Accelerator Physics at SSRL
The field tha
t can be covered by the Accelerator Physics activities at SSRL is limited
by the small staff of accelerator physicists, engineers and technicians. A high priority
item is the maintenance and development of the SPEAR synchrotron light source. Another
major area of activities is devoted to the development of concepts for future light
sources such as the x-ray FEL (LCLS). Time is also devoted to student training and the
advancement of the field of accelerator physics.
experimental program is based on the availability of the SSRL accelerator complex
for accelerator physics studies roughly every 2 weeks for about 40 hours per period. The
experimental program includes items related to the improvement of light source
performance, student training and general accelerator physics studies. We welcome the
participation of accelerator physicists from outside laboratories to cooperate in the
experimental accelerator physics program.
Accelerator Physics Topics
SPEAR3 Upgrade
Global Orbit Feedback
Non Linear Studies
Development of New Lattice
Quadrupole Shunts
Linac Cohere
nt Light
Experimental Program
2003 Accelerator Physics Schedule
2002 Accelerator Physics Schedule
2001 Accelerator Physics Schedule
2000 Accelerator Physics Sche
1999 Accelerator Physics Schedule
1998 Accelerator Physics Schedule
1997 Accelerator Physics Schedule
1996 Accelerator Physics Schedule
1995 Accelerator Physics Schedule
1994 Accelerator Physics Schedule
1993 Accelerator
Physics Schedule
Shift Summaries (Local Use Only)
SPEAR Components
SPEAR Parameter Table
Element Configuration
SPEAR run data
Status of the SPEAR
synchrotron light source
Get a list of storage ring
synchrotron radiation sources
Pictures of some staff members.
Recent Workshops
17th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics
Workshop on Nonlinear and Collective Phenomena in Beam Physics, September 10-15, 2000,
Arcidosso, Italy
Accelerator Physics Links
erator Physics
WWW Virtual Library of
Accelerator Physics
The Synchrotron
Light Source Data Book
International Committee for Future
Particle Data Group (LBL)
Physical Reference Data (NIST)
SLAC Library
Images of selected SSRL control system menu pages
Linac to Booster (LTB) control page
Booster QF Quadrupole Trims control page