

Prof. Jo Stöhr

Prof. Hermann Dürr

Prof. H. C. Siegmann

Group Members







About Us


Staff Scientists

Hendrik Ohldag
http://www.stanford.edu/~hohldag, Staff Scientist SSRL
In charge of the brand new STXM beamline at SSRL BL13-1. The instrument is currently being commissioned. Hendrik is also the daddy to two Aussie cattle dogs, JoJo and Jolanda.

Hendrik with the dogs near Wrights Lake during a group camping trip.

Alexander Reid
alexhmr@slac.stanford.edu, Associate Staff Scientist SIMES
Alex finished his D.Pill at University of Oxford and then spent two years as a postdoc in the Radboud University of Nijmegen before joining the Stöhr group. Alex's research is focused on measuring and controlling magnetism dynamics in oxides and metals. A native a Ireland, he enjoys a bit of craic when not at the lab...

Alex at Stoos.



Konstantin Hirsch
hirschk@slac.stanford.edu, Research Associate

Emmanuelle Jal
ejal@slac.stanford.edu, Research Associate
Emmanuelle joined the group in January 2014 after getting her Ph.D. at Grenoble, France. She is interesting by magnetism behavior in ultra thin ferromagnetic films. She is using soft X-ray in transmission, scattering and reflectivity to have a glimpse of what is happening during All Optical Switching in ferromagnetic thin films.

Emmanuelle riding at Bryce Canyon.

Graduate Students

TianMin Liu
tianminl@stanford.edu, Graduate Student in Physics
TianMin graduated from University of Toronto and joined the group in 2012. His current work focuses on coherent scattering imaging technique and its use in observing controllable all-optical magnetic switching.
TianMin at Napa valley winery

Patrick Granitzka
pagranit@slac.stanford.edu, Graduate Student in Physics
Joining us through the University of Amsterdam in early 2013, Patrick is our new laser expert, having spent his diploma research project with the Aeschlimann group at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany and the Kapteyn-Murnane group at JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder.

Can you guess where Patrick is?

Joe Chen
zchen89@gmail.com , Graduate Student in Physics
Joe joined the group in 2013, and is our resident foodie. Before coming to SLAC, he worked on various tabletop AMO projects, but he is eager to extend his experience into the exciting world of ultrafast x-rays at SSRL and LCLS! He is also known to occasionally make corny pew pew sound effects when shooting a laser. Doctors are still searching for a cure.

Hunger strikes when not at beamtime!

Dan Higley
dhigley@stanford.edu, Graduate Student in Applied Physics
Dan graduated from Colorado State University with a major in electrical engineering and his previous research work focused on microwave instrumentation and optical imaging. He is excited to continue this trend to smaller wavelenghts by using x-rays to study materials, especially looking for so far unobserved nonlinear x-ray effects.

Dan in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica.

Tyler Chase
tylerchase56@gmail.com, Graduate Student in Applied Physics
Tyler is our newest member joining the group, coming to us straight from NASA Ames! Tyler has now started to focus on his new-found interest in Ultra-fast electron diffraction and transmission electron microscope.

Tyler looking pensive. I believe I also detect a beer-themed tshirt...

Former group members can be found here.


Close Collaborators

Kathryn A. Moler
Research Group Website, Professor of Applied Physics, and of Physics, Stanford University
Our work with the Moler group seeks to leverage our two very different magnetic imaging schemes: SQUID and x-rays.

Matthias Hoffmann
Staff Scientist at LCLS
Mathias rules the THz lasers.

William Schlotter
SXR Instrument Scientist at LCLS
A former group member, Bill is now in charge of the SXR hutch at LCLS.