11th U.S. National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference (SRI'99) 

at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford, California USA 
October 13-15, 1999
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Conference Chairs

Piero Pianetta, SSRL/Stanford Herman Winick, SSRL 
pianetta@slac.stanford.edu   winick@slac.stanford.edu 
The 11th US National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference (SRI'99) provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent developments relating to synchrotron radiation sources, beam line optics, detectors, and experimental techniques in general at the eight US synchrotron radiation research facilities with contributions from foreign facilities also welcome. The continued rapid growth in the number of beam lines, experimental stations and users, including the rapidly expanding activity in relatively new fields such as Molecular Environmental Science, Structural Molecular Biology, Spectromicroscopy and Infrared Spectroscopy have led to new developments that are relevant to all working with synchrotron radiation. Surveys of these new developments will be presented by invited speakers in addition to many contributed papers. 
For Additional Information Contact: 
Suzanne Barrett 
Conference Administrator 
MS 99, PO Box 4349
Stanford, CA 94309-0210 
Phone: (650) 926-3191 
Fax: (650) 926-3600 
Users' Conference Home page
LCLS Workshop Home Page

Content Owner: Suzanne Barrett
Page Owner: Lisa Dunn
Graphic Design: Terry Anderson

Last Update:  3/17/99