SSRL FY2010-2011 Experimental Run Schedule
SSRL Operating/Maintenance |
SSRL Beam Lines Schedule |
SPEAR3 Top-Off injection began in June 2010 and will continue in the coming run which resumes the week of November 15.
X-ray | VUV | Macromolecular Crystallography (Support Staff Schedule) |
LCLS FY 2009-2010 User-Assisted Commissioning Schedules
LCLS Experiment Schedules |
FY2011 |
FY2011 |
FY2011 |
FY2010 |
Accelerator Schedule (for staff):
- Accelerator Physics
- SPEAR Maintenance and Shutdown
- SPEAR Startup
- Injector Startup
- Injector Top-Off Upgrade