- Chi Chang Kao (SLAC/SSRL Director)
- Welcome to SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Carla Vale (BNL/RHIC)
- Social Media and Other Emerging Technologies to Facilitate Outreach and Education
- Susan Bailey (LBNL/ALS)
- User Administration Workflow Analysis (Plan for User Portal Development)
- Carla Vale (BNL/RHIC)
- Social Media and Other Emerging Technologies to Facilitate Outreach and Education
- Staci West (PNNL/EMSL)
- Social Media at EMSL
- David Bunzow (LBNL/MF, Moderator), Donald J. Lee, Larry Southern, Susan Bailey (LBNL/Molecular Foundry/ALS)
- Facilitating Cross Facility Access: A Model of Cross Facility Proposal Review, Access and Tracking
- Brant Johnson (BNL, Moderator), Piotr Zbiegiel (ANL/ALCF/CSPO), Thomas Eriksson (SLAC/SSRL), Tom Throwe (BNL)
- Issues in Site Access, Cyber Security, Data Policies
- Brant Johnson (BNL, Moderator)
- NUFO Charter Update & Other NUFO Business
- Rene Bellwied (University of Houston, NUFO Chair)
- What Can NUFO Do For You - Past/Present/Future?
- Guebre X. Tessema, National Science Foundation (Program Director, Division of Material Research, Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences)
- Challenges in Educating and Supporting the Next Generation of Scientists and Engineers
- Sekazi K. Mtingwa (Consultant to BNL and MIT)
- Encouraging Diversity as well as Research and Educational Access to National User Facilities
- Arthur Bienenstock (Senior Policy Adviser Association of American Universities)
- Strengthening the Relationship Between University Research and National User Facilities
- Michael Lubell (American Physical Society)
- Science: What the Public Is Thinking, What Congress Is Doing, and What You Can Contribute
- Susan Strasser (Manager, APS User Programs | General Member, NUFO Steering Committee)
- Metrics: Why, What, How - Now and Going Forward
- Working with Industry: What Can/Should NUFO Do?
- Robert S. Boege (ASTRA)
- What is Astra?
- M. Bellis (Department of Physics Stanford University)
- The Particle Physics Wind Chime: an exercise in the sonficiation of HEP data using the BaBar dataset
- Wenbing Yun (Xradia)
- How Access to and Interaction with User Facility Resources Helps Small Business
- Russell Moy (Southeastern Universities Research Association)
- Tech Transfer Fed Labs - handout
- Rene Bellwied (University of Houston, Moderator), Brant Johnson (BNL/RHIC), Susan White DePace (BNL/GUV Center)
- How Can NUFO and Users Help Support Science Challenges?
- David Martin (ANL/ALCF, Moderator), Susan Strasser (ANL/APS), Al Ekkebus (ORNL/SNS), Simon Bare (UOP LLC, a Honeywell Company), Edgar Lara-Curzio (ORNL/HTML), Steve Wasserman (Eli Lilly and Company), Wenbing Yun (Xradia)
- Working with Industry: Best Practices for Industry Involvement
- Chi-Chang Kao, Guebre Tessema, Sekazi Mtingwa (Moderator)
- Breakout Session on Encouraging Diversity as well as Research and Educational Access to National User Facilities
- Farnaz Khadem (Communications Director, SLAC)
- Tips for Communicating Science and Potential Applications to General Public