Science Highlights
Tuning the Properties in Perovskite Materials for Photovoltaics –
Contacts: Aryeh Gold-Parker, Stanford University/SSRL and Michael McGehee,
Stanford University
The search continues for solar energy materials that are efficient and
inexpensive and simple to make. Films made of metal halide perovskite crystals
are good candidates because of their impressive solar cell efficiencies and
their low cost to produce. An advantage of metal halide perovskite materials is
the ability to tune their band gap, which determines the wavelengths of light
that can be collected by the solar cell.
Citation: Prasanna et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2017), doi:
Demanding Catalysis via Energy-Conserving Electron Bifurcation –
Contact: John Peters, Washington State University
Cellular metabolism is essential for life. Up until recently, we knew just
two methods cells use to generate and conserve the energy required for cellular
metabolism: ATP hydrolysis and electrochemical ion potential across cell
membranes. Recently, a paradigm-changing third mechanism was discovered, called
flavin-based electron bifurcation (FBEB).
Citation: Lubner et al., Nat. Chem. Biol.(2017), doi:
More SSRL-Related Science
A Battery Based on Sodium May Offer More Cost-Effective Storage than
Excerpted from October 9, 2017 Stanford News Article by Tom
Stanford researchers have developed a sodium-based battery that can store
the same amount of energy as a state-of-the-art lithium ion, at substantially
lower cost. Chemical engineer Zhenan Bao and her faculty collaborators,
materials scientists Yi Cui and William Chueh, are not the first researchers to
design a sodium ion battery. But they believe the approach they describe in an
October 9 Nature Energy paper has the price and performance
characteristics to create a sodium ion battery costing less than 80 percent of
a lithium ion battery with the same storage capacity. Read more...
Researchers Develop a Way to Better Predict Corrosion from Crude
Excerpted from September 25, 2017 SLAC News Feature by Amanda
Using x-ray techniques, scientists are developing an analysis tool that can
more accurately predict how sulfur compounds in a batch of crude oil might
corrode equipment – an important safety issue for the oil industry. The
results of these ongoing experiments at SSRL will improve industry
The goal is to characterize the types of sulfur that are most critical to
identify in the oil, in order to better anticipate the potential for corrosion
rates. A team of researchers from Chevron and the University of Saskatchewan
are performing a series of studies at SSRL to closely examine forms of sulfur
in crude oil.
Meeting Summary
Users' Meeting Recap
Excerpted from October 16, 2017 SLAC News Article by Dawn Hamer and
Amanda Solliday
This year's SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting, held September 27-29,
brought together nearly 400 SSRL and LCLS researchers including 90 participants
in the concurrent High-Power Laser workshop.
The Users' Meeting included presentations and workshops where
participants gathered to share and discuss facility capabilities and the latest
areas of research. A number of awards were presented at the plenary
sessions including:
- Kathryn Hastie, TSRI, William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young
Investigator Award
- Kasper Kjaer, PULSE/Stanford University, LCLS Young
Investigator Award
- Suhas Kumar, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Melvin P. Klein
Scientific Development Award
- Matthew Latimer, SSRL, Farrel W. Lytle Award (see
The 2017 Users' Meeting organizers were Christoph Bostedt of Argonne
National Laboratory, Vice chair of the LCLS Users’ Executive Committee;
David Bushnell of Stanford University, the SSRL Users’ Executive
Committee Vice Chair; and staff scientists Axel Brachmann, Sergio Carbajo and
Dimosthenis Sokaras.
Awards and Honors
Matthew Latimer Receives 2017 Lytle Award
Excerpted from October 5, 2017 SLAC News Article by Amanda
| Blaine Mooers (left) presenting Matthew Latimer with the Lytle
Award |
Matthew Latimer came to SSRL as a postdoctoral researcher after earning his
PhD at UC Berkeley in the mid 90's. Fast forwarding to the present
time he is now a beam line scientist in charge of supporting seven spectroscopy
beam lines at SSRL. In acknowledgement of his many contributions to the
lab he was presented with the 2017 Farrel W. Lytle Award at the Users'
Meeting on September 28. Twenty-five colleagues and visiting researchers
at the synchrotron submitted statements of support for Latimer to receive the
award. They cited his ability to successfully execute experiments, his helpful,
good-natured and humorous reputation, and his assistance with nearly every
research and technical group at SSRL.
“I was really happy to earn the award, and I’m proud of the
research we’ve supported and enabled as a group at SSRL. Because it comes
from the SSRL community, the award is a nice validation of an accumulation of
work,” Latimer said.
Joe Wong Poster Award Winners
The Annual SSRL/LCLS Users' Meeting also included the
Joe Wong Poster
Awards competition, which was created with support from long-time SSRL user Joe
Wong. Wong retired in 2006 from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with
seven patents, 12 awards and more than 200 publications. We would like to
extend our thanks to Joe as well as the staff scientists and members of the
facility User Executive Committees who volunteered to serve as judges. It
was quite a treat to have Joe present the awards to these young
Please join us in congratulating the recipients of the 2017 Joe Wong
Outstanding Poster Awards to:
| (from left) Gauthier Deblonde, Joe Wong, Izumi
Ishigami and Ariana Peck. |
- Gauthier Deblonde, LBNL, Shedding Light on the
Transplutonium Element (Am, Cm, Bk, Cf) Solution Chemistry Using EXAFS - Beam
Line 11-2
- Izumi Ishigami, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Crystal Structure of CO-bound Cytochrome c Oxidase Determined by Serial
Femtosecond X-ray Crystallography at Room Temperature
- Ariana Peck, Stanford University, Intermolecular
Correlations are Necessary to Explain Diffuse Scattering from Protein Crystals
—overall best student poster
SSRL Users' Executive Committee Update
UEC Election Results
Election results for SSRL's Users' Executive Committee (UEC)
are in.
Please join us in supporting David Bushnell as the new Chair and welcoming new
members Timothy Stemmler, Bio Spectroscopy/Bio SAXS representative, Graham
George and Henry (Pete) La Pierre as Materials Chemistry representatives, and
Monica Barney as the Industry representative. As a result of a change to
the UEC Charter allowing up to four students to the UEC we are pleased to also
welcome Natalie Geise, Nathan Lavey, Andrew Riscoe and Kelly Lynn
Summers. One postdoctoral associate will be added to the 2018-2019 ballot
to join the Committee.
We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Blaine Mooers (2017 Chair)
and the entire UEC in support of SSRL this past year and extend our thanks to
retiring committee members Scott Daly, Dan Lin, Vinayak Hassan, Debra Hausladen
and Stosh Kozimor. Thank you!
Upcoming Events
Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2018), June 10-15, 2018,
Save the date for the 13th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation
Instrumentation (SRI 2018) to be hosted by the National Synchrotron Radiation
Research Center (NSRRC), at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC),
June 10-15, 2018. Conference website
Call for User Publications, Theses, Awards, Patents
Please let us know about all publications, theses, awards, patents and other
forms of recognition resulting from research conducted fully or partially at
SSRL. These metrics of scientific achievements and productivity are extremely
important to the facility, and to our funding agencies. Remember to
acknowledge SSRL in ALL publications resulting from use of SSRL beam lines.
This acknowledgement of SSRL is relevant even when final results are obtained
at other facilities. If SSRL is not acknowledged in your paper or supplementary
material, we are not able to include it on our list or report it to our funding
agencies. Your assistance is essential to help us to meet our mission
requirements, including assessment and reporting. More information is available
on our publications page.
2018 Panofsky Fellowship Applications due December 1,
The Panofsky Fellowship honors SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's
founder and first Director, Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky. It is intended to
recognize exceptional and promising young scientists who would most benefit
from the unique opportunity to conduct their research at SLAC.
The Fellowship celebrates W. K. H. Panofsky's breadth of activities and
is awarded without regard to a candidate's particular specialty within our
programs. While an emphasis will be placed on the potential for
innovation and growth of new opportunities as their career develops, the
candidate's research plan should relate to one or more areas within the
general scope of the science program at SLAC. Application Process
User Research Administration
SSRL Beam Time Request Deadlines
- November 8, 2017 – X-ray/VUV requests for February-April
- January 18, 2018 – Macromolecular Crystallography requests for
March-May 2018
SSRL Proposal Deadline
- December 1, 2017 – X-ray/VUV and Macromolecular Crystallography
Submit proposals and beam time requests through the User Portal.
The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) is a third-generation
light source producing extremely bright x-rays for basic and applied
research. SSRL attracts and supports scientists from around the world who
use its state-of-the-art capabilities to make discoveries that benefit society.
SSRL, a U.S. DOE Office of Science national user facility, is a Directorate of
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Stanford University for the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SSRL Structural
Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and
Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National
Institute of General Medical Sciences. For more information about SSRL science,
operations and schedules, visit
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Questions? Comments? Contact Lisa Dunn