SSRL Users Newsletter | October 1996 |
- M. St. Pierre
In response to the protein crystallographic user community's expressed desire to shorten the time between proposal submission and the actual beam time assignments, we will be altering the scheduling cycle of rotation camera Beam Lines 7-1 and 9-1, and the multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) phasing Beam Line 1-5AD. We anticipate that these changes will make it easier and more expedient for users to acquire beam time on our crystallographic beam lines. (Please note that Beam Line 9-1 is a new rotation camera beam line that is functionally similar to Beam Line 7-1.) It will become available for routine high-resolution data collection during the next running period.
The Same Application Form to be Used for Beam Lines 7-1, 9-1 and 1-5AD
In anticipation of an oversubscription of Beam Line 1-5AD in the future and the fact that MAD phasing has now become a more routine data collection method, Beam Line 1-5AD, Beam Line 7-1 and Beam Line 9-1 proposals will all now use the same application form, and only be reviewed by the Biology Sub-Panel of the Proposal Review Panel. Beam Line 1-5AD proposals will no longer be peer-reviewed in the "standard" proposal fashion, but will undergo the same review process that currently exists for the Beam Line 7-1 proposals. A single application form entitled "Proposal for Protein Crystallography Experimental Time" may be used to apply for experimental beam time on any of these lines. Applications are valid for one year after receipt. Renewal applications require submission of the "Renewal Proposal for Protein Crystallography Experimental Time."
New Proposal Deadline Dates
It should be noted that the annual run for protein crystallography proposals will now be divided into three scheduling periods, with each period having a separate proposal deadline and proposal review. The Biology Proposal Review Sub-Panel has agreed to proposal submission deadlines of July 1, December 1 and April 1. These proposals will subsequently be reviewed by the panel in August, January, and May respectively, thereby eliminating much of the delay between proposal submission and review. Please note these dates are now different from the standard SSRL proposal due dates of May 1st and October 1st.
When the actual "Beam Time Request Forms" are sent to users (these are the forms used to request preferred time slots and used for scheduling purposes), there will be a choice of which beam line is most suitable for the research project. Users will be asked to indicate the beam line preference and, if the top choice cannot be granted, users will be asked to indicate whether they would accept another beam line. The PRP will also indicate whether a user has a specific need for a particular beam line. An information sheet that will outline the capabilities of the different stations will be prepared. Processing of the proposals/applications and scheduling of beam time on the three protein crystallography lines will be administered by Marjorie St. Pierre, and users are encouraged to contact her at or telephone (415) 926-2087 with any questions.
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December 2, 1996
L. Dunn address>