January 13 - January 15, 2003 Revision 0.0
January 7, 2003
| Monday January 13, 2003 | Tuesday January 14, 2003 |
| Tuesday January 14, 2003 | Wednesday January 15, 2003 |
06:00 +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ 06:00
|SPEAR Maintenance. |... cont Improve Injection. |
|[Scott], et al. | |
| | |
| +--------------------------------+ 08:00
| |Tests of LCLS Pulse Length |
| |Sensor. |
| |[Bionta], Arthur, Nuhn |
| |8 hours; 3 GeV; 1 - 10 mA |
| | single Bunch |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Servo Power Spectral Density |
14:00 +--------------------------------+ Measurment. |
|Recovery from Maintenance. | [Dao], Safranek |
|[SPEAR Operator] | 1 hour; 3 GeV; up to 100 mA |
| | | |
| +-- V ---------------------------+ 16:00
| |Servo Pwr Spcrl Density. Dao |
| +--------------------------------+ 17:00
| |Injection Efficiency Study. |
18:00 +--------------------------------+[Schmerge], Safranek |
|MATLAB Channel Access and Orbit |2 hours; 2.26 GeV; up to 100 mA |
|Control Tests. +--------------------------------+ 19:00
|[Corbett], Terebilo |Measure Robinson Curve. |
|10 hours; 3 GeV; up to 100 mA |[Safranek] |
| |2 hours; 2.26 GeV; up to 100 mA |
| +--------------------------------+ 21:00
| |Profile Monitor Camera |
| |Investigation. |
| |[Calloway] |
| |5 hours; 0 - 3 GeV; up to 100 mA|
| | |
00:00 + + includes + 00:00
| | S P E A R A C C E S S |
| | |
| | |
| |--------------------------------+ 02:00
| |Prepare for User Run at 06:00 |
| |[SPEAR Operator] |
| | |
04:00 +--------------------------------+ |
|Improve Injection. | |
|[{Safranek}], SPEAR Operator | |
|4 hours; 2.26 GeV; cont ... | |
06:00 +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ 06:00
Do not exceed 100 mA in SPEAR except where noted.
Explanation: [] = Spokesperson(s); {} = Not present during experiment;
**,* = Beam most or part of the time parasitically available for users, resp.
Program manager: Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, X2275, Pager 9-849-9492, Hm (650) 691-9453