.J. Hess, D.R. Janecky, M.P. Neu, P.D. Palmer and C.D. Tait, "A Multi-method Approach to Actinide Speciation Applied to Pentavalent Neptunium Carbonate Complexation", New J. Chem. 20, 211 (1996) 9. D.L. Clark, S.D. Conradson, S.A. Ekberg, N.J. Hess, M.P. Neu, P.D. Palmer, W.Runde and C.D. Tait, "EXAFS Studies of Pentavalent Neptunium Carbonato Complexes. Structural Elucidation of the Principal Constituents of Neptunium in Groundwater Environments", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 2089 (1996) 10. N.M. Edelstein, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, D.K. Shuh, C.D. Sofield, N. Kaltoyannis, G.H. Maunder, M.R. Russo and A. Sella, "The Oxidation State of Ce in the Sandwich Molecule Cerocene", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 13115 (1996) 11. F. Farges and G.E. Brown, Jr., "An Empirical Model for the Anharmonic Analysis of High-temperature XAFS Spectra of Oxide Compounds with Applications to the Coordination Environment of Ni in NiO, g>-Ni2SiO4 and Ni-bearing Na-disilicate Glass and Melt", Chem. Geol. 128, 93 (1996) 12. F. Farges, G.E. Brown, Jr., A. Navrotsky, H. Gan and J.J. Rehr, "Coordination Chemistry of Ti(IV) in Silicate Glasses and Melts. Part III. Glasses and Melts from Ambient to High Temperatures", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3055 (1996) 13. F. Farges, G.E. Brown, Jr., A. Navrotsky, H. Gan and J.J. Rehr, "Coordination Chemistry of Ti(IV) in Silicate Glasses and Melts. Part II. Glasses at Ambient Temperature and Pressure", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3039 (1996) 14. F. Farges, G.E. Brown, Jr. and J.J. Rehr, "Coordination Chemistry of Ti(IV) in Silicate Glasses and Melts. Part I. XAFS Study of Ti Coordination in Oxide Model Compounds", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3023 (1996) 15. E.A. Hudson, P. Allen, L.J. Terminello, M. Denecke and T. Reich, "Polarized X-Ray Absorption Spectra of the Uranyl Ion: Comparison of Theory and Experiment," Phys. Rev. B 54, 156 (1996) 16. F.E. Huggins, J. Zhao, G.P. Huffman, C.-H. Kuo and A.R. Tarrer, "Investigation of Zinc Additives in Coliquefaction of Waste Lubricating Oil and a Bituminous Coal", J. Environ. Sci. Health A 31, 1755 (1996) 17. F.E. Huggins, F. Goodarzi and C.J. Lafferty, "Mode of Occurrence of Arsenic in Subbituminous Coals", Energy & Fuels 10, 1001 (1996) 18. F.E. Huggins and G.P. Huffman, "Modes of Occurrences of Trace Elements in Coal from XAFS Spectroscopy", Int. J. Coal Geol. 32, 31 (1996) 19. F.E. Huggins, S. Srikantapura, B.K.Parekh, L. Blanchard and J.D. Robertson, "XANES Spectroscopic Characterization of Selected Elements in Deep-cleaned Fractions of Kentucky #9 Coal", Preprints, ACS Div. Fuel Chem. 41, 764 (1996) 20. T. Kendelewicz, P. Liu, G.E. Brown, Jr., E.J. Nelson and P. Pianetta, "Photoemission Study of Na and Cs Adsorption on MgO(100)1*1", Surf. Sci. 352, 451 (1996) 21. C.M. Lytle, F.W. Lytle and B.N. Smith, "Use of XAS to Determine the Chemical Speciation of Bioaccumulated Manganese in Potamogeton pectinatus", J. Environ. Quality 25, 311 (1996) 22. C.M. Lytle, F.W. Lytle, A. Zayed and N. Terry, "Phytoconversion of Cr6+ to Cr3+ by Water Hyacinth - A Case for Phytoremediation", Bull. Eco. Soc. Amer. 77, 235 (1996) 23. D.E. Morris, P.G. Allen, J.M. Berg, C.J. Chisholm-Brause, S.D. Conradson, R.J. Donohoe, N.J. Hess, J.A. Musgrave and C. Drew Tait, "Speciation of Uranium in Fernald Soils by Molecular Spectroscopic Methods: Characterization of Untreated Soils", Environ. Sci. Technol. 30, 2322 (1996) 24. A. Mottana, A. Marcelli, G. Giuli, Z. Wu, F. Seifert and E. Paris, "Next-Nearest-Neighbour Effects at the Al K-edge of Garnets", Phys. Chem. Minerals 23, 227 (1996) 25. A. Mottana, T. Murata, Z. Wu, A. Marcelli and E. Paris, "Order-disorder Determination in Omphacites via XAS at Ca, Na, Mg, Al K-edges, and Its Interpretation by the Multichannel Multiple Scattering Theory", Phys. Chem. Minerals 23, 228 (1996) 26. A. Mottana, E. Paris, A. Marcelli, Z. Wu and G. Giuli, "Crystal Chemistry of Olivines and Garnets in Alpine Ultamafics: Information Contributed by XAFS", Mitt. Oesterr. Mineral. Gesell. 141, 35 (1996) 27. P.A. O’Day, C.J. Chisholm-Brause, S.N. Towle, G.A. Parks and G.E. Brown, Jr., "X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Co(II) Sorption Complexes on Quartz (a-SiO2) and Rutile (TiO2)", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 2515 (1996) 28. C. Papelis and K.F. Hayes, "Distinguishing Between Interlayer and External Sorption Sites of Clay Minerals Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy", Colloids & Surfaces A 107, 89 (1996) 29. M.L. Peterson, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Direct XAFS Evidence for Heterogeneous Redox at the Aqueous Chromium/Magnetite Interface", Colloids and Surfaces A 107, 77 (1996) 30. T. Reich, H. Mull, G. Geipel, G. Bernhard, H. Nitsche, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N. Kaltsoyannis, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "Characterization of Hydrous Uranyl Silicates by EXAFS", Radiochim. Acta 74, 219 (1996) 31. T.K. Tokunaga, I.J. Pickering and G.E. Brown, Jr., "X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of Selenium Transformations in Ponded Sediments", Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 60, 781 (1996) 32. S.R. Wasserman, R.E. Winans and R. McBeth, "Iron Species in Argonne Premium Coal Samples: An Investigation Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy", Energy Fuels 10, 392 (1996) 33. G.A. Waychunas, C.C. Fuller, B.A. Rea and J.A. Davis, "Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering (WAXS) Study of ‘Two-Line’ Ferrihydrite Structure and the Effect of Arsenate Sorption: Comparison with EXAFS Results", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 1765 (1996) 34. Z. Wu, A. Marcelli, A. Mottana, G. Giuli, E. Paris and F. Seifert, "Effects of Higher-Coordination Shells in Garnets Detected by XAS at the Al K-edge", Phys. Rev. B 54, 2976 (1996) 35. Z. Wu, A. Mottana, A. Marcelli C.R. Natoli and E. Paris, "Theoretical Analysis of X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure in Forsterite, Mg2SiO4-Pbnm, and Fayalite, Fe2SiO4-Pbnm, at Room Temperature and Extreme Conditions," Phys. Chem. Minerals 23, 193 (1996) 36. N. Xu, M.F. Hochella, Jr., G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Co(II) Sorption at the Calcite-Water Interface: I. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3541 (1996) A.9.2 1996 Books/Conference Proceedings.37. P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, D.K. Shuh, T. Reich, M. Denecke and H. Nitsche, "Applications of Synchrotron Radiation to Chemical Issues in the Environmental Sciences", in K.L. D’Amico, L.J. Terminello, and D.K. Shuh, eds., Synchrotron Radiation Techniques in Industrial, Chemical, and Materials Science, Plenum Press, New York, p. 229-235 (1996) 38. K.F. Hayes and L.E. Katz, "Application of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Surface Complexation Modeling of Metal Ion Sorption", in P.V. Brady, ed., The Physics and Chemistry of Mineral Surfaces, CRC Press, p. 145-220 (1996) 39. F.E. Huggins and G.P. Huffman, "Application of XAFS Spectroscopy to Coal Geochemistry", in M.D. Dyar, C.A. McCammon and M.W. Schaefer, eds., Mineral Spectroscopy: A Tribute to Roger G. Burns, The Geochemical Society, Houston, Texas, Special Publication 5, 133 (1996) 40. L.R. Morss, M.A.J. Schmidt, K.L. Nash, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "Spectroscopic Studies of Lanthanide Coordination in Crystalline and Amorphous Phosphates", in K.L. D’Amico, L.J. Terminello, and D.K. Shuh, eds., Synchrotron Radiation Techniques in Industrial, Chemical, and Materials Science, Plenum Press, New York, p. 229-235 (1996) 41. T. Reich, M.A. Denecke, S. Pompe, H. Nitsche, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "Characterization of Uranyl Ions with Humic Acids by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy", in K.L. D’Amico, L.J. Terminello and D.K. Shuh, eds., Synchrotron Radiation Techniques in Industrial, Chemical, and Materials Science, Plenum Press, New York, p. 215-228 (1996) A.9.3 1996 Ph.D. Theses.1. J.R. Bargar, "Structures and Compositions of Lead(II) Sorption Products and Surface Sites on Aluminum and Iron Oxides", Stanford University, 1996; Advisors: G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks. 2. M.L. Peterson, "Chromium(XI) Reduction by Magnetite: Spectroscopic Evidence of Sorption Precipitation, and Heterogeneous Oxidation-Reduction Reactions", Stanford University, 1996; Advisors: G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks. 3. S.N. Towle "Adsorption and Coprecipitation of Aqueous Cobalt(II) on Aluminum Oxide and Titanium Dioxide", Stanford University, 1996; Advisors: G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks |
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