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John Arthur

2nd FEL Workshop -
Methods and Instrumentation

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Stanford, California  USA
March 1-2, 2001


Thursday, March 1
X-Ray FEL Overview           J. Arthur, chair
9:00 am Introduction and welcome J. Arthur (SLAC)
9:30 am Status of LCLS L. Klaisner (SLAC)
10:10 am Status of TESLA FEL T. Tschentscher (DESY)
10:45 am Coffee break
11:15 am The first LCLS experiments J. Stöhr (SLAC)
12:00 pm Lunch
Timing Issues           T. Tschentscher, chair
1 pm Techniques for x-ray pulse chopping and compression R. Tatchyn (SLAC)
1:30 pm Dynamical diffraction of  ultrashort x-ray FEL pulses: theory P. Zambianchi (APS)
1:55 pm Diffraction of fs x-ray pulses: calculation H. Schulte-Schrepping (DESY)
2:20 pm Modeling time-dependent dynamical diffraction R. Lee (LLNL)
2:40 pm fs manipulation and detection of x-rays B. Adams (APS)
3:00 pm Coffee break
3:30 pm Sub-ps synchronization of  fs laser and fs electron pulses S. Tagawa (Osaka Unvi.)
4:00 pm Sub-ps pulse correlation techniques E. Glover (LBNL)
4:30 pm General discussion
5:00 pm End of session
Friday, March 2
High peak power issues      J. Hastings, chair
9:00 am Physical limits to refractive  x-ray focusing R. Pantell (Stanford Univ.)
 9:40 am Survivable transmission optics for LCLS R. Bionta (LLNL)
10:20 am Coffee break
10:45 am Damage mechanisms for FEL optics R. London (LLNL)
11:25 am X-ray damage threshold for materials A. McPherson (APS)
11:45 am X-ray optics made of low-Z and liquid materials A. Freund (ESRF)
12:15 pm Lunch
R&D Plans for FEL Instrumentation         J. Arthur, chair
1:30 pm LCLS optics R&D A. Wootton (LLNL)
2:00 pm Directions for FEL R&D J. Hastings (BNL)
2:20 pm R&D on photon beam-based alignment Markus Tischer (DESY)
2:45 pm Coffee break
3:15 pm Discussion of R&D paths for timing and high-power issues
     Time-dependent scattering theory
     Sub-ps experiments
     fs level experiments
     High-power interaction theory
     High-power experiments
4:30 pm End of workshop