The Sample Preparation Laboratories

The SSRL Sample Preparation Laboratories (SPLs) support final stage sample preparations and straight-forward laboratory manipulations in multiple disciplines at SSRL. There are 3 SPLs available to SSRL users; Biology Chemistry & Material Science (BCM) Laboratories 1 and 2 and Geoscience Laboratory.  All laboratories house basic lab equipment, supplies and chemicals.  However, each laboratory varies in sizes and special equipment available at each location.  Users are often assigned their spaces based on the location (e.g. the proximity to particular beam line) and availability of the lab resources (e.g. use of nitrogen glovebox) to ensure the safe and successful sample preparation.

Laboratory Access & Training

To gain access to the SPLs, each group member must be current with Sample Preparation Laboratory Training, which consists of two parts; online safety training (Course 204) and an in-person lab orientation (Course 204 Practical). See the 'Laboratory Access tab' for additional information.
User Access Agreement

Laboratory Contacts

The primary contact for all SSRL Sample Preparation Laboratory resources and matters is the Lab Manager.