Scientists can make high-temperature superconductors, but they don't have a
good theory for how they work. Understanding high-temperature superconductors
will have significant impact on the modern condensed matter theory, and may
someday allow scientists to design room-temperature superconductors. SLAC
Photon Science and Stanford Professor Z.-X. Shen and colleagues, working at
SSRL's Beam Line 5-4, recently made observations that will help shape the
theory. Their results are published in the Nov. 1 issue of Nature.
Certain materials become superconductors—that is, losing all resistance
to electric current—when they become colder than their transition
temperature. So far, the warmest transition temperature recorded is minus 164
degrees Fahrenheit. Below the transition temperature, the electrons pair up.
This pairing reduces the energy of the electrons. The strength of pairing is
characterized as a superconducting gap in the single particle excitation
spectrum, which is found below the transition temperature in both conventional
and high-temperature superconductors.
In high-temperature superconductors, scientists also observe a gap above the
transition temperature, called the pseudogap. So far it has been unclear
whether the two gaps are unrelated, or if the pseudogap is a precursor to the
superconducting gap. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to measure
the energy gap at different temperatures and momenta, Shen and colleagues found
that the pseudogap and the superconducting gap coexist and exhibit different
temperature dependence. Therefore, the two gaps seem to have different origins.
This should provide an important step toward unveiling the mystery of the
pseudogap phenomena.
W. S. Lee, I. M. Vishik, K. Tanaka, D. H. Lu, T. Sasagawa, N. Nagaosa, T. P.
Devereaux, Z. Hussain and Z.-X. Shen, Nature 450, 81 (2007)
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