Eva Rose Balog
University of California Santa Cruz, MCD Biology, Santa Cruz, CA
Eva Rose Balog is a fifth year Ph.D. student studying molecular mechanisms of
cell cycle regulation and cancer using x-ray crystallography in the laboratory
of Dr. Seth Rubin at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Eva Rose is
originally from Maine and graduated from the California Institute of Technology
in 2006 with a B.S. in Biology. At Caltech she learned protein crystallography
in the laboratory of Dr. Doug Rees. She has been an SSRL user since 2007.
email: murdock@biology.ucsc.edu |
ph: 831-459-1730
| |
Serena DeBeer (Chair)
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 / Max Planck Society,
Serena DeBeer is an Assistant Professor in the Chemistry
and Chemical Biology Department at Cornell University. She holds a B.S. from
Southwestern University and a Ph.D. from Stanford University, and spent
several years as a staff scientist at SSRL. Her research focuses on the
development and application of synchrotron spectroscopies to understand
fundamental questions in biological and chemical catalysis. |
email: serena.debeer@cornell.edu |
ph: 607-255-2352
| |
Lisa Dunn (SSRL Liason)
SSRL, User Research Administration, 2575 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025
Lisa has been continuously employed at SSRL since 1986, and has managed the administration of protein crystallography experiments since 2000. Lisa earned her Bachelor of Science degree from San Jose State University. |
email: lisa@slac.stnaford.edu |
Sarah Hayes (Vice
US Geological Survey, Soil, Water and Environmental Science, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, 94025
Sarah Hayes is currently a Mendenhall postdoctoral fellow at the US Geological Survey in Menlo Park. She performed her Ph.D. research at the University of Arizona with Dr. Jon Chorover on the speciation of toxic metals in arid mine tailings. She gave a talk on the applications of microprobe spectroscopy to environmental scienceAt the 2009 SSRL user meeting. Her current work at the USGS with Andrea Foster and Laurie Balistrieri involves studying the sorption mechanism of tellurium (used in solar panel manufacture) to iron oxides and tellurium speciation in various geomedia. Her current research interests are focused on understanding the link between toxic metal speciation in geomedia and their associated risks to human and ecosystem health. |
email: shayes@usgs.gov |
Katherine A.
Kantardjieff (Past Chair)
CSU San Marcos, College of Science and Math, San Marcos, CA 92096 |
Professor and Chair, Department of Chemistry, Cal Poly Pomona (on
leave from CSU Fullerton until May 2011). Director of the W.M. Keck Foundation Center for
Molecular Structure. She completed Ph.D and postdoctoral work in physical
chemistry and structural biology at UCLA with David Eisenberg. Kantardjieff's
laboratory is the only member of the Tuberculosis Structural Genomics
Consortium from a non-PhD granting institution. CMolS is comprised of
comprehensive X-ray diffraction and computational laboratories supporting
research and education as a core facility in the 23-campus CSU, as well as the
STaRBURSTT-CyberDiffraction Consortium, a nationwide virtual organization of
predominantly undergraduate institutions. CMolS pioneered the use of remote
instrumentation access at PUIs and, since 2006, CMolS is a research partner
with SSRL. Kantardjieff's own research investigates protein structure and
function, employing combined experimental and in silico approaches of
crystallography, biophysical methods, computation and informatics. The
knowledge gained is applied to the engineering of molecules with specific
properties, and to structure-guided drug design. Systems of current interest
include bacterial cytochromes c', carbonyl reductases, cholinesterases and
several tuberculosis proteins. Kantardjieff and collaborators at Fullerton have
established a research computing cluster for computational biochemistry and
crystallography, which is part of a larger CSU system-wide, distributed
computing resource. Kantardjieff has developed and deployed crystallography and
computational courses and workshops, including some delivered entirely online,
at both the undergraduate and post-graduate levels. She has led national and
international efforts in crystallography education and training. Kantardjieff's
activities led to her election to the United States National Committee for
Crystallography, of which she is currently Vice Chair. |
email: kkantard@csusm.edu |
ph: 909-869-3651
Chris Kim (Ex officio SNUG)
Chapman University, Physical Sciences, One University Ave., Orange, CA 92866 |
Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Sciences at Chapman University in Southern California. He conducted his graduate work at Stanford University under Gordon Brown and continued his research as a post-doc at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with Glenn Waychunas. He has been a user at SSRL since 1996 and has also conducted research at the ALS and APS. Currently, he is studying trends in the speciation, concentration, and distribution of heavy metals in mine wastes as well as the mechanisms and extent of metal uptake and (co-)precipitation with iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles. Chris is also involved in increasing opportunities for undergraduate students to conduct research at national synchrotron facilities. |
email: cskim@chapman.edu |
ph: 714-628-7363
R. Joseph Kline
NIST, 100 Bureau Dr., Gaitherburg, MD 20899 |
R. Joseph Kline is a staff scientist in the Polymers Division at NIST. He uses
x-ray diffraction to study the morphology and crystallography of semiconducting
polymers for organic electronics and photovoltaics. He has been a frequent user
at SSRL since 2004 when he was a graduate student at Stanford working for Prof.
Michael McGehee. Joe received SSRL's Spicer Young Investigator Award in 2008.
email: joe.kline@nist.gov |
ph: 301-975-4356 |
Cathy Knotts (SSRL Liaison)
SSRL, User Research Administration,
2575 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
Manager of User Research Administration since November 2000. Prior to that time, Cathy managed administrative operations and corporate communications in the biotechnology industry. She was a management analyst for National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health before moving to North
ern California in 1994. Cathy received a B.S. from the University of Maryland
majoring in Health Science and Policy. |
email: knotts@slac.stanford.edu |
Aaron Lindenberg
Stanford University, SLAC Photon Science MS: 59, 2575 Sand Hill Rd.,
Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
Aaron Lindenberg is Assistant Professor in the Materials Science and
Engineering Department at Stanford University, joint with Photon Science at
SLAC since 2007. Member of the PULSE Institute for Ultrafast Energy Science.
Staff scientist at SLAC from 2003-2007. B.A. and Ph.D. in physics from Columbia
University and University of California Berkeley, respectively. Research focus
is generally on the ultrafast properties of materials.
email: aaronl@stanford.edu |
ph: 650-926-4558
Martin Meedom Nielsen
(Ex officio LCLSUEC)
Technical University of Denmark,Department of Physics, DTU Riso
Campus, Roskilde, Denmark
Martin Meedom Nielsen, LCLS UEC Chair, also serves in an ex-officio capacity on
the SSRL UEC. Martin is the Head of Section in the DTU Department of Physics.
His research interests are related to neutrons and x-rays for materials physics
email: mmee@fysik.dtu.dk |
Rodrigo Noriega
Stanford University, Applied Physics, Stanford, CA 94305
Rodrigo Noriega earned his BS in Engineering Physics from Tecnologico de
Monterrey in Mexico (2006). He is currently a fifth year graduate student in
the Applied Physics program at Stanford University working under the direction
of Prof. Alberto Salleo. His research focuses on the characterization of
dopants and defect states in zinc oxide nanostructures, as well as on the
measurement and modeling of disorder in organic semiconductors.
email: noriega@stanford.edu |
ph: 650-353-8813
| |
Juana Rudati
Xradia, Concord, CA 94520
Dr. Rudati is R&D Project Manager at Xradia where she concentrates on advancing
the capabilities of high-resolution x-ray microscopes (30nm and beyond). She
has also developed and used XRF/XRD instruments. As a postdoc, Dr. Rudati was
stationed at SLAC. She frequents both SSRL and APS to perform experiments with
and test improvements on x-ray microscopes. She joined this company in 2006.
email: jrudati@xradia.com |
ph: 925-701-3618
| |
Alberto Salleo
Stanford University, Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford, CA 94305
After obtaining a PhD in Materials Science from UC Berkeley in 2001, Alberto
Salleo joined Xerox PARC as a post-doctoral fellow and was appointed Assistant
Professor in Materials Science at Stanford University in 2005. He is the
recipient of a Fulbright fellowship, two Xerox Performance Awards, the NSF
Career Award, the 3M Untenured Faculty Award and the SPIE Early Career Award.
His main area of research is the investigation of structure-property
relationships in organic semiconductors with emphasis on the role of defects.
In collaboration with M. Toney at SSRL his group has developed
synchrotron-based x-ray diffraction techniques to measure quantitatively
paracrystalline disorder and degree of texture and crystallinity in
semiconducting polymers. These microstructure parameters are used to understand
how disorder at different length-scales affects charge transport. His group has
also used anomalous X-ray diffraction to study Al and GA doping of ZnO
email: asalleo@stanford.edu |
ph: 650-725-1025
| |
Matthew Sazinsky
Pomona College, Chemistry, 645 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA
91711 |
Matthew Sazinsky is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at
Pomona College in Claremont CA. He has been a user at SSRL since 1999 and was
trained as a protein crystallographer in Dr. Stephen Lippard's laboratory at
MIT and Dr. Amy Rosenzweig's laboratory at Northwestern University. His
research focuses on the structural and functional characterization of membrane
proteins and metalloenzymes.
email: matthew.sazinsky@pomona.edu |
ph: 909-607-1011 |
David Singer
UC Berkeley, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences |
David Singer is a post-doctoral scholar in the Berkeley Nanogeoscience Group,
working with Jill Banfield (UC Berkeley) and Glenn Waychunas (Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory). He conducted his graduated work with Gordon Brown at
Stanford University in the Geological and Environmental Sciences Department.
His main research interest is the fate and transport of heavy metals and
radionuclides in the environment. He is currently working on determining the
mechanisms of uranium sequestration by magnetite. He aims to elucidate the
factors which control sorption, nucleation and (co)precipitation, using
synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy and scattering techniques combined with
microscopy and batch-flow sorption experiments. He has been an active user at
SSRL, APS, ALS and NSLS, and looks forward to representing the interests of the
Environmental and Geoscience community.
ph: 510-495-2359
Beth Wurzburg
(Ex Officio)
Stanford University, Structural Biology, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
Beth Wurzburg is a Research Associate in the laboratory of Prof. Ted Jardetzky. She trained as a protein biochemist (Don Wiley's laboratory) and as a crystallographer (Ted Jardetzky's laboratory), and she has been collecting data at synchrotrons since 1995. Her research interests include biophysical studies of proteins of the immune system and of human pathogens.
email: wurzburg@stanford.edu
Junko Yano
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Physical Biosciences, 1
Cyclotron Rd, MS: 66-3, Berkeley, CA 94720
Junko Yano, Ph.D. is a Scientist in the Physical Biosciences Division at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She has been using X-ray
absorption/emission spectroscopy to study the structure of the catalytic
cluster and the mechanism of photosynthetic water oxidation. She is a frequent
user of the spectroscopy beam lines at SSRL for last 8 years. Her current
interests are in the application of polarized X-ray absorption spectroscopy to
protein single crystals. She was also involved in XRD studies using the
diffraction beam lines at the PF, and she has used beam lines at the ALS, APS,
SPring8 and ESRF. She would like to reflect users' voice to the improvement of
SSRL beamlines.
email: jyano@lbl.gov