REGISTRATION FORM 11th U.S. National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference (SRI'99)
at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford, California USA
October 13-15, 1999

(download RTF form)

Street Address:
Zip Code:
The registration fee includes attendance at meeting sessions, meeting materials, proceedings, vendor exhibits, poster session, and working lunches and breaks.
Registration: (DOE and DOE contractor employees registration will be covered by SSRL)
Early General Registration ($150.00) Early Student Registration ($100.00)
*Late General Registration ($200.00)  *Late Student Registration ($125.00)
*Early registration forms and payment must be received by September 10, 1999
Box lunches will be available for purchase on a pre-order basis only:
3-day lunch package / $36
Wednesday, October 13 only ($12)
Thursday, October 14 only ($12)
Friday, October 15 only ($12)
Social Events: Please indicate if you plan to attend:
Registration / Reception on Tuesday Evening, October 12 (included in reg. fee)
Onsite Casual Outdoor Banquet on Thursday, October 14 ($25.00/person)
Companion Banquet Tickets ($25/ticket)
Registration Fee:
Box Lunches:
Casual Banquet:
Companion Ticket:
Total Payment Due:
Please Indicate Method of Payment:
Check: must be drawn against a U.S. bank and made payable to Stanford University/SSRL. 
Credit Card  MC  VISA Card#: 
Expiration Date: 
SSRL User Account#: (Overhead is applied to all user account charges)
SSRL/SLAC/Stanford  Account#: 
(SSRL / SLAC employees must submit a registration form) 

Please return form and payment to:Michelle Steger SSRL, P.O. Box 4349, MS 99
Stanford CA 94309-0210 or FAX: (650) 926-3600

Cancellation policy: Notification must be received prior to 9/10/99 
for a full refund.

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Abstract Deadline: June 15, 1999

Please limit your abstract below to 200 words. 

Principal Author
Contact Information (if different from above)
Co-author names and addresses 

Brief Abstract (Space is limited to 200 words):
Presentation Format: 
(1) I would like to make a 20 minute oral presentation OR
(2) I would like to submit a poster abstract

Important note: Please terminate each of the lines that you type inside the text input areas with the <Enter> key.

Do not rely on the text wrapping feature of your brower! This will produce a long text line that will be truncated during transmission.

Content Owner: Suzanne Barrett
Page Owner: Lisa Dunn
Graphic Design: Terry Anderson

Last Update:  6/14/99