ECD around the United States

Warning: as of 2024 this list is very irregularly maintained and I would prefer it be replaced by a crowd-updateable list. Don't take the info on it as guaranteed; try getting in touch with the contacts listed to confirm before you travel to attend.

This list was originally prepared by Giovanni De Amici, from information collected on the ECD mailing list. It is now maintained by Alan Winston. To get your group listed here, or to make corrections, please send details to

This list is only updated when people send me updates for it. If I haven't listed your group, or if my info is out of date, tell me about it. I don't, unfortunately, have time to be proactive about getting/checking listings. This document last modified: Tuesday, 03-Dec-2024 12:18:59 PST

Table of Contents

State-by-State Listing


Huntsville, Alabama: Monday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Cooper House at 405 Randolph Street in Huntsville. It is rare that we cancel a dance or meet at a different location, however, to be sure, please email or call Harriet at (256) 539-5505. We're always happy to have new dancers and guests. Please see our website at


Ken McFarland has a group in Fairbanks. E-mail: Web (that I know of): eb99f7f6b75799cb6b10da226f


"We Make History" runs several costume/historical events a year in Prescott and Mesa, including a Georgian "Her Majesty's Ball" (January), an Early American George Washington's Birthday Ball (February), and a piratical Buccaneers' Ball. info at their website

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Monrovia: 2nd and 4th Fridays. 7:30PM - 10:00PM. St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 122 S. California Ave., Monrovia. Contact Todd Brun @

Varying locations: Lively Arts History Association Annual Ball info: or here

Culver City: 1st Saturday Regency dancing (tapes) Friends of the English Regency Reported dormant for two yyears in April 2018.

Culver City: 2nd and 4th Sundays Schedule or Contact Annie Laskey at 310-837-3427 or Culver City English Country Dance email

Los Angeles: 3d Sundays, 1:30-5:30 pm Valley Area English Regency Society A Mostly Monthly Drum and Tea, founded 2016. No partner, costume, or experience necessary. Light refreshments provided. Donation: $10.00. Recorded Music. Silver Park Arts, 2030 Glendale Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90039

Contact is Laura Beraha, Dancing mistress: 818-992-1252 or 818-970-5118 mail web Facebook: VAERS Laura Beraha, Dancing mistress: (818) 992-1252 or (818) 970-5118 Facebook: VAERS

Pasadena: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 7:30-9:30pm Historical dance classes; 1st Tuesdays Advanced ECD class (quick moving and fast paced, for advanced dancers only). Themed Sunday Tea Socials about every other month (costumes admired but not required!) Evening Balls throughout the year. Most events at Scottish Rite Cathedral Hall, 150 North Madison Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101, but check the website to make sure. Until March 2018: Subsequently:

Riverside:Second Thursday of every month, 7:30 pm, All Saints Episcopal Church Parish Hall, 3847 Terracina Drive, Riverside CA. (South of Mission Inn Ave on Market, where, passing 14th, it becomes Magnolia, then continue to Terracina. Beginners encouraged, casual dress, $5 donation.) Contact: Susan Bonson Info here

Santa Ana:Third Saturday of the month Info. Contact Judee by email or telephone 951 780-5312 or 951 218-5181

  • San Diego Area

Rancho Bernardo: Every Sunday, 6:00-9:00 pm, (including beginner's session at 6:00) Rancho Bernardo Swim and Tennis Club,16955 Bernardo Oaks Drive Rancho Bernardo, CA 92128
Web Address:

  • Monterey Bay Area

Santa Cruz: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:00-9:30 pm, First Congregational Church, 900 High Street, Santa Cruz. Info: 831-464-1875 or by email

  • San Francisco Bay Area

General info: Bay Area Country Dance Society

San Francisco: 2nd Saturdays, 7:30-10:00pm, St. John's Presbyterian Church, 25 Lake St (at Arguello), workshop 7:15

Berkeley: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 4th Saturdays (experienced), 8:00 pm at Christ Church Berkeley, 2138 Cedar Street (near Oxford)

Palo Alto: 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays, 8:00 pm Masonic Temple, 461 Florence (off University)

Palo Alto: Regency (live music), 2nd Fridays (except December and August), doors open 7:30, dancing 8:00, St. Mark's Episcopal, 600 Colorado (off Middlefield), Bay Area English Regency Society

Palo Alto:, 1st, 3rd, Tuesdays, 7:30-9:30 pm promptly, September-June. All Saints Episcopal, Waverley @ Hamilton, Palo Alto.

San Jose:, 2nd Sundays (except July and August), 2:30-5:00 pm, First Unitarian Church, 160 N. Third street (at St. James Park).

Other Recurring Events: (BACDS) Monte Toyon Dance Weekends in March and October, Playford Ball in March or April, Family Week and English Week camps in June/July, Fall Ball. The Regency group runs several costume-or-festive-attire events throughout the year as well, and some of the PEERS events are ECD-themed as well.

  • North San Francisco Bay Area

General info: North Bay Country Dance Society

Sebastopol: 1st and 3rd Sundays, 2:00 - 4:30 pm, Wischemann Hall, 460 Eddie Lane. Full Info

  • Sacramento Area

Roseville: 1st (usually, but check our Web site) Sunday of each month from 3:00 to 6:00 pm. Intro for newcomers at 2:30 pm. Polish-American Hall, 327 Main Street, Roseville. Info: On the web at or call Susan or David, 916-739-8906.

  • Santa Barbara Area

Santa Barbara Dances every Tuesday beginning August 30, 2011, 7:30-9:30 pm, Every Tuesday, beginning August 30 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church 21 E. Constance Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93105 $4; more for the occasional live music SBCDS ECD schedule site. Info: Gary Shapiro; sponsored by the Santa Barbara Country Dance Society.

  • Mendocino Area

Caspar: Generally 1st Saturday of the month, 8:00 pm, at Caspar Community Center, but may vary depending on hall availability. Check website for actual dates and more information, or email or phone Mickie and Elizabeth at (707) 964 4826.

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Colorado Springs
"Little London Assembly", generally first Mondays, 6:45 - 9:00 pm, $6, International Dance Club, 2422 Busch Ave, upstairs ballroom, website: , contact Brenda Sledgianowski email:

Monthly September thorugh May, 7.30 - 10.30 pm, please refer to website for dates and venue. Live band, caller Chris Kermiet. Admission $10 (adults) $6 (teens/students), $25 - family rate. Info: caller Chris Kermiet (303) 321-2262 or website:

Monthly English and American, website:

Grand Junction
Grand Junction - Sept 28, 2019 and Feb 1, 2020 - as part of the Grand Junction Traditional Dance Society's series, website , Margery Ballroom 523 and 1/2 Main Street. Adults $10, students $7 and ages 10-17 $5

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Branford - Summer series taught by Helen Davenport. 1998 dates are 5/15, 6/20, 7/11, 7/25, maybe 8/8 - call to confirm. At Branford Community Center, 46 Church St., Branford, CT (easy access from I-95) 8:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m. Admission $7.00 Beginners' Workshop at 7:30 p.m. Dancing will begin promptly at 8:00 p.m. with a Playford classic FTWK Information (203) 776-1812 or (203) 777-5114

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Dover 2nd Saturdays of most months, 7:30 pm, Capitol Grange Hall in Dover, 911 South Governor's Avenue, two blocks south of Kent General Hospital. Beginners introduction, 7:00 pm. Info (

New Castle 3rd Mondays. New Castle Presbyterian Church Social Hall, 25 East 2nd Street, New Castle 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Free. Contact Mike Connolly.

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Fort Myers Tuesdays, 6.30-8.30 pm, Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreational Center 16355 Sumerlin Road, Fort Myers Free -after $10.00 lifetime membership to the rec center
Fort Myers English Country Dancers Contact: Tom Howe Email:

Gainesville Every Monday, beginner lesson 6:45, dance 7:00-9:30 with a break for announcements and snacks.
$5 donation for the floor, tip basket for the band.
United Church of Gainesville, Fellowship Hall, 1624 NW 5th Avenue.
Live music every week/ Caller Randy Thorp
Contact Annette Merritt email phone (352) 246-4659
or Randy Thorp email phone (352)246-4648

Occasional dances.
Info: Charlie Dyer email   web info

Orange Park (Jacksonville) 1st, 2nd, 4th Fridays
Private home with large, sprung wood dance floor.
lesson 7pm, dance 7:30-10pm
info: Veronica Lane (904) 742-0188

Melbourne Tuesdays, 6:00-9:00PM, Historic Community House, Melbourne Village, FL,
Melbourne English Country Dancers
Info: Catie Condran Geist Phone: 321/427-3587 email

Titusville Fridays (Sep-May) 7-9PM, North Brevard Senior Center
Space Coast English Country Dancers
Info: Onie Senyk Phone: 321/636-2209 or
Ed Swan Phone: 321/269-3682.

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Atlanta area - once monthly. "Fandango" Weekend workshop in September. Website Contacts: Everett Lunsford, Christine McKay

Griffin First Saturdays, September -June website

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Boise: Every Wednesday 7-9PM at the Dodge residence in SE Boise Info: Gordon & Peggy Dodge Phone: 208/968-5345 or website

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Champaign-Urbana: monthly dance on varying days at Phillips Recreation Center, 505 W. Stoughton, Urbana. Playford Ball in June, Christmas Ball in December. Full Info

Chicago: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, St. Mark's Church, Ridge and Grove Streets in Evanston; info 847-433-8704 or

Batavia (Chicago-area western suburbs): Sunday afternoons once a month-- please call or email to check date, or to be added to an email reminder list); Fermilab Village Barn, Sauk Blvd on the Fermilab site. Live music alternate meetings by Old Fezziwig's Band. More info at 630-584-0825,, or

Oak Park (just west of downtown Chicago): 3rd Mondays, 7:30 - 10 p.m., at The Nineteenth Century Club, 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park, IL 60301, 708-386-2729. Live music often. $8/$4 students, benefits scholarship fund. Info: Randi Woodworth 708-524-9322 or Mady Newfield 630-584-0825, website

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Fairfield: Friday evenings (except first Fridays) Info at

2007 special events:

The springtime BARE NECESSITIES weekend will take place April 6-8 in Fairfield, Iowa, with Contra dancing on Friday night and English Country Dancing to the world's best ECD band on Sat. and Sun., with an optional Scottish Dance workshop (additional registration) on Sun. afternoon.

The November BARE NECESSITIES weekend is all ECD, and will take place November 2-4, 2007 in Fairfield, Iowa, with English Country Dancing for experienced dancers all weekend long.

Iowa City: monthly, for Info contact or call 319 384-8209

AmesWild Rose English Country dancers. Meets about twice a month, first and third Sundays 2:30 - 4:30, Unitarian Church on Hyland Avenue. Facebook group "Wild Rose English country dancers". Contact Linda or call 515 292 8590

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Lawrence: Third Sundays at 745 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS, 66044. Beginner lesson at 1:30, dancing 2-4:30. website Contact info: Jill Allen or Jerome Grisanti

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Lexington: Every monday, 7:30 pm, Eastminster Presbyterian Church, 1161 Liberty Road. Monthly dances (Friday or Saturday) downtown at ArtsPlace, 161 North Mill street. website

Louisville: 2nd and last Sundays, 3:00-5:00 pm, at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 2233 Woodbourne Ave, Louisville, KY 40205. Don & Kathy Corson On the WebEmail for Info

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Baltimore - every Monday, 8:00-10:30 at the Church of the Nativity. 6112 York Rd. Baltimore, MD 21212. Admission is $9 for members, $13 for non-members. Under 21 and full-time students with ID: $4 members, $6 non-members. Beginners are always welcome. All dances are taught.

General info: Baltimore Folk Music Society

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  • Amherst Area

Info for all Amherst dances at

South Amherst:2nd Saturday ECD: Munson Library, South East Street, South Amherst, MA; 7:30-10:30 p.m.; contact Mary Jones

South Amherst: frequetly fourth Sunday afternoon dance: Munson Library, South East Street, South Amherst, MA; 1:30-4:30 pm.

South Amherst: Monday Night ECD: Munson Library, South East Street, South Amherst, MA; 7:00-9:30 every Monday; contact Robin Hayden 413-695-2024 or by email

  • Boston Area

Jamaica Plain: Gender-role-free English Country Dance. Second, fourth, and fifth (experienced dancers) Tuesdays, 7:30-10:00 p.m., 1st Church of Jamaica Plain (Unitarian-Universalist), corner of Centre and Eliot Streets (at the monument), Jamaica Plain, Boston, MA. Info: Jill +1-617-522-2216 (Janet) or +1-617-512-5554 (John) and Info at

Harvard Sq 2nd and 4th Fridays, 7:30 - 9:30pm Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church 1555 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. September through June (For more information see

Arlington: every Wednesday (September through June). Summer series (July-August) is in Newton. Info:

Brookline: 1st Fridays (experienced) September through June Info:

Recurring Events: Playford Ball in March, Gala Ball Holiday Party in January, Fall Favorites in October Info:

  • Cape Cod Area

Woods Hole: 3rd Fridays For details call 508-540-1151 or 508-540-0865. Info:

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Ann Arbor: Tuesdays, September through August; second Fridays (advanced dance) September - June; mixed English/contras on 5th Saturdays, year-round.

Kalamazoo (Oshtemo Grange, just west of Kalamazoo): 3rd Wednesdays.

Michigan AACTMAD events calendar: (times, locations, contact info)

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Minneapolis: English Country, Contra, and Internatonal at Tapestry Folkdance Center, 3748 Minnehaha Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55406. Info - Phone: 612-722-2914. web:, Facebook

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Columbia: Monthly (except in the summer)... more information can be found on the combined English/Contra website for the Columbia area:

Kansas City: We meet once every other month in KCMO, but we're only a block from the KS/MO state line. Unless there are scheduling issues, we meet on the first Saturday of even months, 6:30-9:30PM at Immanuel Lutheran, 1700 Westport Rd, KCMO 64111. Our website is

Also see listing for Lawrence, Kansas

Rolla: The Jovial Beggars meet monthly in Rolla. They announce their dances via a facebook page, but for those who don't have a facebook account, they have some bare basics at

St. Louis: 2nd Fridays. 7:00-9:30, at Brentwood Congregational United Church of Christ, 2400 S. Brentwood in Brentwood, Missouri. Also 4th Mondays, 7:00-9:30, at Focal Point Traditional Arts Center, 2720 S. Sutton, in Maplewood. Playford Ball in April; Old Christmas Grand Dance in early January.

Contact person is Paul Stamler, or 314-288-9106. Web info: here

St. Louis:Third Fridays. English "Plain and Fancy Dance" on first Mondays (easy/challenging). Presidential Ball in February or March, Midsummer Night Ball in June, High Tea (English dance weekend) on Labor Day Weekend, and a Yuletide Ball in December. Dances are held at the Monday Club, 37 S. Maple, Webster Groves, Missouri. Info. Contact: Mary Schmidt

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Las Vegas: Generally every Thursday, at varying locations. See website for current information. Contact: 702-656-9513.

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New Hampshire

Follow this link for general info.

Concord: Second Sundays September-June. 6 -9 pm, West St. Ward House, 41 West St, Concord, NHContact

Nelson:Irregular dances Sponsored by: Monadnock Folklore Society

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New Jersey

Princeton: Occasional ECD in Princeton. Princeton Country Dancers (includes calendars, which are worth checking): Here In 2004: a series of workshops to be led by Sue Dupre and Judi Rivkin every Monday in October and November: PDF flyer here

Lambertville: 1st friday of every month Info

Ridgewood: Every other Sunday, 2-5 pm, September through June

Unitarian Society, 113 Cottage Place, Ridgewood NJ North Jersey English Country Dancers Info here

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New Mexico


Fourth Fridays (except May and October), 8-10:30 pm. Lloyd Shaw Dance Center. Organizers write (on 7/9/2014):
Mad Robin, a five person band, hosts a regular Fourth Friday English Country Dance in Albuquerque, NM. It meets all months except May and October when we host a couple dance focused on waltzing on the third Friday instead ( due to conflicts with dance camps hosted by our contra dance community on the Fourth Friday of May and October). The dance is at Lloyd Shaw Dance center, 2 blocks south of Central and 2 blocks east of San Mateo, on the south side of the street. Parking is free. The admission is $6, and the dance runs 8-10:30 pm. Callers change every month; the band members are Juli Palladino violin/viola, Sherilyn Urben violin/cello/piano, Tom Hunter mandolin, Dr. William Litchman clarinet, Gary Mayhew, guitar. For more info, email Sherilyn at or call 505-604-4631.

Every 2nd Sunday, English Country & contras, 7-9:30pm, Heights Community Center, 823 Buena Vista SE, information - Gemma DeRagon (505) 344-6779, email

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New York

  • NYC Area

General info: Country Dance * New York

Manhattan: Weekly Tuesday English country dances - live music

Manhattan: Contra most Saturdays (check schedule )

Recurring Events: Yearly Ball in April , Weekend Whirligig (ECD only) in early October, and other events

  • Metropolitan Area

Smithtown: once a month except for July and August, usually afternoon on the third Sunday. Info

White Plains: Weekly Thursday dances, except last week of month: Saturday party. Info

  • Central and Upstate New York

Plattsburgh Usually 2nd and 4th Friday nights. Dancing to recorded music. Adirondack English Country Dancers Contact Sharon Schenkel at 518-572-1453 or email

Troy: 3rd Sundays [Oct. thru April, on the RPI Campus] Info: Don Bell

Sand Lake (20 min. from Albany & Troy): Historic Dancing (Contra, English, and Colonial) in the town hall on 3rd Fridays 7:30-10:00 pm (not July & August). Contact Gail Griffith at 518-674-3052 or by email, c/o Terry Klein.

Capital English Country Dancers Channing Hall, First Unitarian Universalist Church 405 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12206 (opposite Downtown UAlbany) First Sundays, October through May 2 - 5 PM, Introductory workshop on request @ 1:30 PM

Occasional Dance Parties include the Fall Frolic, and Ice Cream Sunday

Info: 518. 477. 5684, or web Directions

Ithaca: Irregular Saturday and Sunday dances (1999 so far: March 27, April 17, May 22, potluck 6:30, dance 7:30)
Ithaca and upstate New York info site or email Pamela Goddard

Rochester: Country Dancers of Rochester sponsors regular English dances with live music, on first and third Sunday evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, at the First Baptist Church, 175 Allens Creek Road, Rochester, NY 14618. More info at Recurring events: Jane Austen Ball, annual on the first Sunday in May.

Hudson Valley: 1st Saturdays at Port Ewen Reformed Church (off Rte 9 in Port Ewen). Sponsored by Husdon Valley Community Dances, - contact Sarah Kessenich 845-679-8587

Syracuse area: 1st Saturdays at United Church of Fayetteville, 310 East Genesee St., Fayetteville, NY, just east of Syracuse. Sponsored by Syracuse Country Dancers; more information at

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North Carolina

Asheville Old Farmer's Ball English Country Dance Mostly 1st and 3rd Sundays 4:00pm - 6:30pm 3:30, Beginners Session Homewood Manor 19 Zillicoa St. Asheville, NC 28801 Leader with Live music Check schedule for updates and also for directions: Karen Gaughan and AnneMarie Walter, co-organizers. 828-230-8449

Durham: Sun Assembly English Country Dancers, every Thursday, 7:30-9:30 pm, Freedman Center of Beth-El Synagogue, Watts at Green St., Durham. Live music 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Contact Pat Petersen Website here

Recurring events: New Year's Eve dance

Winston-Salem: English Country Dance with The Colonial Heritage Dancers, 2nd & 4th Friday nights at 6:45 until 9:30pm. From 6:45 until 8:00 we have instructions for beginner & intermediate dancers. This time is open to all dancers. Starting at 8:00 until 9:30 it's dancing for the more accomplished dancer. We meet at Historic Bethabara Park (336) 924-8191. Open to singles & couples, beginners are always welcome. Contact Rita Greene at: or see The Colonial Heritage Dancers for the schedule & more info.

Brasstown : English country dance, usually second Saturday of the month, 8:00-10:30 pm; goes to the third Saturday if there's conflict. At John C. Campbell Folk School, One Folk School Road, Brasstown. Phone: 1-800-FOLK-SCH (365-5724) or 828-837-2775 Interested dancers should check the FS website to get the latest schedule: Facebook page

Charlotte: English country dance every Thursday night, 7-9pm. Website

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  • Columbus

  • Columbus: 1st and 3rd Sundays, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m., at at Clinton Heights Lutheran Church, 15 Clinton Heights (corner of Clinton Heights and High Street), contact Sue Wartell 614-263-9501 or

  • Cincinnatti

  • Cincinnati:Weekly, Thursdays 8-10 pm at Church of Ascension & Holy Trinity, 344 Burns Ave, Wyoming, OH 45215. $5.00 donation. Cincinnati English Country Dancers, Contact info: Toni Tumbusch: or

  • Cleveland Area

  • Broadview Heights: 2nd Friday Dances; September - May, Triune Lutheran Church, 4810 W. Mill Rd., Broadview Hts, OH. Contact Kathy Beard Website

    Gates Mills: Weekly, Thursday, 2:00-4:00 pm, St. Christopher-By-The-River Church, 7601 Old Mill Road, Gates Mills OH, Contact Kathy Beard Website

  • Yellow Springs

  • Yellow Springs: Every Thursday, 7-9 pm, Bryan Community Center in Yellow Springs. The Liberty Dancers teach English Country Dance as well as perform. No experience necessary. Free instruction and lots of fun for ages 13 and up. Contact numbers are 937-878-8392 and 937-399-8749


Oklahoma City: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, City Arts Building, 3000 Pershing Blvd (On the Fairgrounds)
Info: Carol Barry Phone: 405/341-1465 or email Go to for additional information and special events.

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  • McMinnville

  • McMinnville (Oregon): Thursdays, 7:00-8:30 p.m., McMinnville Grand Ballroom, 325 NE Third Street Set to Music English Country Dancing - Balls every other month. Info: Laura Hatch, 971-237-6147, email website and Facebook .

  • Beaverton

  • Beaverton (Oregon): Second and Fourth Thursday, 7-9 pm, Kinton Grange (19015 SW Scholls Ferry Rd, Beaverton, OR 97007) Info: Laura Hatch, 971-237-6147, email website and Facebook .

  • Portland Area

  • General/Calendar Info:HERE

    Portland: Every Friday, dance 7:30 - 10:30 pm, Burlingame Water Tower Dance Hall, SW 17th and Marigold, no street shoes (First Fridays are open mic evenings for musicians and callers

    Recurring events: English Country Ball in November.

  • Southern Oregon

  • Ashland: Mondays, 7:30 - 9:30, The DanceSpace, 280 E. Hersey #10 (sometimes live music)
    (Heather and Rose English and Scottish Dance, geographically-based calling)
    Info: Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly, Phone: (541) 482-9586 email: friendsack at web info

    Eugene: Thursdays: Eugene Country Dancers (Heather and Rose), English and Scottish Country Dancing, Veteran's Memorial Ballroom, Second Floor, 1626 Willamette, Eugene. 6:30 - 9:30 pm. (Offered in conjunction with the Emerald Valley Regency Society). All dances taught. Beginning dances from 6:30, more intermediate dances from 7:30. No partner necessary. Cost: $40 for a 10-week course (9/15/11 - 11/17/11). Introductory session free (9/8/11). Contact: Stephen at 541-485- 3503 or NOTE: This group is a gateway to over 40 annual balls, weekend camps, and special events throughout the greater Pacific Northwest.

    Roseburg - Fridays: Roseburg Country Dancers (Heather and Rose), English and Scottish Country Dancing, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd., Building 16 (Auditorium), starting at 6:30 pm every Friday, with ending time varying depending on when the next group is using the facility. No partner necessary. Cost: Free. Contact Alixe at 541-643-4193 or Lynn at 541-430-5534

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Harrisburg: Four times a year, but a new monthly series may be starting as "Four Seasons ECD". Contact: First event 6/23/12

Philadelphia: Germantown Country Dancers

  • Every Wednesday at Merion Friends Meeting, Narberth
  • First Saturdays in the fall/winter/spring at Summit Church
  • Occasional Sunday afternoon Community Dances

Lancaster: 3rd Tuesdays (evenings) email for info

Brandywine Valley: 1st Wednesdays (evenings) email for info

Carlisle 1st Thursdays (evenings) email for info


The Country Dance & Song Society of Pittsburgh meets at 7:30 second Saturdays and fourth Thursdays (with minor chanes some months) during the school year at Friends Meeting House in the Oakland/Shadyside area. The group sponsors several big dance weekends each year. For more details, visit our web site at Contact: Allison Thompson ( (412) 422-7265 ) OR Dorolyn Smith (412) 421-5973 OR Jim Morgan (412) 535-2078.

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Rhode island

Wakefield: 7:30 - 10:30 PM ECD Saturdays, except during the summer, at South Kingstown Land Trust Barn. Info at

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South Carolina

Western South Carolina: Oconee Country Dancers run a quarterly dance, fourth Sunday in January, April, July and October. 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. at Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, in Clemson, SC or the Depot in Walhalla, SC. Contact coordinators for the Oconee Country Dancers, Becky Walker (864-638-8339, or Ed Edmondson (864-885-0643,> in advance for location and directions.

Greenville Area:

Palmetto English Country Dance. Meets at Grace Baptist Church in Taylors. All are welcome, no partner needed. Website: Email: Schedule: Meets the first Friday of every month unless otherwise noted on website. Dance class from 7:00-9:45 pm. Email us to be put on our email notification loop. More details, history, and directions on website.

Carolina English Country Dancers, Contact: Dances are held on the third Friday of the month, and at other times, as posted on the website. Performance group available for events.

Rock Hill<.Font>

Red Hills English Country Folk Dance. Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays and 2nd Fridays of most months. See web site for times and map. Contact>email Website:
Another group, not named, dances on 2nd Fridays 7-9 pm at The Body, 2115 Ebenezer Road, Rock Hill, SC 29732. Message can be relayed through the email address above.

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Nashville: Up to date info at Every Monday night (except holidays) at Global Education Center, 4822 Charlotte Avneue, in Nashville, Tennessee, 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM. (Located near 46th Street and Charlotte Ave). Also, second Sundays at Friends Meeting House. (See website, above, for details.) For more information contact Ed and Melissa Wilkinson by phone 615-385-1129 or by email.

Knoxville: The Lark in the Morn English Country Dancers meet practically every Sunday evening at 8 p.m. at the Laurel Theatre on the corner of 16th Street and Laurel Avenue in Knoxville, Tennessee. Live music. Free. Dancers of all experience levels welcome! Contact: Karan Dotson at (865) 242-1589 or e-mail Facebook: "Knoxville English Dance"

Chattanooga: Chattanooga English Country Dance. ECD Classes on Tuesdays, 6:30 pm, at Heritage House, 1428 Jenkins Rd., E. Brainerd. Free. Occasional Saturday dance parties. For updated event information, check our Facebook page Organizer: Suzanne Ford

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San Antonio: First Saturdays, 7:30PM to 10:30PM at Incarnate Word University. contact: Ed Schroeder, (210) 684-7782 or Jimmy Drury, (210) 520-4701,

Austin: Austin English Country Dancers meet every Monday 7:30-9:30 pm (Beginners encouraged to come early for an introductory session). Cost $5 Hancock Recreation Center,811 East 41st Street, Austin TX 78751 for more information please visit our website or call Pamela at 512-350-9231

General info

Houston Heights

First and third Thursdays from 7:15-9:15 PM First Unitarian-Universalist Church, 5200 Fannin at Southmore. The cost is $7.50 per person. All dances are taught and no partner or experience is necessary. Confirm with John Bloom at


North Texas Traditional Dance Society ECD on 4th Saturday of every month, 8-11 PM First United Lutheran Church 6202 E. Mockingbird, Dallas, TX 75214 contact: Martha Quigley: Website:

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Salt Lake City Area: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays in West Jordan, Utah and several balls and galas hosted every year Website Back to Table of Contents


Burlington Area: 1st and 3rd Fridays from mid-September through May at Elley-Long Music Center, 223 Ethan Allen Ave., Colchester, VT (off Route 15 between Burlington & Essex Junction). Info, Val Medve or call 802-899-2378. Website: here

Annual "Across the Lake" English Country Dance Weekend in June at Elley-Long Music Center, 223 Ethan Allen Ave., Colchester, VT (off Route 15 between Burlington & Essex Junction). Info, Val Medve

Norwich: monthly dance January-April on sunday afternoons. Contact (and caller): Chris Levey, 802-785-4121. Web info: here

Fall series (October-December) with David Millstone, 1st Sunday, 1-4 Info

Brattleboro: Playford Ball the Saturday before Thanksgiving

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Virginia(see also Washington DC Area )

Charlottesville Area: Second Fridays, September through May at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Ivy (about 5 miles west of Charlottesville at the corner of Route 250 and Owensville Road).Info: committeewebsite.

Charlottesville Sundays, 2-4 pm. At The Center Charlottesville, 491 Hillsdale Drive. website.

Williamsburg: Every Tuesday night at the Newport House with the Williamsburg Heritage Dancers

Blacksburg: Two Wednesdays a month. Blacksburg Historical Dance Society website

Norfolk: Every Tuesday (except a few in mid-summer and around Christmas/New Year) 7:00-9:30pm, Royster Presbyterian Church, 6901 Newport Ave, Norfolk. Find us on

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Washington, DC Area

Glen Echo Park: Every 2nd Sunday in the month, 2.30-5.30pm. English Country Dance for Fun with Michael Barraclough. Contact 703-992-0752. info

Glen Echo Town Hall: Every Wednesday. Programs for weekly EC dances sponsored by the Folklore Society of Greater Washington are posted here.

Herndon, VA: On hiatus while seeking a new hall. Contact Mary Drum 703-742-5437

Silver Spring, MD: 2nd and 4th Saturdays

College Park, MD: Tuesday nights, 8-10 pm. Thrir Venstri Foetr (performance oriented historical dance group focusing on ECD; name is Old Norse for "Three Left Feet") meets weekly. Info:

Recurring Events: Annual New Year's Dance and Washington Spring Ball, usually in mid-May. Information on the Washington Spring Ball is on the web here For additional information about the Folklore Society's ECD programs, contact via Email

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Washington State

Port Townsend: English Country Dance usually 2nd Sunday every month, 4PM-6PM, followed by a pot-luck, at Rosewind Common House, 3131 Haines St, fragrance-free and no outdoor shoes, $5 donation. For more information contact Dan Post,

General Info: Matt Fisher's English Calendar


  • 2nd, 4th, 5th Fridays year round at the Swedish Club, Beginner's Workshop 7:30, dance 8-10:30.
  • Sunday afternoons, mostly on the weekends with no Friday dance, year-round at University Heights Center, dance 3:30-5:45
ALL DANCES ARE FRAGRANCE-FREE. Info: 4th Fridays feature Laurie Andres and friends. 2nd and 5th Fridays and Sundays feature callers such as Karen Shaw, Charlene Kern, Russell Owen, Mike Richardson, Laura Me Smith, Nan Evans, Peter Zarich and Mary Stevens-Zarich, and music by members of KGB and the Tricky Brits and other musiicans for our fabulous local musicians community. Occasional visiting callers and musicians are on our schedule as well. the 4th Friday).

Recurring Events:

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Madison: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays, 7:30 - 9:30, Wilmar Center October through May, Memorial Library June - September, Full info

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Followthis link for a description of ECD

Followthis link to find Regular English Dances in the US

Followthis link for Alan Winston's article on ECD and Contra history and differences

Followthis link for Gene Murrow's notes on ECD origins and evolution

Followthis link for Gene Murrow's take on how ECD figures got into Contra dancing

Followthis link for Kitty Keller's reminiscence on reconstructing Early American dance

Follow this link to return to the ECD Home Page

This document last modified: Tuesday, 03-Dec-2024 12:18:59 PST Accesses: (none)

This page maintained by Alan Winston