SSRL27 Users'
Meeting | Workshops
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New Scientific Opportunities in Ultra High Resolution Spectroscopy: from Nano Materials to Complex Quantum Systems October 21, 2000 Training Center Organizers: The SSRL storage ring will soon be upgraded to a third generation ring, providing exciting Draft Program |
8:10 |
Coffee and Continental Breakfast |
8:40 |
Keith Hodgson/Z-X. Shen, SSRL/Stanford |
9:00 |
New Opportunities with SPEAR3 Changyoung Kim, SSRL |
9:25 |
Very High Resolution Photoemission
Spectroscopy: Conventional Superconductors; the Kondo Resonance; the Fermi
Liquid Stefan Hüfner, Universität des Saarlandes |
9:50 |
Electronic Structure in Low Dimensional and
Correlated Solids Studied with
Very High Resolution Photoemission and Soft X-ray Emission
Kevin E. Smith, Boston U |
10:15 |
Electronic States in Atomically Uniform
Films Tai-chang Chiang, UIUC |
10:40 | Break |
10:55 |
Electronic States in Molecular
Nanostructures Christopher Chidsey, Stanford |
11:20 |
Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Surfactant-Capped
Nanocrystals Joerg Rockenberger/Paul Alivisatos, UC Berkeley |
11:45 |
Carbon Nanotubes Hongjie Dai, Stanford |
12:10 |
Probing Redox Sites with Photoemission
Spectroscopic Methods: Implications for Electron Transfer Properties in
Rubredoxins Pierre Kennepohl/Edward Solomon, Stanford |
12:35 | Lunch |
1:30 |
BACH: Beamline for Advanced diCHroic and
Scattering Experiments at Elettra Fulvio Parmigiani, U. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore |
1:55 |
Modifying Properties of Strongly Correlated
Materials using Ultra Thin Film Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Hao Tjeng, U of Groningen |
2:25 |
Bulk Sensitive High Resolution Photoemission
of Strongly Correlated 4f and 3d Systems Shigemasa Suga, Osaka U |
2:50 |
Comparative Study of the Electronic
Structure of XRu2Si2 (X=La,Ce,Th,U): Probing the
Anderson Lattice James W. Allen, U of Michigan |
3:15 | Break |
3:40 |
Problems in Complex Materials and High
Resolution Photoemission Atsushi Fujimori/Takashi Mizokawa, U of Tokyo |
4:10 |
Ultrahigh Resolution Beamline at the ALS for
the Study of Complex and Correlated Phenomena Zahid Hussain, ALS |
4:25 |
Discussion Chairs: Chris Chidsey and Z.-X. Shen |
5:00 |
Closing Remarks Robert Laughlin/Z.-X. Shen, Stanford |
| Workshops
| Poster
Session | Lytle
Award | Vendor
Exhibit | Registration
| |
Last Update: 16-SEP-2000
Page Content: L.
Page Editor: L.