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MES User Publications
P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, D.K. Shuh, T. Teich, M. Denecke and H. Nitsche, "Applications of Synchrotron Radiation to Chemical Issues in the Environmental Sciences," accepted by Am. Chem. Soc. Monograph P.G. Allen, D.K. Shuh, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, T. Reich, M.A. Denecke and H. Nitsche, "EXAFS Determination of Uranium Structures: Uranyl Complexed with Tartaric, Citric and Malic Acids," Inorg. Chem. 35, 784 (1995) P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, D.L. Clark, N.M. Edelstein, S.A. Ekberg, J.W. Ghodes, E.A. Hudson, N. Kaltsoyannis, W.W Lukens, M.P. Neu, P.D. Palmer, T. Reich, D.K. Shuh, C.D. Tait and B. Zwick, "Multinuclear NMR, Raman, EXAFS, and X-ray Diffraciton Studies of Uranyl Carbonate Complexes in Near-neutral Aqueous Solution. X-ray Structure of [C(NH2)3(UO2)3(CO3)6]•6.5H20," Inorg. Chem. 34, 4797 (1995) K.F. Hayes and L.E. Katz, "Application of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Surface Complexation Modeling of Metal Ion Sorption" in P.V. Brady, The Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces, (CRC Press, Boca Rotan, 1995) K.F. Hayes and S.J. Traina, "Metal Ion Speciation and Its Significance in Ecosystem Health" in P.M. Huang, Soil Chemistry and Ecosystem Health: (Soil Soc of America, Madison, 1995) F.E. Huggins and G.P. Huffman, "Chlorine in Coal: an XAFS Spectroscopic Investigation", Fuel 74, 556 (1995) H. Nitsche, T. Reich, K. Roberts, D.K. Shuh, P. Torretto, J. Woicik, W.-S. Yang, A. Yee and B.C. Yee, "A XANES and EXAFS Investigation of the Speciation of Selenite Following Bacterial Metabolization", Inorg. Chem. 34, 1617 (1995) E.A. Hudson, L.J. Terminello, B.E. Viani, T. Reich, J.J. Bucher, D.K. Shuh and N.M. Edelstein, "X-ray Absorption Studies of Uranium Sorption on Mineral Substrates", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 375, 235 (1995) E.A. Hudson, J.J. Rehr and J.J. Bucher, "Calculations of the Uranium L3 X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure", Phys. Rev. B 52, 13815 (1995) L.E. Katz and K.F. Hayes, "Surface Complexation Modeling: II. Strategy for Modeling Polymer and Precipitation Reactions at High Surface Coverage", J. Coll. Interf. Sci.170, 491 (1995) L.E. Katz and K.F. Hayes, "Surface Complexation Modeling: I. Strategy for Modeling Monomer Complex Formation at Moderate Surface Coverage", J. Coll. Interf. Sci.170, 477 (1995) M. Najih, F.E. Huggins and G.P. Huffman, "Determination of Chromium Oxidation States in Coal Combustion Products by XAFS Spectroscopy", Preprints, ACS Div. Fuel Chem. 40, 808 (1995) P.A. O'Day, S.A. Carroll, G.A. Waychunas and B. Phillips, "XAS of Trace Element Coordination in Natural Sediments at Ambient and Cryogenic Temperatures", Physica B 208 & 209, 309 (1995) C. Papelis, G.E. Brown, Jr., G.A. Parks and J.O. Leckie, "X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Studies of Cadmium and Selenite Adsorption on Aluminum Oxides", Langmuir11, 2041 (1995) I.J. Pickering, G.E. Brown, Jr. and T.K. Tokunaga, "Quantitative Speciation of Selenium in Soils Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy", Env. Sci. Tech. 29, 2456 (1995) N.E. Pingitore, Jr., G. Meitzner and K.M. Love, "Identification of Sulfate in Natural Carbonates by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 2477 (1995) T. Reich, H. Moll, M.A. Denecke, G. Geipel, G. Bernhard, H. Nitsche, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein and D. Shuh, "Characterization of Hydrous Uranyl Silicates by EXAFS Analysis", submitted to Radiochem. Acta T. Reich, M.A. Denecke, S. Pompe, H. Nitsche, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "Characterization of the Interaction of Uranyl Ions with Humic Acids by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy", submitted to Am. Chem. Soc. Monograph D.E. Salt, I.J. Pickering, R.C. Prince, D. Gleba, S. Dushenkov, R.D. Smith and I. Raskin, "Metal Accumulations by Aquacultured Seedlings of Indian Mustard", accepted by Env. Sci. Tech. D.E. Salt, R.C. Prince, I.J. Pickering and I. Raskin, "Mechanisms of Cadmium Mobility and Accumulation in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L.)", Plant Physiol. 109, 1427 (1995) T.K. Tokunaga, I.J. Pickering and G.E. Brown Jr., "X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Studies of Selenium Transformations in Ponded Sediments", submitted
to Soil Sci. Soc. J.R.Bargar, S.N. Towle, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Outer-sphere Lead (II) Adsorbed at Specific Surface Sites on Single Crystal a-Alumina," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 3541 (1996) E.A. Hudson, P. Allen, L.J. Terminello, M. Denecke and T. Reich, "Polarized X-Ray Absorption Spectra of the Uranyl Ion: Comparison of Theory and Experiment," Phys. Rev. B 54, 156 (1996) T. Kendelewicz, P. Liu, G.E. Brown, Jr., E.J. Nelson and P. Pianetta, "Photoemission Study of Na and Cs Adsorption on MgO(100)1*1", Surf. Sci. 352, 451 (1996) P.A. OíDay, C.J. Chisholm-Brause, S.N. Towle, G.A. Parks and G.E. Brown, Jr., "X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Co(II) Sorption Complexes on Quartz (a-SiO2) and Rutile (TiO2)", Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 2515 (1996) C. Papelis and K.F. Hayes, "Distinguishing Between Interlayer and External Sorption Sites of Clay Minerals Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy", Colloids & Surfaces A 107, 89 (1996) M.L. Peterson, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Direct XAFS Evidence for Heterogeneous Redox at the Aqueous Chromium/Magnetite Interface", Colloids and Surfaces 107, 77 (1996) T. Reich, H. Mull, G. Geipel, G. Bernhard, H. Nitsche, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N. Kaltsoyannis, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "Characterization of Hydrous Uranyl Silicates by EXAFS", adiochim. Acta 74, 219 (1996) T.K. Tokunaga, I.J. Pickering and G.E. Brown, Jr., "X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Studies of Selenium Transformations in Ponded Sediments", Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 60, 781 (1996) N. Xu, M.F. Hochella, Jr., G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Co(II) Sorption
at the Calcite-Water Interface: I. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study",
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 60, 3541 (1996) P.G. Allen, D.K. Shuh, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, T. Reich, M.A. Denecke, and H. Nitsche, "Chemical Speciation Studies of Radionuclides by XAFS," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV 7, C2-789 (1997) P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, D.K. Shuh, N.M. Edelstein and T. Reich, "Investigation of the Aquo and Chloro Complexes of UO22+, NpO2+, Np4+, and Pu3+ by X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy," Inorg. Chem. 36, 4676 (1997) P.G. Allen, G. Siemering, D.K. Shuh, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, C.A. Langton, S.B. Clark, T. Reich, and M.A. Denecke, "Technetium Speciation in Cement Waste Forms Determined by X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy," in Radiochim. Acta 76, 77 (1997) M.R. Antonio, M.L. Dietz, M.P. Jensen, L. Soderholm and E.P. Horwitz, "EXAFS Studies of Cesium Complexation by Dibenzo-crown Ethers in Tri-n-butyl Phosphate," Inorg. Chim. Acta 255, 13 (1997) J.R. Bargar, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Surface Complexation of Pb(II) at Oxide-Water Interfaces: I. XAFS and Bond-valence Determination of Mononuclear and Polynuclear Pb(II) Sorption Products on Aluminum Oxides," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 2617 (1997) J.R. Bargar, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Surface Complexation of Pb(II) at Oxide-Water Interfaces: II. XAFS and Bond-valence Determination of Mononuclear Pb(II) Sorption Products and Surface Functional Groups on Iron Oxides," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 2639 (1997) J. R. Bargar, P. Persson and G.E. Brown, Jr., "XAFS Study of Pb(II)-Chloro and Hg(II)-Chloro Ternary Complexes on Goethite," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV 7, C2-825 (1997) J.R. Bargar, S.N. Towle, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Structure, Composition, and Reactivity of Pb(II) and Co(II) Sorption Products and Surface Functional Groups on Single-crystal a-Al2O3," J. Colloid Interface Sci. 185, 473 (1997) B.D. Begg, E.R. Vance, R.A. Day, M. Hambley and S.D. Conradson, "Plutonium and Neptunium Incorporation in Zirconolite," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.432, 325 (1997) L. Bochatay, P. Persson, L. Lövgren and G.E. Brown, Jr., "XAFS Study of Cu(II) at the Water-Goethite (a-FeOOH) Interface," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV. 7, C2-819 (1997) S.-F. Cheah, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "XAS Study of the Effect of Substrate Type and 2,2'-bipyridine on the Sorption of Copper(II) on Silica and Alumina," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 432, 231 (1997) D.L. Clark, S.D. Conradson, N.J. Hess, M.P. Neu, P.D. Palmer, W. Runde and C.D. Tait, "XAFS Structural Determination of Np(VII) Evidence for a Trans Dioxo Cation under Alkaline Conditions," J. Am. Chem. Soc.119, 5259 (1997) M.A. Denecke, T. Reich, S. Pompe, M. Bubner, K.H. Heise, H. Nitsche, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "Differentiating between Monodentate and Bidentate Carboxylate Ligands Coordinated to Uranyl Ions Using EXAFS," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV 7, C2-637 (1997) F. Farges and G.E. Brown, Jr., "Coordination Chemistry of Ti(IV) in Silicate Glasses and Melts, Part IV. XANES Studies of Synthetic and Natural Volcanic Glasses and Tektities at Ambient Temperature and Pressure," Geochim. Cosmochin. Acta 61, 1863 (1997) F. Farges, G.E. Brown, Jr. and J.J. Rehr, "Ti K-edge XANES Studies of Oxides: Theory and Experiment," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV 7, C2-191 (1997) F. Farges, G.E. Brown, Jr. and J.J. Rehr, "Ti K-edge XANES Studies of Ti Coordination and Disorder in Oxide Compounds: Comparison between Theory and Experiment," Phys. Rev. B 56, 1809 (1997) F. Farges, G.E. Brown, Jr. and Z. Wu, "Coordination of Actinides in Silicate Melts," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brooks, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, GrenobleJ. de Physique IV. 7, 1009 (1997) A.R. Felmy, D. Rai, S.M. Sterner, M.J. Mason, N.J. Hess and S.D. Conradson, "Thermodynamic Models for Highly Charged Aqueous Species: The Solubility of Th(IV) Hydrous Oxide in Concentrated NaHCO, and Na2CO3 Solutions," J. Solution Chemistry 26, 233 (1997) A. Foster, G.E. Brown, Jr., G.A Parks, T.N. Tingle, D. Voigt and S.L. Brantley, "XAFS Determination of As(V) Associated with Fe(III) Oxyhydroxides in Weathered Mine Tailings and Contaminated Soil from California, USA," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brooks, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble J. de Physique IV 7, C2-815 (1997) G. Geipel, T. Reich, V. Brendler, G. Bernhard and H. Nitsche, "Laser and X-Ray Spectroscopic Studies of Uranium-Calcite Interface Phenomena," in Proc. International Workshop on Interfacial Effects in Quantum engineering Systems, Mito, Japan, 21-23 August, 1996, J. Nucl. Mat. 248, 408 (1997) N.J. Hess, M.L. Balmer, B.C. Bunker and S.D. Conradson, "XAS of a Novel Cs Silitcotitanate," J. Solid State Chem. 129, 206 (1997) N.J. Hess, A.R. Felmy, D. Rai and S.D. Conradson, "Characterization of Th Carbonate Solutions Using XAS and Implications for Thermodynamic Modeling," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 465, 729 (1997) N.J. Hess, J.H. Sukamto, S.D. Rassat, R.T. Hallen, R.J. Orth, M.A. Lilga and W.E. Lawrence, "Characterization of Electroactive Cs Ion-exchange Materials Using XAS," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 465, 813 (1997) F.E. Huggins, S. Srikantapura, B.K. Parekh, L. Blanchard and J.D. Robertson, "XANES Spectroscopic Characterization of Selected Elements in Deep-cleaned Fractions of Kentucky #9 Coal," Energy & Fuels 11, 691 (1997) B. Johannsen, R. Jankowsky, B. Noll, H. Spies, T. Reich, H. Nitsche, L.M. Dinkelborg, C.S. Hilger and W. Semmler, "Techetium Coordination Ability of Cysteine-Containing Peptides: X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of a 99Tc Labelled Endothelin Derivate," Appl. Radiat. Isot. 48, 1045 (1997) R.J. Kirkpatrick, G.E. Brown, Jr., N. Xu and X. Cong, "Ca X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of C-S-H and Some Model Compounds," in Advances in Cement Research, 9, 31 (1997) M.K. Lee, R.C. Prince, J.D. Senius, M.J. Grossman, I.J. Pickering and G.N. George, "Biodesulfurization of Oils: Analysis of the Extent of Sulfur Removal and the Effect of Remaining Sulfur," in Preprints, ACS Div. Fuel Chem. 42, 766 (1997) A. Marcelli, A. Mottana, G. Giuli, F. Scordari and Z.Y. Wu, "Crystall-Chemical Peculiarities of Italian Melanites as Pointed Out by XAS at the A1 K-edge," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Gernoble, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV 7, C2-501 (1997) G.K. Marinsinghe, M. Karabulut, C.S. Ray, D.E. Day, C.E. Booth, P.G. Allen and D.K. Shuh, "Redox Characteristics and Structural Properties of Iron Phosphate Glasses: A Potential Host Matrix for Vitrifying High Level Nuclear Waste," in Symposium on Waste Management Technologies, American Ceramic Society Meeting, March 1997 G.K. Maringsinghe, M. Karabulut, C.S. Ray, D.E. Day, M.G. Shumsky, W.B. Yelon, C.E. Booth, P.G. Allen and D.K. Shuh, "Structural Features of Iron Phosphate Glasses," J. Non-Cryst. Solids 222, 144 (1997) M.J. Morra, S.E. Fendorf and P. Brown, "Speciation of Sulfurin Fulvic and Humic Acid Determined by X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) Spectroscopy," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 683 (1997) D.E. Morris, P.G. Allen, J.M. Berg, C.J. Chisholm-Brause, S.D. Conradson, R.J. Donohoe, N.J. Hess, J.A. Musgrave and C.D. Tait, "Speciation of Uranium in Fernald Solids by Molecular Spectroscopic Methods: Characterization of Untreated Soils," Envir. Sci. Tech. 30, 2322 (1997) A. Mottana, J.-L. Robert, A. Marcelli, G. Giuli, G. Della Ventura, E. Paris and Z.Y. Wu, "Octahedral vs. Tetrahedral A1 Coordination in Synthetic Micas by XANES Spectroscopy," Am. Miner. 82, 497 (1997) S.C.B. Myneni, T.K. Tokunaga and G.E. Brown, Jr., "Abiotic Selenium Redox Transformations in the Presence of Fe(II,III) Oxides," Science278, 1106 (1997) S.C.B. Myneni, S. J. Traina, T.J. Logan and G.A. Waychunas, "Oxyanion Behavior in Alkaline Environments: I. Sorption and Desorption of Arsenate in Ettringite," Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 1761 (1997) R.R. Patterson, S.E. Fendorf and M.J. Fendorf, "Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium by Amorphous Iron Sulfide," Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 2039 (1997) M.L. Peterson, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Oxidation State, Local Structure, and ab-anitio XAFS Modeling of Chromium in Contaminated Soils and Model Compounds," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV 7, C2-781 (1997) M.L. Peterson, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Quantitative Determination of Chromium Valence in Environmental Samples Using XAFS Spectroscopy," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 432, 75 (1997) M.L. Peterson, G.E. Brown, Jr., G.A. Parks and C.L. Stein, "Differential Redox and Sorption of Cr(III/VI) on Natural Silicate and Oxide Minerals: EXAFS and XANES Results," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61, 3399 (1997) M.L Peterson, A.F. White, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Surface Passivation of Magnetite (Fe3O4) by Reaction with Aqueous Cr(VI): XAFS and TEM Results," Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 1573 (1997) L. Polette, J. Gardea-Torresday, R. Chianelli, I. Pickering and G.N. George, "Determining Copper and Lead Binding in Larrea tridentata through Chemical Modification and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy," in L.E. Erickson, M.M. Rankin, S.C. Grant and J.P. McDonald (eds.), Proc. 12th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, Building Partnerships for Innovative Technologies, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, pp. 2-15, (1997) T. Reich, E.A. Hudson, M.A. Denecke, P.G. Allen and H. Nitsche, "Structural Analysis of Uranium (VI) Complexes by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy," in Proc. 1st Russian-German Seminar on X-Ray and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Voronezh, Russia, May 28 - June 1, 1996, Poverknost 4-5, 149 (1997) D.E. Salt, I.J. Pickering, R.C. Prince, D. Gleba, S. Dushenkov, R.D. Smith and I. Raskin, "Metal Accumulation by Aquacultured Seedlings of Indian Mustard," Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 1636 (1997) U. Staub, L. Soderholm, S. Skanthakumar and M.R. Antonio, "Oxidation State of the Unusual Rare Earth (R=Ce, Pr and Tb) in Double-Layer High-Tc Superconductors," in J. Goulon, C. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV 7, C2-1077 (1997) H.A. Thompson, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "XAFS Spectroscopic Study of Uranyl Coordination in Solids and Aqueous Solution," Am. Mineral 82, 483 (1997) H.A. Thompson, G.A. Parks and G.E. Brown, Jr., "Structure and Composition of Uranium (VI) Sorption Complexes at the Kaolinite-Water Interface", in Proc. Amer. Chem Soc. Symposium on Sorption of Metals by Earth Materials, in press T. Tokunaga, G.E. Brown, Jr., I.J. Pickering, S.R. Sutton and S. Bajt, "Selenium Redox Reactions and Transport between Ponded Waters and Shallow Sediments," Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 1419 (1997) S.N. Towle, J.R. Bargar, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Surface Precipitation in the Aqueous Co(II)/Al2O3 System," J. Colloid Interface Sci. 187, 62 (1997) S.N. Towle, J.R. Bargar, P. Persson, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Surface Precipitation in the Co(II)/Al2O3 Sorption System," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 432, 237 (1997) E.R. Vance, K.P. Hart, R.A. Day, M.L. Carter, M. Hambley, M.G. Blackford and B.D. Begg, "Synroc Derivatives for the Hanford Waste Remediation Task," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 432, 341 (1997) Z.Y. Wu, A. Marcelli, A. Mottana, G. Giuli and E. Paris, "Comparison of XAS Spectra at the A1 K-edge in Garnets to Multiple-scattering Calculations," in J. Goulon-Ginet and N.B. Brookes, (eds.), Proc. 9th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble, France, 26-30 August, 1996, J. de Physique IV 7, C2-503 (1997) M.R. Antonio, L. Soderholm, G. Jennings, L.C. Francesconi, M. dankova and J. Bartis, "Coordination and Valence of Europium in [Eu(a-2-As2W17O61)2]17- and [Eu(W5O18)2]9-," in Proc. of Actinides '97, Baden-Baden, Germany, 21-16 September, 1997: J. Alloys and Compounds 275, 827 (1998) J.R. Bargar, G.E. Brown, Jr. and G.A. Parks, "Surface Complexation of Pb(II) at Oxide-Water Interfaces: III. XAFS Determination of Pb(II) and Pb(II)-Chloro Adsorption Complexes on Goethite and Alumina," Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 62, 193 (1998) J.R. Bargar, R.L. Reitmeyer and J.A. Davis, "XAFS and FT-IR Spectroscopic Characterization of U(IV)-carbonato Ternary Complexes on hematite," J. Sync. Rad., in press B.D. Begg, E.R. Vance and S.D. Conradson, "The Incorporation of Plutonium and Neptunium in Zirconolite and Perovskite," in Proc. of Actinides '97, Baden-Baden, Germany, 21-26 September, 1997: J. Alloys and Compounds., in press G.E. Brown, Jr., A.L. Foster and J.D. Ostergren, "Mineral surfaces and Bioavailability of Heavy Metals: A Molecular-Scale Perspective," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press G.E. Brown, Jr., G.A. Parks, J.R. Bargar and S.N. Towle, "Use of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Study Reaction Mechanisms at Metal Oxide-Water Interfaces," in D.L. Sparks, and T. Grundl (eds.), Proc. Am. Chem. Soc. symposium on Kinetics and Mechanisms of Reactions at the Mineral/Water Interface in press G.E. Brown, Jr., V.E. Henrich, W.H. Casey, D.L. Clark, C. Eggleston, A. Felmy, D.W. Goodman, M. Grätzel, G. Maciel, M.I. McCarthy, N. Nealson, D.A. Sverjensky, M.F. Toney and J.M. Zachara, "Metal Oxide Surfaces and Their Interactions with Aqueous Solutions and Microbial Organisms," Chem. Rev., in press S.A. Carroll, P.A. O'Day and M. Piechowski, "Rock-Water Interactions Controlling Zinc, Cadmium, and Lead Concentrations in Surface Waters and Sediments, U.S. Tri-State Mining District. II. Geochemical Interpretation," Environ. Sci. Technol. 32, 956 (1998) S.-F. Cheah, G.e. Brown, Jr., and G.A. Parks, "XAFS Spectroscopic Study of Cu(II) Sorption on Amorphous SiO2 and g-A12O3: Effect of Substrate and time on Sorption Complexes," J. Coll. Interf. Sci., in press S.D. Conradson, "Application of XAFS to Materials and Environmental Science," Appl. Spectrosc. 52, 252A (1998) M.A. Denecke, T. Reich, M. Bubner, S. Pompe, K.H. Heise, H. Nitsche, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "Determination of structural Parameters of Uranyl Ions Complexed with Acids Using EXAFS," in Proc. Actinides '97, Baden-Baden, Germany, 21-26 September, 1997: J. Alloys and Compounds 271, 173 (1998) M.A. Denecke, T. Reich, S. Pompe, M. Bubner, K.H. Heise, H. Nitsche, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, D.K. Shuh and K.R. Czerwinski, "EXAFS Investigations of the Interaction of Humic Acids and Model Compounds and Uranyl Cations in Solid Complexes," in Proc. 6th Int'l Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere, Sendai, Japan, 26-31 Oct., 1997: Radiochim. Acta, in press P.W. Durbin, B. Kullgren, J. Xu, K.N. Raymond, P.G. Allen, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein and D.K. Shuh, "Neptunium(237): Oxidation State In Vivo and Chelation by Multidentate Catecholate and Hydroxypyridinonate Ligands," Health Phys. 75, 34 (1998) M.J. Eick and S.E. Fendorf, "Reaction Sequence of Nickel Sorption on Kaolinite," Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., in press S.E. Fendorf, P.M. Jardine, S.C. Brooks and D.L. Taylor, "Auto-inhibition of Pyrolusite Oxidative Reactivity toward Co(II)EDTA," in D.L. Sparks and T. Grundl (eds.), Kinetics and Mechanisms of Reactions at the Mineral/Water Interface, Am. Chem. soc. Special Publication, in press A.L. Foster, G.E. 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