SSRLUO Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Summary of Meetings and Discussion Topics in 2009
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October 20, 2009 - The SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee (SSRLUOEC)
met immediately following the annual Users' Meeting. Newly elected
representatives to the 2009-10 SSRLUOEC were announced during the Tuesday
morning session by incoming chair Katherine Kantardjieff (CSU Fullerton) and
again at the SSRLUOEC meeting for anyone who may have missed the earlier
announcement. New members include: Junko Yano (LBNL) representing Bio
Spectroscopy/Bio SAXS; David Singer (UC Berkeley/LBNL) for
Environmental/Geoscience; Matthew Sazinsky (Pomona College) for Macromolecular
Crystallography; Aaron Lindenberg (Stanford University) for Ultrafast Science;
R. Joseph Kline (NIST) for Materials Science and Leslie Jimison (Stanford
University) as a graduate student representative.
Appreciation was expressed for the effort of outgoing members: Rebecca Fenn
(Stanford University), Brittany Nelson-Cheeseman (UCSC), Chris Kim (Chapman
University), Richard Lee (LLNL), Karen McFarlane Holman (Willamette
University), Art Nelson (LLNL) and Monika Sommerhalter (CSU East Bay).
June 8, 2009 - The SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee (SSRL UEC) met
on Monday, June 8th 1-3 pm in the SSRL Building 137 3rd floor conference room.
SSRL organizational changes were announced: Effective July 1st, Jo Stohr will
become LCLS Director and Piero Pianetta will be Acting SSRL Director.
The following issues were discussed:
- 500 mA Operation and Top-off mode: Bob Hettel/James Safranek
- Washington DC trip summary: Chris Kim
- Users' Meeting planning: Katherine Kantardjieff
- SSRL lighting and after-hours access: Wayne Lukens
- SSRL Scientific Advisory Committee meeting: Wayne Lukens
April 10, 2009 - The SSRLUEC met to discuss the following issues:
- Review survey results
- Suggestions related to Sample Prep Lab equipment/gloveboxes
- Status of top off injection and higher current operations
- Future Lightsources White Paper
- SLAC Security Gate Access (closed 10pm-6am; more scrutiny/difficulty getting colleagues/visitors through on an escort badge)
- User Safety Advisory - Glass Vials. A user was injured when a glass,
crimp-top vial that was used to transport air sensitive solutions under liquid
nitrogen burst while it was being warmed to room temperature. This incident
identified a significant safety issue with these types of sample holders and
the procedures for their use. Glass crimp-top vials should not be used. If you
intend to bring cryogenically cooled samples in any type of vial, please be
sure to identify it as a potential hazard on your beam time request form.
Please contact the SSRL Safety Office if you have any questions. We use this as
an opportunity to reinforce safety at SSRL by asking you to review your
experiments to identify any potential safety hazards so that the appropriate
controls can be put in place. This includes the need for personal protective
equipment (safety glasses, gloves, etc.) and procedures. If you need any
assistance, do not hesitate to contact the SSRL safety office.
March 2009 - SLAC Library Task Force Seeks User Input:
While the SLAC Library's public-use area is temporarily housed in the foyer of Building 50, the lab has an opportunity to explore and define how the library can best be organized to meet current and future information needs. Library use has changed tremendously in the last decade, particularly since most scientific journals and other useful information are easily accessible online. In addition, SLAC's science is evolving. In response to these changes, SLAC management has charged a new task force to recommend how best to meet SLAC's future library needs. The Library Task Force includes: Anders Nilsson (chair), Niels van Bakel, Patricia Kreitz, Nan Phinney, David Reis, Aaron Roodman and Robert Ruland. They would like to get input from SLAC users and staff about their future needs for library collections, access and services.