Workshop on Synchrotron X-ray Scattering Techniques in Materials and Environmental Sciences: Theory and Application.
group shot on the steps of bldg 41
(Click image for a hi-res version)

Date: May 16 (Lectures)
May 17 (Hands-on practical session)
Location: SSRL

Overview: Modern synchrotron-based X-ray scattering (SR-XRS) techniques offer the ability to probe nano- and atomic-scale structures and order/disorder relationships that critically govern the properties of advanced technological and environmental materials. The high collimation, intensity, and tunability of SR allow the investigation of a wide range of materials, including thin films and interfaces, nanoparticles, amorphous materials, solutions, hydrated and disordered bacteriogenic minerals, and highly crystalline materials.

Good planning and a working knowledge of beam lines, in addition to technique, are keys to conducting successful SR-XRS measurements. This workshop will address exactly these aspects by providing a practical users’ guide to planning and conducting scattering measurements at SSRL beam lines. The workshop will emphasize topics that are not commonly addressed in text books or class lectures, but are typically obtained only through on-the-experiment training.

The workshop includes a day of hands-on training at four SSRL beam lines (registration limited to 20 participants). Registration will open on February 14, 2006 at Costs will be $25 for graduate students and $50 for all others. Please contact John Bargar ( or Mike Toney ( for additional information.