11th U.S. National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference (SRI99)

at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford, California USA

October 13-15, 1999 

Abstracts are now being solicited for contributed oral and poster papers for the 11th U.S. National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference (SRI99) at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Abstracts must be submitted on paper and electronically in one of the following ways: 

Your abstract should contain the following information: 

Principal author 

  • Name 
  • Institution 
  • Mailing address of institution 
  • Email address 
  • Telephone number 
  • FAX number
Co-author information 
  • Names and addresses
Contact information (if person submitting abstract is other than principal author) 
  • Name 
  • Email address 
  • Telephone number
Title of presentation 

Abstract (200 words or less) summarizing the work 

Desired presentation format: 

  1. 20-minute oral presentation
  2. poster
Please refer to the TechPubs Help Page for Author Guidelines.

Please note that in preparing the proceedings for SRI99, authors are encouraged to submit their papers in Word or LaTex on or before the last day or the conference (October 15, 1999). The final deadline for corrected abstract submissions and/or refereed papers is November 1, 1999 for inclusion in the proceedings.

Sample Abstract Submission 
Principal author name:  Josephine Schuster 
Institution: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Institutional mailing address: SLAC P.O. Box 4349, 
MS 68 Stanford, 
CA 94309
Email address: josephine@slac.stanford.edu
Telephone: (650) 926-3191
FAX:  none
Co-author names and addresses: Gus Ascani, SLAC 
(same as above)

Joe Smith, 
P.O. Box 1663 
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Title: Best-beam algorithms: methods and models 
Abstract:  This is the abstract text itself. It should contain a succinct summary describing the work, its scope and significance, and should be no longer than 200 words. A paper copy of this abstract, along with the electronic version, should be submitted no later than June 15, 1999. Abstracts of accepted papers will be posted on the World Wide Web at http://ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/SRI99.
Desired presentation format:  Poster only.


Content Owner: Suzanne Barrett 
Page Owner: Lisa Dunn 
Graphic Design: Terry Anderson 

Last Update:  3/17/99