BACDS English Dance Week 2006
Registration Form

Please print out this form and send it along with your check (made out to BACDS) to:
920 32nd Street
Richmond 94804

For further information about registration, call (510) 233-5065, or e-mail

Please send a $125 deposit along with all scholarship applications.
All applications postmarked by March 20th will be deemed to have arrived on that date.
Please send one registration form per person.
BACDS English Dance Week 2006 Registration Form
Street Address
City, State, ZIP
Home Phone
Work Phone
Email Address

Please check ONE:
(I will attend only if attends)

Check all that apply:
I would like to room with
I am a smoker (for room assignments).
I would like vegetarian meals.
I medically require a special diet.
I can offer a ride to camp.
Please help me find a ride.
I would like to apply for a work scholarship.

Do not print in the camp roster:
My name (leave me off the roster entirely)
My email
My address
My phone

Enclosed is:
$730 full tuition
$125 deposit
(Please send a deposit along with all scholarship applications.)
I enclose a tax-deductible gift to BACDS  for $____________.



We hope to see you at camp this year!

For more information, call camp manager Mary Luckhardt
at (510) 233-5065 or email

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