SSRLUO Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting Notes: February 13, 2006 11 am - 4 pm
Committee Members | Meeting Schedule | Meeting Minutes | SSRLUO Activism
SSRLUOEC Chair Joy Andrews began the meeting by asking everyone to introduce themselves. Attendees included: Joy Andrews, Linda Brinen, Lisa Downward, Ian Evans, Zsu Zsa Hamburger, Britt Hedman, Bob Hettel, Chris Kim, Cathy Knotts, Aaron Lindenberg, Piero Pianetta, Stephane Richard, Bill Schlotter, Robert Scott, Abner Souffer, Jo Stöhr, Glenn Waychunas.
Safety Update
Ian Evans gave a presentation on safety, including suggestions for both work and home. In reply to a question about the machine shop at SSRL, users were discouraged from using this shop without specific authorization. They can, however, contact SSRL staff or the Duty Operator to find out if someone can help them to get parts machined. Users are encouraged to stay informed and follow policies as they relate to safety and to ask if they have any questions.
SSRL Director's Update
SSRL Director Jo Stöhr introduced the SSRL Deputy Directors Britt Hedman and Piero Pianetta. He emphasized the need to continue to focus on safety in all activities. Jo reviewed the status of the various beam lines and focus areas for SSRL (areas where SSRL is or can establish a center of excellence to conduct forefront science to attract and retain key scientists and faculty, such as ultrafast science). He mentioned that we have the opportunity to explore different fill patterns and timing experiments. Jo and Piero also encouraged users to provide input into user needs and desires for future capabilities, for example, would users desire better detectors for materials scattering/diffraction beam lines like BL2-1 and 7-2? There are many scientific opportunities but in order to pursue these, a strong scientific case would be needed.
Top-Off Injection
Bob Hettel summarized the status of SPEAR, including recent events related to approval for 500mA operations (expected shortly for the ring, approval for beam line operations at 500mA will require additional radiation protection review). As planning for top off injection continues, Bob is interested in working with users to identify issues related to various types of experiments, tolerable modes, and degree of interruption.
PRP Encourages User Feedback
At their February 6th meeting, the PRP indicated their desire to have more interaction with users. Prior to the SSRLUOEC meeting, a list of questions from the PRP was circulated to encourage feedback and discussion:
Update of User Activities and Activism
SSLRUOEC Chair Joy Andrews gave a presentation on the many recent activities related to user activism, including the formation of a joint Synchrotron and Neutron Users Group (SNUG) and an advocacy committee comprised of user representatives. Joy also shared news about budgets and new initiatives related to science, technology innovation, and the President's American Competitiveness Initiative. In preparation for meetings in Washington in April, Lisa Downward is compiling a briefing document of research highlights from the various facilities, statistics to demonstrate the need to support basic sciences and why user facilities are important. Joy also shared excerpts from the last briefing document prepared by Glenn Waychunas for the trip to DC in April 2005.
33rd Annual SSRL Users' Meeting
Chris Kim (Chapman University) and Aaron Lindenberg (SSRL) will co-chair the next Annual SSRL Users' Meeting on October 12-13, 2006. They have already begun to outline the program and begin work on details for the meeting. They encourage user suggestions on topics for sessions and workshops, speakers, etc. Possible topics might include: microfocusing (STXM, TXM); young investigators; ultrafast science; industrial applications; applications for art/archeology; biology (nanotechnology, SAXS, spectroscopy, cyro EM); and perhaps talks related to the science featured as an SSRL scientific highlight within the last year. There was also discussion about having workshops on: introduction to SSRL for new users (aimed at students), proposal writing (aimed at new investigators), crystallography, and MEIS. There was a discussion about the potential for joint workshops with ALS on microfocusing. A suggestion was made to try to incorporate hands-on sample preparation, data collection (with a sample data set), and data analysis (e.g., how should data be processed? what is usable data?); users would need to bring their own laptop computer.
SSRL Workshop on Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Techniques (SR-XRS) in Materials and Environmental Sciences: Theory and Application
On May 16-17, 2006, SSRL will host an SR-XRS workshop on techniques which offer
the ability to probe nano- and atomic-scale structures and order/disorder
relationships that critically govern the properties of advanced technological
and environmental materials. The high collimation, intensity, and tunability of
SR allow the investigation of a wide range of materials, including thin films
and interfaces, nanoparticles, amorphous materials, solutions, hydrated and
disordered bacteriogenic minerals and highly crystalline materials. Good
planning and a working knowledge of beam lines, in addition to technique, are
keys to conducting successful SR-XRS measurements. This workshop will provide a
practical users' guide to planning and conducting scattering measurements and
will emphasize topics that can best be obtained only through on-the-experiment
training. Space is limited; register at:
SLUO Update
Abner Souffer, Chair of the SLAC Users' Organization (SLUO), participated in this meeting to encourage SSRL users to think about ways to increase interactions between SLAC and SSRL users. There have been some recent meetings related to user activism. It was suggested that SSRL scientists might consider giving a talk to SLUO users about the types of experiments conducted at SSRL.
Outreach, Communications, User Administration
Cathy Knotts gave a presentation and reminded users about several upcoming events and deadlines:
The meeting adjourned around 4:00 pm.
Cathy Knotts
SSRL Liaison to SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee