Experimental Opportunities
with LCLS

Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
October 8-9, 2002
Organizers: John Galayda & Jerry Hastings

A very successful one and one half day meeting was held to begin the process of creating experiment teams to propose instruments for the LCLS experimental program. More than thirty people gathered representing most of the scientific disciplines discussed in the LCLS First Experiments document. The first afternoon was devoted to presentations of the status and plans for LCLS as well as the policy for experimental proposals. P. Montano, DoE, was present to support the SLAC/SSRL approach to moving toward a user facility with the LCLS. This meeting will be one of many held as we develop the instrument suite for LCLS.

A major thrust of the workshop was to focus attention on the R&D needed for the experimental program to be most successful in the early operations phase. Two key components were highlighted: detector developments, in particular 2-D detectors for scattering experiments that will permit read out at the LCLS repletion rate (120 Hz) and development of methods for x-ray pulse length measurement and pump laser - x-ray probe timing. These discussions as well as discussions of issues associated with the proposal process concluded with pointing to the time frame for pre-proposal submission to the LCLS Science Advisory Committee in late spring 2003.


Tuesday October 8, 2002

13:30 Welcome  
13:45 SAC Perspective R. Falcone
14:00 LCLS Overview J. Galayda
14:30 SPPS J. Arthur
14:45 Update on TTF T. Tschenscher
15:00 Break
15:15 Experimental Infrastructure J. Hastings
15:35 Optics for LCLS R. Bionta
16:00 Orientation: policies and procedures
Formation of discussion groups for next day
J. Hastings
17:00 Reception  

Wednesday October 9, 2002

08:30 Coffee/goodies
09:00 Extended Q/A R. Falcone/ J. Hastings/J. Galayda

(coffee break
at 10:30)
Breakout groups to identify R&D needs for:
  • science (sample preparation, interpretation
    of data, needs unrelated to handling or characterizing the x-ray beam)
  • instrumentation (detection, techniques,...)
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:30 Continued discussion
14:30 Break
15:00 Start group moderator reports R. Falcone, Chair
16:30 Wrap-up - online future activities
Participant List