To ensure prompt handling of your purchas
e requistion, please coordinate
all PC purchases with the PC Support Group.
Please see Purchasing
PCs and PC components at SSRL.
Before buying your computer, review the SLAC hardware
Dell is the preferred vendor for our site.
Warranty repairs ar
e available for Dell equipment from our on-site service
Contact PC Support
if you have any questions on the recommended configuration.
Computers not conforming to the site standards will likely encounter delays
in receiving support.
This is due to limited resources and options being available for non-standard
Software packages for which SSRL has a site license or for which distribution
is free can be found on network file shares.
If you are logging on with an SSRL account, see Q:\Software\Apps.
Other software requiring licenses are available for installation.
Some of these packages are in Q:\Software\Licensed_Apps.
If you wish to h
ave licensed software installed, please send a request
with an account number to charge to PC Support.
If you are interested in software that may be used by a significant number
of SSRL staff, please coordinate with the Computer/Networking Group so that
volume purchasing arrangements may be made.
To get a computer account, please see the instructions for the SSRL Account Request Form.
SSRL staff and users may receive accounts for the Windows or VMS platforms.
SSRL staff may also have a SLAC Windows account in additional to their
SSRL account.
EMail is available from either VMS mail or
To change your password when you are logged on:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete at the same time
Click the Change Password button.
Type in your old password, then typ
e a new password.
Your password must be at least 7 characters long and meet 3 of the following
4 criteria:
1) Numeric
2) Upper case characters
3) Lower case characters
4) Special characters (such as # * + and punctuation)
For further information, see the Guide to Changing
To allow for file sharing between Windows and Macintosh users, a folder
has been setup in a jointly accessible location.
The shared volume MacStuff is available on the Windows server SSRLNT1
to facilitate cross platform file transfers.
See Windows Access for
Mac Users.
MacStuff is to be used only for transfer, not storage.
Files should be deleted immediately after transfer so as to avoid future
For longer term storage, you should use your home directory or relevant
group folder.
In order to transfer files th
at are not common to both operating systems
or to copy files to non NT or Mac systems, do the following:
From the Start Menu,
Select Programs.
Select Reflection.
Click on FTP Client.
From the Connection Menu,
Select Connect.
A window will display with a site list of F
TP servers.
If a host definition does not already exist for your server,
Click on New to create an entry for your host.
For the server name, type the IP address or the name of
the server you are trying to access,
Login with your user name and password.
Choose the files you are interested in c
Drag and drop the files to copy.
To change directories:
Click on the View Menu.
Select the Command Window.
In the Command window, type cd and the name of the
desired directory.
Close the connection when finished.
If you wish the secure access to your computer while you're away, you
can lock your screen.
In order to do so, press Crtl+Alt+Delete at the same time.
Click the Lock Computer button (appears as Lock Workstation
in NT 4).
Your screen saver may also be set to automatically lock your machine.
From the Start Menu,
Select Settings.
Select Control Panel.
Double click on Display.
Click on the Screen Saver tab.
Click the checkbox for Password protected (appears
as On resume, password protect in XP)
Click on OK.
An introduction is available to Computing
with Windows at SSRL.