Beamline 15-2 is an undulator experimental station dedicated to advanced hard x-ray spectroscopy. The end station is equipped with sub-corehole lifetime resolution x-ray emission spectrometers (a 7-crystal Johann spectrometer and a 8 crystal von Hamos instrument) as well as a high-throughput and high energy resolution (0.3eV) 40-crystal low-q x-ray Raman spectrometer. The end-station also incorporates a high-power MHz repetition laser together with fast diodes and FPGA electronics enabling laser pump x-ray probe time-resolved spectroscopies (~75ps time resolution) using the camshaft bunch (~20mA) of SPEAR3. Advanced sample environments including electrochemical cells, thermal catalysis reactors, cryostats, continuous flow liquid jets, microfluidic mixers and other in situ environments enable a multipurpose scientific program across catalysis, energy science, biochemistry, environmental science as well as actinides research.
Status | Open |
Supported Techniques | Pump-Probe X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering X-ray emission spectroscopy X-ray RAMAN spectroscopy |
Main Scientific Disciplines | Bioscience Catalysis Energy Science Materials Sciences |
Beam Line Specifications | |||||||||||||||||||
Source87 period in vacuum undulator
OpticsM1 KB mirrors: Bent single crystal KB mirrors for a vertical and horizontal beam focusing. Rh and Si stripes provide selectable cutoffs at 11keV and 18.2 keV, respectively. Monochromator: LN2 cooled, Si(111), ϕ = 0o , Si(311), ϕ = 0o. double-crystal. Absorption127um Be |
Instrumentation | 7-crystal XES spectrometer ( (link is external)) 40-crystal XRS ( (link is external)) |
Sample Environment | Ambient pressure experiments, He chamber(s), flexibility with various in-situ setups including electrochemical cells and thermal reactors for operando catalysis, liquid samples and liquid jets, high pressure. Dedicated LHe cryostat (4-200 K). Minimum sample requirement (in terms of concentration): Typically, end-station can measure sub-100umol concentrations and sub monolayer materials. Feasibility depends strongly on the technique and the scientific question. Please contact responsible scientific staff for guidance. |
Data Acquisition and Analysis | SPEC, PyMCA, Matlab, Python |
Beam Line Phone | 650-926-5115. On-site Users: Contact the Duty Operator at 9-926-4040 |
Beam Line Contact | |||||||||||||||||||
Beam Line Engineering Notes |
Content Owner: N Stojanovic