

Poster Session

Lytle Award

Vendor Exhibit





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27th Annual
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
Users' Meeting

Stanford, California  USA 
October 18-21, 2000

Meeting Chairs: 

Paul Foster (UC San Francisco) Jan Lüning (SSRL) 

The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL) Users' Meeting provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent developments and experimental results at SSRL or relating to synchrotron radiation sources. Surveys of these new developments will be presented by invited speakers and through a poster session. Five workshops will be held in conjunction with the meeting. The Annual Farrel W. Lytle Award presentation and a graduate student poster competition are also features of this meeting.

Important Deadlines:

 SSRLUO-EC Nominations  August 18
 Poster Abstract Submissions  October 9
 Lytle Award Nominations  October 2
 Early Registration  September 29
 Cancellations w/Full Refund  October 6

General Information:

During the meeting, attendees can be reached by calling 650-926-4000. Messages will be posted outside the auditorium. For assistance with faxes or copying services, please see the staff at the registration desk.

Lunches are not provided during the meeting unless they are pre-ordered during registration. If you choose not to order lunch, the SLAC Cafeteria will be open during the meeting. Additionally, there are restaurants nearby.

Social Events:

Poster Session Reception, Thursday, October 19

Although posters will be displayed throughout the meeting, a special poster session reception will be held so that all presenters will be available to discuss their work with you in the poster display area. During this time, the SSRLUO-EC members will be voting for the top student poster presentations in four discipline areas. Vendors will also be available during this time.

Dinner, Thursday, October 19

The Meeting dinner will be off-site at Dominic's at Poplar Creek in San Mateo. The evening program includes the presentation of the Third Annual Farrel W. Lytle Award, the student poster prizes, and announcement of the newly elected SSRLUO-EC members. Extra banquet tickets are available by request on your registration form.

Meeting Staff:

 Lisa Dunn  General Organization
 Paul Foster  Technical Program
 Jan Lüning  Technical Program
 Todd Slater  Vendor Exhibit
 Michelle Steger  Logistics & Registration
 Diana Viera  Poster Session

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Last Update: 11-SEP-2000
Page Content:
L. Dunn
Page Editor:
L. Dunn