Researchers from the Hauptman Woodward Medical Research Institute, working in
part at SSRL's Beam Line 11-1, have used x-ray diffraction data to confirm a
family linkage between the mammalian protein GRP94 and the better known HSP90
proteins, whose functions range from signal transduction to immune response.
It is the first high resolution picture of any member of the HSP90 family.
Therapies that target GRP94, an essential endoplasmic chaperone (chaperones
assist the newly synthesized proteins to achieve their final fold), might play
a role in the treatment of immune diseases like sepsis, heart disease, and
cancer. The results were published in the October 2007 issue of Molecular
The structural study and further experiments showed for the first time that
GRP94 has a very weak but reproducible ATPase activity. The studies also
suggested that the transition from the "twisted V" conformation to one that
aligns the catalytic residues was likely to be a key step in the regulation of
GRP94 activity. The mammalian member of this HSP90 family is different than
those previously studied, which were derived from either bacteria or yeast.
The cytoplasmic human Hsp90 exhibits unusually weak ATPase activity, and thus
may bear a strong structural resemblance to GRP94. This means that the insights
gained by a greater scientific understanding of how GRP94 works will have more
direct application to human diseases.
Crystal screening and data collection were carried out using SSRL's user
remote-access system, enabling the research group to perform (and control) the
experiment from their home laboratory.
Dollins, D.E., Warren, J.J., Immormino, R.M., and Gewirth, D.T. (2007).
Structures of GRP94-nucleotide complexes reveal mechanistic differences between
the hsp90 chaperones. Mol Cell 28, 41-56.
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