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New Scientific Opportunities in Ultra High Resolution Spectroscopy: from Nano Materials to Complex Quantum Systems

October 21, 2000
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, SLAC

Training Center

Christopher Chidsey, Robert Laughlin (Stanford University), Z.-X. Shen,
(SSRL/Stanford University) and Changyoung Kim (SSRL) 

The SSRL storage ring will soon be upgraded to a third generation ring, providing exciting
new opportunities for scientific research in the UV range. The focus of the workshop is
on the area of ultra-high resolution spectroscopy using 10-300 eV photons. The aim of
the workshop is to explore and identify scientific themes that are important and ready to
benefit from the SPEAR3 upgrade, and to identify the best beam line configuration to
serve the interests and need of the research community. 

Draft Program


Coffee and Continental Breakfast

8:40 Welcome 
Keith Hodgson/Z-X. Shen, SSRL/Stanford
9:00 New Opportunities with SPEAR3
Changyoung Kim, SSRL
9:25 Very High Resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy: Conventional Superconductors; the Kondo Resonance; the Fermi Liquid
Stefan Hüfner, Universität des Saarlandes
9:50 Electronic Structure in Low Dimensional and Correlated Solids Studied with Very High Resolution Photoemission and Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopies
Kevin E. Smith, Boston U
10:15 Electronic States in Atomically Uniform Films
Tai-chang Chiang, UIUC
10:40 Break
10:55 Electronic States in Molecular Nanostructures
Christopher Chidsey, Stanford
11:20 Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Surfactant-Capped Nanocrystals
Joerg Rockenberger/Paul Alivisatos, UC Berkeley
11:45 Carbon Nanotubes
Hongjie Dai, Stanford
12:10 Probing Redox Sites with Photoemission Spectroscopic Methods: Implications for Electron Transfer Properties in Rubredoxins
Pierre Kennepohl/Edward Solomon, Stanford
12:35 Lunch
1:30 BACH: Beamline for Advanced diCHroic and Scattering Experiments at Elettra
Fulvio Parmigiani, U. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
1:55 Modifying Properties of Strongly Correlated Materials using Ultra Thin Film Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Hao Tjeng, U of Groningen
2:25 Bulk Sensitive High Resolution Photoemission of Strongly Correlated 4f and 3d Systems
Shigemasa Suga, Osaka U
2:50 Comparative Study of the Electronic Structure of XRu2Si2 (X=La,Ce,Th,U): Probing the Anderson Lattice
James W. Allen, U of Michigan
3:15 Break
3:40 Problems in Complex Materials and High Resolution Photoemission
Atsushi Fujimori/Takashi Mizokawa, U of Tokyo
4:10 Ultrahigh Resolution Beamline at the ALS for the Study of Complex and Correlated Phenomena
Zahid Hussain, ALS
4:25 Discussion
Chairs: Chris Chidsey and Z.-X. Shen
5:00 Closing Remarks
Robert Laughlin/Z.-X. Shen, Stanford

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Last Update: 16-SEP-2000
Page Content:
L. Dunn
Page Editor:
L. Dunn