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Soft X-ray Speckles: Nanoscale Dynamics in Liquids and Solids

October 18, 2000
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, SLAC

Training Center: A&B


Stephen Kevan, University of Oregon and  Jan Lüning, SSRL

Transverse coherence is likely to be the least explored property of synchrotron radiation, and only very recently have a few groups started to take advantage of it. One promising application is x-ray dynamic light scattering (or photon correlation spectroscopy) which as a photon-in/photon-out technique can be applied to a wide variety of sample systems in various environments and applied fields. The goal of this workshop is to gain an overview about experience obtained using soft x-rays for dynamic scattering and to discuss future developments. Also, experimental needs will be addressed which is of importance in view of the new soft x-ray capabilities at SSRL with SPEAR3.

Draft Program


Coffee and Continental Breakfast

Session 1 Introduction
9:00 Welcome and Introduction
9:10 Coherence: How to Obtain and How to Preserve
Dave Attwood, CXRO
9:55 Coherent Scattering: Advantages and Problems of the Technique
Ivan Vartaniants, U. Illinois
10:40 Break
Session 2 Science Outlook
11:10 Tutorial about Nanoscale Phenomena and Dynamics in Strongly Correlated Systems
Seung-Hun Lee, NIST
11:40 Incoherent and Coherent Scattering from Nanocomposite Magnetic Films Used for High-density Magnetic Recording
Eric Fullerton, IBM
12:10 Iterative Schemes for Reconstruction from Coherent Scattering
John Spence, Arizona State U.
12:40 Lunch Program
Session 3 Space and Time Domain
2:00 Speckle and Resonant Coherent Scattering from Semiconductors and Magnetic Surfaces Stefan Eisebitt, Forschungszentrum Jülich
2:30 Correlation Spectroscopy
Larry Soerenson, U. of Washington
3:00 Dynamics in Soft Condensed Matter
Nitash P. Balsara, UC Berkeley
3:30 Break
Session 4 Contributed Talks
4:00 Analysis and Simulation of Soft X-ray Speckle in Magnetic Scattering from Rough Surfaces with Antiferromagnetic Domains
Arman Rahmim, UBC Vancouver
4:25 Studies on the Phase Retrieval of Speckle Patterns
John Miao, SSRL
4:50 Coherent Soft X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering from Domain Structures in Thin Films
Joost Peters, U. of Amsterdam
~5:30 Wine & Cheese Reception for All Workshops

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Last Update:  11-OCT-2000
Page Content:
L. Dunn
Page Editor:
L. Dunn