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The Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award

Nominations Due Before August 1st

Recipients of the Scientific Development Award:

  • Jessica Vey - MIT (2007)
  • William Schlotter - SSRL (2006)
In 2006, the SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee (SSRLUOEC) established a scientific development award in memory of Melvin P. Klein (1921-2000). The Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award honors a pioneer at the forefront of accomplishments in NMR, EPR, and x-ray absorption spectroscopy who was dedicated to the pursuit of the structure of the Mn complex characterized by the interplay of these methods. This award will be given to a student (both undergraduate/graduate students are eligible) to disseminate scientific results based on work performed at SSRL. The $1,000 award will support the presentation of this work at an appropriate scientific conference during the academic year of the award.

Funding: The SSRLUOEC is raising funds to support this award, with the hope that sufficient funds will allow the award to be provided on an annual basis. Colleagues interested in supporting the Klein Scientific Development Award are encouraged to review the fund description (pdf) and to send contributions to (make checks payable to "Stanford University"):

Stanford University
c/o Cathy Knotts
Manager, User Research Administration
2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 99
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Tel. 650-926-3191
Fax. 650-926-3600

Nomination Requirements: The nomination package should include a letter of recommendation from the advisor; an abstract written by the candidate describing the experiment and scientific results (not to exceed 300 words); and complete information on when and where the work is to be presented. Nominations, comprising of this material, are to be submitted to Cathy Knotts at the above address by the August 1st deadline.

Selection Process: An M. P. Klein Award Selection Committee comprising of five SSRLUOEC members (including the two graduate students) and at least one representative from SSRL will evaluate and rank the candidates and select an awardee based on the science described in the nomination package. If one of the SSRL graduate students is nominated as a candidate, that individual will excuse her/himself from the selection deliberations.

Award: The Award Selection Committee will notify the awardee in August so that the awardee can make arrangements to receive the award and to present their research during the Young Investigators' Session at the annual SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting (includes waived registration fee and travel reimburesment for the SSRL/LCLS meeting). The awardee will receive a certificate and $1,000 to further disseminate scientific results based on their work performed at SSRL at a scientific conference. The names of Klein award recipients are added to a plaque displayed in the SSRL User Research Administration Office.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to forward your nomination and for your continuing support of the SSRL Users' Organization.

Nominations Due Before August 1st


Page Last Updated: 26 February 2012 13:53 PST