The following four workshops are planned in conjunction with the Users' Meeting:

X-ray Imaging and Spectro-microscopy: the Present and the Future
John Miao & Keith Hodgson

This workshop is to provide a forum to discuss the scientific applications of a variety of imaging and spectro-microscopic techniques, including angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, photoemission microscopy, coherent diffraction imaging, X-ray microscopy, micro-tomography, holographic imaging, and X-ray micro-probe. The goal is to identify the important scientific problems which can be solved using these techniques, and predict the future scientific directions for these techniques with better instrumentation and X-ray sources (such as the 3rd generation synchrotron radiation and the future X-ray FELs).  Summary with agenda and links to presentations

Tuesday, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm thru Wednesday, 9:00 am - 12:45 pm   

Location: Bldg. 48, Redwood Rm. A/B

Experimental Opportunities with LCLS
John Galayda & Jerry Hastings

The LCLS Project is in its initial phase with a construction start scheduled for FY 2006. The DOE is planning to provide specific funding for construction of experiments after Critical Decision 3 (start of LCLS construction) has been taken, expected in mid 2005 calendar year. However, DOE will, starting in FY2003, review and fund proposals for research needed to design an LCLS experiment. The purpose of this Planning Workshop is to provide prospective LCLS researchers with the information necessary to start the experiment planning process. It will also mark the beginning of a dialog between future LCLS experimenters and the Project Team that will shape the development of the LCLS from conceptual design to running facility.

This workshop will afford the opportunity for interested scientists to form working groups that will nucleate the proposal process for the LCLS experimental program. Details of the DOE vision for this process will be presented as well as the LCLS Project status and outlook. Presentations by interested team leaders for various scientific disciplines are expected with sufficient time provided for initial meetings of the various groups. New ideas are especially welcome for the use of the unique XFEL beam that LCLS will provide. See: Details of the LCLS parameters and the conceptual design report.    Agenda & Participant List

Tuesday, 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm thru Wednesday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm    

Location: Bldg. 48, Redwood Rm. C


Opportunities in Catalysis Research Using Synchrotron Radiation
Anders Nilsson

Chemical catalysis is one of the research areas of enormous importance for the industrial society. The fundamental understanding of many catalytic processes is still emerging and there seems to be a new opportunity with the recent development in experimental and theoretical methods. This workshop intends to bring researchers from different disciplines together to discuss how x-rays can be used to address some of the fundamental questions in catalysis.      Summary and Agenda

Tuesday, 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm thru Wednesday, 9:00 am - 5:45 pm

Location: Bldg. 48, Redwood Rm. D

X-ray Absorption Near-edge Spectra in Analysis of Mixtures
Ingrid J. Pickering & Graham George 

X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy is a sensitive probe of local atomic environment, oxidation state and electronic structure. No special sample preparation is required and the incident X-rays probe a given element regardless of its physical form (solid, liquid or gaseous). Because of this, X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy can be a powerful method for analysis of chemical form in complex samples and has already found a wide range of applications. 

The initial sessions of the workshop will give an introductory overview of the use of near-edge spectroscopy in analysis of mixtures. Both direct edge-fitting and principal component analysis will be discussed. Examples of applications will be drawn from a variety of disciplines, including environmental and biological. Afternoon sessions will give the opportunity for tutored hands-on analysis using the program EXAFSPAK, either on in-house PCs or on personal laptops.     Summary and agenda

Wednesday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location: Bldg. 40, Orange Rm.

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Content Owner:
Page Editor:
03 OCT 2002
Cathy Knotts
Lisa Dunn