DOE Status Meeting of the

Linac Coherent Light Source Project

Breakout Sessions 

July 10-12, 2007

 Printable Agenda


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SC1/SC2 - Accelerator Systems 
Location: Redwood B
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
4:30pm	Drive-Laser Commissioning Status			W. White
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
8:00am	Linac System Overview				J. Chan
8:30	RF Gun Commissioning Experience			D. Dowell
9:00	Injector/Linac Commissioning Experience		C. Limborg
9:30	Linac Diagnostics Commissioning Experience		H. Loos
10:00	Break
10:30	Operational Experience with the LCLS RF Systems		J. Frisch
11:00	Injector/Linac Management			J. Chan
11:30	Injector/Linac Design Status			C. Rago
12:00	Lunch
1:00pm	2007 Installation Readiness			K. Ratcliffe
1:30	LTU Installation Readiness			T. Montagne
2:00	Discussion	

SC3 – Undulator 
Location: Red Slate, Bldg 280C, Room 112 

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Start	Topic					Speaker
4:30pm	Undulator System Status (ANL)			G. Pile
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
8:00am	Undulator System Status (SLAC)			R. Pope
8:20	Undulator Production Management			G. Pile
8:40	Undulator and Quadrupole Magnet Production		M. White
8:55	Undulator Support / Movers Production		M. White
9:15	Stainless Steel Undulator Vacuum Chamber Status		D. Walters
9:30	Undulator Physics Issues				H-D. Nuhn
10:00	Break
10:30	Undulator Vacuum Chamber Alternatives		G. Pile
	   Extrusion Progress and Plans – G. Pile
	   Simple Copper Chamber Back-Up – D. Walters
	   Clamshell Plans –  T. Fornek
11:30	Undulator Cavity BPM System Status			R. Lill
12:00	Lunch
1:00 pm	Undulator Alignment Diagnostics Systems Status		F. Peters
1:30	Undulator Tuning and Fiducialization			Z. Wolf
2:00	Undulator Assembly and Installation Planning 		R. Pope 
2:30	Discussion

SC4/SC10 – Photon Systems  
(Location: Kavli Bldg, 3rd Floor Conference Room)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
4:30pm	XTOD Status				R. Bionta
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
8:00am	XTOD New Plan				D. McMahon 
8:30 	XTOD Mirrors				M. Pivovaroff, R. Soufli, T. Mccarville 
9:30	XTOD Diagnostics				R. Bionta
10:00 	Break
10:30	Discussion			
11:00	XES Status					S. Moeller
11:30	XES New Plan				S. Moeller
12:00 	Lunch
1:00pm	AMO Instrument				J. Bozek
1:45	Experimental Area Controls/Data Acquisition		G. Haller
2:30	Discussion	

SC5 – Control Systems 
Location: Redwood Room A
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
4:30pm 	Controls Overview				H. Shoaee
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
8:00am 	Controls Commissioning Experience			P. Krejcik
8:30	Personnel Protection System			P. Bong
9:00 	Machine Protection Systems			S. Norum
9:30 	Beam Position Monitors & Toroids			S. Smith
10:00 	Break
10:30 	Low Level RF				D. Kotturi 
11:00	Power Supplies				K. Luchini
11:30	Timing System				P. Krejcik 
12:00	Lunch
1:00pm	Undulator Controls				J. Stein
1:30	High Level Applications Software			D. Fairley / G. White
2:00	BC2/Linac Controls Installation Planning		H. Shoaee
2:30	Discussion

SC6/SC9 – Conventional Facilities/ES&H 
Location: Redwood Room D
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
4:30pm	Conventional Facilities Management and Organization	J. Albino
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
8:00am	Construction Safety				R. Hislop
8:30	Contract Status				D. Pindroh (SLAC)/Mike Owens (Turner)
9:00	Construction Status				D. Saenz (SLAC)/Nick Tyler (Turner)
10:00 	Break
10:30	Construction Schedule				J. Albino (SLAC)/Bill Jangraw (Turner)
11:00	Tour of Undulator Hall				J. Albino / D. Saenz
12:00	Lunch
 1:00	Contract Issues				J. Albino (SLAC)/Bill Jangraw (Turner 
 2:00pm	Discussion

SC7/SC8 – Project Mgmt, Procurement & Pre-Ops
Location: Redwood Room C
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
4:30pm	Discussion: 
	Project Assessment & Revised Baseline Overview		J. Galayda
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Start	Topic					Speaker
8:00am	Status of Project Management			M. Reichanadter
8:45	Resource-Loaded Schedule, Critical Path, Key Cost		
	 & Schedule Assumptions			T. Mast
9:15	Construction Status & Schedule			J. Albino
10:00 	Break
10:30	Shutdown Planning & Installation Schedule		R. M. Boyce
11:00	LCLS Pre-Ops and Transition to Operations		J. Galayda
12:00	Lunch
1:00pm	Discussion

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Content Owner: Project Office
Page Editor: LCLS Web Master