Schedule for Accelerator Physics Experiments at SSRL
                        January 25 - January 27, 1999              Revision 0.0
                                                               January 19, 1999
      | Monday        January 25, 1999 | Tuesday       January 26, 1999 |      
      | Tuesday       January 26, 1999 | Wednesday     January 27, 1999 |      
06:00 +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ 06:00
      |BL11 Vertical BPM Shunt         |... Multibunch Instability Noise|      
      |Calibration.                    +--------------------------------+ 07:00
      |[Corbett]                       |BL5 Compensation Table          |      
      |4 hours; 3 GeV; up to 100 mA    |Measurement.                    |      
      |                                |[Guerra], SPEAR Operator        |      
      |                                |4 hours; 3 GeV; up to 100 mA    |      
      |                                |                                |      
10:00 +--------------------------------+                                |      
      |BL4 Position Monitor Noise      |                                |      
      |Characterization.               +--------------------------------+ 11:00
      |[Troxel], Bocek, Yang           |BL11 Study.                     |      
      |4 hours; 3 GeV; up to 100 mA    |[Safranek]                      |      
      |                                |5 hours; 2.3-3 GeV; up to 100 mA|      
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
14:00 +--------------------------------+                                |      
      |Insertion Device Software Test. |                                |      
      |[Wermelskirchen]                |                                |      
      |3 hours;                        |                                |      
      |                                +--------------------------------+ 16:00
      |                                |Nonlinear Dynamics Study.       |      
17:00 +--------------------------------+[Terebilo]                      |      
      |Orbit Study.                    |10 hours; 3.0 GeV; 1 - 5 mA     |      
      |[Safranek]                      |                                |      
      |5 hours; 3 GeV; up to 100 mA    |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
22:00 +--------------------------------+                                |      
      |Orbit Noise Study.              |                                |      
      |[{Guerra}] SPEAR Operator       |                                |      
      |4 hours; 3 GeV; up to 100 mA    |                                |      
00:00 +                                +                                + 00:00
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
02:00 +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ 02:00
      |Multubunch Instability Noise    |Prepare for User Run at 06:00   |      
      |Study.                          |[SPEAR Operator]                |      
      |[{Sebek}], {Safranek}           |4 hours                         |      
      |SPEAR Operator                  |                                |      
      |5 hours; 3 GeV; up to 100 mA    |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
06:00 +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ 06:00
              Do not exceed 100 mA in SPEAR except where noted.                
 Explanation: [] =  Spokesperson(s); {} = Not present during experiment;       
 **,* = Beam most or part of the time parasitically available for users, resp. 
 Program manager: Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, X2275, Pager 9-849-9492, Hm (650) 691-9453
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SSRL 18 February 1999