LCLS Users' Organization Executive Committee
The LCLS Users' Organization (LCLS UO) provides an organized framework and independent vehicle for interaction between the scientists who will use the Linac Coherent Light Source (the users) and LCLS/SLAC Management. The LCLS UO is broadly concerned with representing the interests of the LCLS users to SLAC management, so as to facilitate the availability and effective use of LCLS for the research community.
The LCLS Users' Organization Executive Committee (LCLS UOEC) is the formal organizational unit of the LCLS UO. LCLS UOEC members are elected by the members of the LCLS user community. The UOEC communicates the needs and desires of users regarding LCLS operating policies, use of LCLS, user support, and other relevant issues of concern to those engaged in research at this facility.
Download LCLS Users' Organization Charter and By-laws [PDF]
Representatives to the LCLS UOEC are nominated and elected from the general user community from various disciplines including:
- AMO Science
- X-ray Pump-Probe
- Coherent X-ray Imaging
- X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
- Soft X-ray Science
- Matter in Extreme Conditions
LCLS UOEC members serve a three-year term, with the exception of the person elected Chair, who serves on the committee two additional years to facilitate continuity of LCLS UOEC activities.
Current LCLS UOEC Members (including election results from the 2008 LCLS Users' Organization Meeting)
Linda Young, ANL |
Phil Heimann, LBNL |
Date | Time | Place |
May 06, 2009 | 4 PM | Contact Henia Kamil for conference call instructions |