Science Highlights
From Community to Molecule - on Track towards a Zika Vaccine –
Contacts: Davide Robbiani, Margaret MacDonald, Michel Nussenzweig (The
Rockefeller University) and Pamela Bjorkman (California Institute of
Using data collected at SSRL Beam Line 12-2, a team of scientists have
determined the molecular structure formed between the Zika envelope protein and
neutralizing human antibodies. The structures provide a detailed picture
of how these antibodies interact with Zika, important knowledge to fine-tune
vaccine development.
Citation: Robbiani et al., Cell (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.04.024
Biogenic Non-crystalline Uranium Identified as the Major
Component of Uranium Roll-fronts – Contacts: Amrita
Bhattacharyya and Thomas Borch (Colorado State University)
The radioactive element uranium is well-known for its role in nuclear
energy. People mine naturally occurring uranium from deep sandstone deposits
called roll fronts. Scientists have long thought that abiotic chemical
reactions that occur over millions of years resulted in formation of
crystalline uranium. An international team of scientists has challenged this
basic theory, finding evidence for a different genesis for uranium in roll
front deposits.
Citation: Bhattacharyya et al., Nat. Commun. (2017), doi: 10.1038/ncomms15538
More SSRL-Related Science
How a Single Chemical Bond Balances Cells Between Life and
Excerpt from SLAC News Feature by Amanda Solliday
Slight changes in the machinery of a cell determine whether it lives or
begins a natural process known as programmed cell death. In many forms of
life—from bacteria to humans—a single chemical bond in a protein
called cytochrome c can make this call. As long as the bond is intact,
the protein transfers electrons needed to produce energy through respiration.
When the bond breaks, the protein switches gear and triggers the breakdown of
mitochondria, the structures that power the cell’s activities.
For the first time, scientists have measured exactly how much energy
cytochrome c puts into maintaining that bond in a state where
it’s strong enough to endure, but easy enough to break when the
cell’s life span is ending. They used intense x-rays from both SSRL and
the LCLS. The collaboration, led by Edward Solomon, Professor of Chemistry at
Stanford University and of Photon Science at SLAC, recently published their
results in Science.
Citation: Mara et al., Science (2017), doi: 10.1126/science.aam6203
Awards and Honors
2017 Michel Boudart Award for Advances in Catalysis
Professor Bruce Gates of the University of California at Davis is the
recipient of the 2017 Michel Boudart Award for Advances in Catalysis. This
award is sponsored by the Haldor Topsøe Company and is administered
jointly by the North American Catalysis Society and the European Federation of
Catalysis Societies. The presentation to Professor Gates was made at the 25th
North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society in Denver in early June and
will be presented again at the Europacat XIII Meeting in Florence, Italy this
August. Professor Gates is a longtime user of SSRL in the area of x-ray
absorption spectroscopy as applied to fundamental studies of heterogeneous
The Michel Boudart Award recognizes and encourages individual contributions
to the elucidation of the mechanism and active sites involved in catalytic
phenomena and to the development of new methods or concepts that advance the
understanding and the practice of heterogeneous catalysis.
Professor Gates is being recognized for his pioneering contributions to the
field of supported molecular catalysis.
Submit Nominations for Annual SSRL User & Staff
Please take a few minutes to reflect on accomplishments from your group and
the overall user community. Recognize outstanding achievements of your
colleagues, postdocs, students (or yourself) by submitting nominations for the
following awards.
William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young Investigator
Award – Submit Nominations by July 5
The $1,000 Spicer Young Investigator Award honors the professional and
personal contributions that William E. and Diane M. Spicer made to our
community. Submit nomination packages including a letter summarizing the
scientific contributions of the candidate as well as their CV and publications
(supporting letters also encouraged).
Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development
Award – Submit Nominations by August 1
This $1,000 award honoring Mel Klein's many contributions recognizes
research accomplishments of undergraduate/graduate students or postdoctoral
fellows within three years of receiving their Ph.D. This award provides peer
recognition and helps to promote dissemination of results based on work
performed at SSRL. The nomination package should include the candidate’s
CV, letters of recommendation from the advisor and colleagues, as well as an
abstract written by the candidate describing the SSRL related experiments,
scientific results, and plans to present the findings.
Farrel W. Lytle Award – Submit
Nominations by August 10
The $1,000 Lytle Award was established to promote technical or scientific
accomplishments in synchrotron radiation-based science and to foster
collaboration and efficient use of beam time at SSRL. SSRL users and staff are
eligible to be nominated for the Lytle Award. Letters of nominations should
include a summary of the individual's contributions and why they should be
recognized through this award. Supporting letters are welcome.
Send nomination packages for these awards to by the
above deadlines. These awards will be presented at the SSRL/LCLS
Annual Users’ Conference, September 27-29, 2017. The recipients of
the Spicer and Klein awards will be asked to give a presentation on his/her
research during the plenary session of the Users' Conference on September
SSRL Users' Organization Update
SSRL User Executive Committee (UEC)
Contacts: Blaine Mooers (UEC Chair), Dave Bushnell (UEC Vice Chair),
Eddie Snell (UEC Past Chair)
Many users have expressed concern about proposed budget cuts for science and
user facilities. Please contact the SSRL Users Executive Committee (UEC) to learn more or to
share your input.
Save the date and plan to attend the next SSRL/LCLS
Annual Users' Conference and Workshops which will be held at SLAC
National Accelerator Laboratory on September 27-29, 2017.
Meeting Summary
SSRL Summer School on Synchrotron X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and
The hard x-ray spectroscopy group at SSRL organized a June 19-23, 2017
summer school on synchrotron x-ray absorption spectroscopy and imaging. The
first day of the week-long school was devoted to a series of lectures on the
theoretical, experimental and practical concepts of spectroscopy and imaging.
Leading experts in the field discussed applications of the two techniques in
various areas of scientific research covering applications in structural
molecular biology, chemical catalysis, environmental and materials science,
etc. The second day was devoted to FEFF based XANES analysis and lectures on
experimental design. The lectures led way to hands-on training at four
experimental beam lines at SSRL, where the participants obtained in-depth
instruction on sample preparation, beam line operational protocols and
experimental data collection. During the last two days, the participants were
trained in experimental data reduction and analysis. Instructions on rational
experimental design, beam time proposal writing and methods for result
reporting in peer-reviewed journals were provided. The school received
overwhelming international interest and was structured to accept maximum
capacity (30) attendees at the beam lines and another 25 attendees for the
hands-on data analysis session for a total of 55 attendees from nine countries
across four continents. The school was supported by DOE-BES, DOE-BER and
Upcoming Events
7th International Conferences on Hard X-ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy, September 11-15, 2017, Berkeley, CA
We are looking forward to an exciting week of the latest developments in
HAXPES, with plenary and invited speakers, contributed talks to be selected
from the abstracts, and two poster sessions. The conference has also been
endorsed by several major organizations and there will be various scientific
equipment manufacturers participating. The deadline for abstract
submittal and low-rate registration is fast approaching—July 8.
Register online or contact the Co-Chairs for more information: Piero
Pianetta (Stanford/SSRL), Chuck Fadley (UC Davis/LBNL) and Zahid Hussain
(LBNL). Conference website
SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference & Workshops, September 27-29,
2017, Menlo Park, CA
Register to attend the SSRL/LCLS
Users’ Conference on September 27-29, 2017 to share results over the
last year and learn about new capabilities, technology advances and facility
The activities scheduled over this multi-day event provide many
opportunities to interact with colleagues and discuss current/future
capabilities and science. In addition to the plenary session activities
on September 28, several parallel workshops are being planned for focused
discussions of the latest developments, including:
- Accelerator Performance Developments
- Additive Manufacturing
- Advanced X-ray Spectroscopy at SLAC: From Theory to
Experimental Concepts
- Detectors for Photon Science
- Feature Extraction for LCLS-II
- First Experiments for LCLS-II (with Update/Introduction to
- Hands-on Data Analysis Workshop for LCLS
- New Methods for Room Temperature Crystallography at SSRL and
- Probing Structure and Chemistry of Surfaces Using Hard X-ray
- Scientific Opportunities Using Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
- Ultrafast Chemistry and Materials Dynamics
- Ultrasensitive Electronic Structure Detection in (Bio)Chemistry and
- Workflow Workshop (Including Machine Learning Features)
Plan to present a poster and compete for the Joe Wong Poster Awards. To participate in the Poster Session, register for the Users' Meeting and
submit your abstract by September 20 (the conference registration fee is waived
for students presenting posters).
We look forward to seeing you at the Annual
Users’ Conference
SSRL/LCLS UEC and Joint Users’ Conference Organizing
User Research Administration
SSRL Beam Time Request Deadlines
- August 7, 2017 – X-ray/VUV requests for beam time beginning
fall 2017.
- September 8, 2017 – Macromolecular Crystallography requests for beam
time beginning fall 2017.
SSRL Proposal Deadlines
- September 1, 2017 – X-ray / VUV
- December 1, 2017 – Macromolecular Crystallography
Submit proposals and beam time requests through the User Portal.
The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) is a third-generation
light source producing extremely bright x-rays for basic and applied
research. SSRL attracts and supports scientists from around the world who
use its state-of-the-art capabilities to make discoveries that benefit society.
SSRL, a U.S. DOE Office of Science national user facility, is a Directorate of
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Stanford University for the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SSRL Structural
Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and
Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National
Institute of General Medical Sciences. For more information about SSRL science,
operations and schedules, visit
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Questions? Comments? Contact Lisa Dunn