The Flying Romanos Pianist Robin Russell grew up in a musical household immersed in classical music, jazz, and Spike Jones. Over the years Robin has become increasingly sought after as an English player with an innate sense of dance movement and phrasing, and a spirited and elegant style. Marnen Laibow-Koser started playing for country dances well before he ever needed to shave. Known for his driving, rhythmic playing, Marnen performs on violin, viola, flute, recorders, piano, organ, squeezebox, gamelan, and any other instrument left lying in his vicinity. Flautist Norma Castle plays with liveliness and lots of "lift", lifting dancers out of their chairs and into the flow of the dance. A longtime sword and country dancer, Norma is also a devotee of the art of Tai Chi.
Noel Cragg Noel Cragg has played a hot squeezebox for Mayfield Morris and Sword and Bufflehead Northwest Morris, and plays an equally hot piano with the band Midnight Smorgasbord. He is also English Week's beloved answer to Starbuck's.
Charlie Hancock Charlie Hancock's infusion of high energy and his equal facility in accompanying English country, contras, and ritual dancing add to any event. He also suffers from being an incredibly friendly and nice guy.
Shira Kammen Multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Shira Kammen has spent well over half her life exploring and invigorating the worlds of early and traditional music. Shira has performed and taught in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Israel, Morocco, and Japan, and on the Colorado, Rogue and Klamath Rivers. |
Tom Kruskal As leader and founder of four Boston Morris and rapper teams for young dancers, Tom Kruskal has inspired a brand new generation of display dancers on the East Coast. (Some 40 years ago on the West Coast, he co-founded the San Francisco Country Dance Society, the predecessor of BACDS. We are honored to have him back.)
Mary Lea Mary Lea has been playing violin and viola for dances for over 25 years, from contra, square and English country to ragtime era and couple dance music. A member of Bare Necessities and Yankee Ingenuity since 1978, Mary is celebrated internationally for her mastery of many musical styles and for her expressive and danceable playing.
Chuck Ward Co-founder of The San Francisco Country Dance Society (the forerunner of BACDS), pianist Chuck Ward has been enlivening the country dance scene with his witty, artful playing for over 40 years. His recordings for CDSS are acknowledged classics. |
Registration is open! The initial postmark deadline for English Week 2006 will be March 20th. After March 20th, please check with our camp manager, Mary Luckhardt.