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Attendees: Juana Acrivos, Joy Andrews,
Benjamin Bostick, Michael Brzustowicz, Lisa Downward, Lisa Dunn, Britt Hedman,
Bob Hettel, Keith Hodgson, Cathy Knotts, Richard Lee, Piero Pianetta, William
Schlotter, Glenn Waychunas
Welcome/Introduction of Newly Elected Members
Ben Bostick called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm and announced the 2004
election results. New members were introduced and welcomed to the committee:
Juana Acrivos, Alex Bell, Michael Brzustowicz, Kate Newberry, Joseph Noel, Bill
Since this was the last meeting of the old committee, and the first meeting of
the newly constituted committee, one of the first orders of business was to
nominate candidates to serve as Vice Chair for 2005 (Vice Chair will organize
the next users' conference and will serve as Chair in 2006). Juana Acrivos
nominated Joy Andrews, and Joy accepted the nomination. Glenn Waychunas
nominated Dick Lee, and Dick accepted the nomination. Cathy Knotts will
circulate an email to the full SSRLUOEC requesting members to vote for one of
these candidates, after which the new Vice Chair will be announced.
SSRL Directors Update
Keith Hodgson reported that an electrician was seriously injured in an
electrical accident at the SLAC linac on October 18th, receiving 2nd and 3rd
degree burns on about 50% of his body. Keith reiterated that safety is a top
priority, and accidents are taken very seriously here and at all DOE
facilities. All of SLAC is subject to safety stand-downs and mandatory safety
training, but the users' meeting and workshops were allowed to continue as
scheduled. Most of the site remains on work restrictions, including the
accelerators. All work involving high voltage, lock/tag out, elevated
platforms, hoisting and rigging will continue to be restricted, and the
accelerators will remain shutdown for an indefinite period of time.
Because this has been categorized as a 'Type A Accident' (the most serious
level), the specific details of the accident are being rigorously investigated
by a team assembled by the Department of Energy. Although it is still
impossible to provide an accurate estimate of the length of the shutdown
because everything is out of our hands at the moment, we now believe that the
current shutdown will likely last at least 6 weeks, which means that we MAY be
able to restart in early December. This estimate will only be true if our
assumptions turn out to be correct, that is to say, that the accident
investigation concludes within 3 weeks which is the scheduled time frame, that
the accident report is prepared and analyzed within about a week, that any
actions mandated by the report can be readily implemented, that SPEAR3 turns
back on with no difficulties so that commissioning activities can resume, and
that Radiation Protection is available to review and approve each beam line for
user operations. We estimate that this puts us into early December, but it
could take longer before DOE allows SLAC and SPEAR to resume regular
Although we are not aware of any user safety issues and have not been required
to change any of our procedures, Keith wants to take this opportunity to review
all safety related issues within the lab, and to encourage user input into this
process. In addition, Keith requested 1-2 volunteers from the users
organization to work with him, Ian Evans (SSRL Safety Officer), Cathy Knotts
(Manager, User Services), and others in forming a panel to review current user
safety documentation, processes, and procedures. The group will be charged with
reviewing existing documentation and asking rigorous questions in order to
ensure that everything is as it should be and/or to identify any safety pieces
which may be missing or which may need updating. Juana Acrivos volunteered, and
Ben Bostick volunteered Linda Brinen to work with SSRL on this panel. Keith
repeated that he wanted a quick response on this. He also requested that safety
be placed on the agenda of future SSRLUOEC meetings as a mechanism for users to
continue to discuss safety and for these representatives to provide updates to
the full SSRLUOEC.
SSRLUO Representative to ADCC
Bob Hettel reported that the SLAC Computer Coordinating Committee is about to
be re-assembled with a membership of ~15 representatives around the site. The
committee functions to provide management oversight of computing strategy,
establish operational policies, and provide guidelines for the development of
computing resources. Since the technical issues driving management decisions
require a detailed and working knowledge of SLAC's needs and the available
technologies, a Computer Coordinating Committee (CCC) will be appointed to be
responsible for developing and bringing to the Associate Directors' Committee
on Computing (ADCC) potential technical solutions which will guide management
decisions in addressing computing problems. The CCC will consist of leaders of
the major computing efforts around the Lab - major experiments, controls, SSRL,
HEP and SSRL users, business computing, server farm, networking, and desktop
computing. The Deputy Research Director, Steve Williams, will chair this new
committee. The ADCC management oversight of computing with the technical advice
of the CCC will serve the laboratory in its need to deal with changing
technology within limited resources. Clemens Wermelskirchen and Martin George
will represent SSRL, and the SSRLUOEC was invited to have an additional user
representative on the CCC. Michael Brzustowicz expressed interest, discussed
the issue with Martin George who reported that the meetings cover many issues,
few of which actually relate to SSRL. Mike will ask Martin to keep him informed
of any information related to SSRL. Mike will serve as a liaison between the
CCC and the SSLRUOEC, and he will present the collected information at the
SSRLUOEC meetings.
SSRLUO Representative to SLAC's Security Coordination Group
Cathy Knotts reported with Deanne Jackson Rudd graduating and leaving the
committee, SSRL is in need of another user volunteer to serve on the SLAC
Security Coordination Group. This group meets periodically to coordinate
security communications and to establish integrated security groups for the
laboratory, reporting to the laboratory director, to provide for the
collaborative implementation of security policies. Since Ben Bostick has
participated in other meetings on related to security and site access, he
volunteered to serve on this committee.
Update of User Activism and DC Meetings
Ben Bostick reported that, within the last several months, there seemed to be
little response or interest from user representatives from the other light
sources for a trip to DC, likely because of the political uncertainty due to
the upcoming election. Ben recommended that users continue to try to meet
with their local representatives and that, whenever possible, it would be most
effective to try to meet with individuals at higher levels within Congress,
DOE, or OSTP, rather than staff members at lower levels. It was noted that
previous user meetings with government officials had tremendous impact in
raising awareness about basic science programs within the DOE, and that well
organized visits and meetings should be continued. Keith reported that future
budget projections would likely be flat or declining. Juana Acrivos suggested
that members of the SSRLUOEC approach the senior management of their
institutions to support funding for basic sciences, particularly heads of major
universities (organizations such as the AAU could have significant influence).
Public outreach was discussed as a way to increase the visibility of user
facilities and the need to support basic sciences (e.g., town hall meetings,
public lecture series, community outreach).
Update on SLAC Guest House
Cathy Knotts reported that the Guest House needs to have 80% occupancy in order
to break even on their costs. They are occasionally sold out, but have not been
reaching this goal overall. Only about 12 rooms a month have been attributed to
SSRL, so it is essential that users specify their affiliation with SSRL when
reserving rooms. There are problems with the on-line reservation system in that
if you request a particular type of room that is not available, you are not
informed of many other types of rooms that are available. Cathy encouraged
users who have difficulties securing reservations on line to call the Guest
House directly (650-926-2800). Cathy requested that users keep her informed of
their experiences with the Guest House, as she will be serving on a special
committee that SLAC Director Jonathan Dorfan is convening to address Guest
House issues such as reservations, occupancy, etc.
Juana Acrivos suggested that if available, it would be a good idea to extend
transportation into the evening hours for users and visitors who do not have
their own transportation.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 pm.
Cathy Knotts