RapiData 2018 at SSRL is a practical course in macromolecular X-ray diffraction data collection, data processing and structure solution. The aim of the RapiData course is to educate and train young scientists in data collection and processing methods at synchrotron beamlines, using state-of-the-art software and instrumentation
The course will comprise hands-on experiments at the SSRL beamlines, software tutorials, and lectures on the following topics:
For more information about the course see the announcement.
RapiData is organized by the Structural Molecular Biology (SMB) program at SSRL, supported primarily by the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) through a Biomedical Technology Research Resource P41 grant (P41GM103393) and by the following private partners: like Stanford Bio-X and the International Union fror Crystallography.
Reservations can be made by phone (650) 926-2800, email guesthouse@stanford.edu
or via their web
site.Please, quote the group code RAPIDATA18.
Course dates: April 22-27 2018
Application deadline: Dec 22nd
Applications received after the deadline will be
placed in a stand-by list.
Ana Gonzalez
Bus: (650) 926-8682
Email: ana@slac.stanford.edu
Clyde Smith
Bus: (650)
Email: csmith@slac.stanford.edu
Silvia Russi
Bus: (650) 926-5594
Email: srussi@slac.stanford.edu