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Attendees: Juana Acrivos, Joy Andrews, Alex Bell,
Ben Bostick, Michael Brzustowicz, Lisa Downward, Lisa Dunn, Britt Hedman,
Keith Hodgson, Cathy Knotts, Richard Lee, Piero Pianetta, Bill
Schlotter, Clyde Smith, Tim Stemmler, Glenn Waychunas
SSRL Director Keith Hodgson discussed integrated safety management system
(ISMS) at SSRL and recent activities to review and strengthen safety awareness
at SSRL and SLAC. A task force that included two SSRLUOEC representatives was
convened in November to comprehensively review the SSRL user safety program, to
ensure that it continues to be an effective mechanism to control hazards,
provide a safe environment for users and to meet ISMS goals. A few enhancements
were identified and implemented. Users are encouraged to continue to focus on
safety, to provide suggestions and feedback, and to review the safety page on
the SSRL website which includes the restart validation documentation, area
hazard analyses, safety guidelines, emergency preparedness plans, area
contacts, and other important information related to safety at SSRL.
Keith discussed the FY2006 President's budget, which shows a 7% ($2.3 M)
decrease for SSRL (targeting capital equipment and BL upgrade program). The
SSRL Directorate considered multiple ways of dealing with this budget
shortfall, and they concluded that a reduction in staffing was the most prudent
and principal course of action. This budget reduction will impact operations
and resources; this may mean with fewer resources for staff and spare
equipment, there may be less maintenance or accelerator physics, reduced
reliability of equipment, fewer user operating hours, fewer experiment
changeovers; equipment set up and checkouts between experiments may take longer
to complete. At least one existing beam line will be closed (BL2-2) and the
schedule for one new beam line may also be affected (new soft X-ray BL13 may be
delayed). The good news is that the FY2006 President's budget fully funds LCLS
Keith summarized future plans for SSRL and SLAC, which include completion of
the SPEAR3 beam line upgrade project in FY2006. He also stressed the importance
of building and supporting new forefront beam lines and instrumentation, and
developing unique science opportunities. By 2009, Keith noted that in the
current planning, SSRL will be responsible for both operation of the SPEAR3 and
the LCLS science program (as currently envisioned, the linac/undulator will be
operated by an 'Accelerator Systems Division' or a 'Photon Science Division' at
SLAC). In addition, we anticipate that we will see growing synergy in
instrumentation and science developments with Stanford University integrated
initiatives, such as GLAM-XLAM (materials), the Ultrafast Science Center, and
Bio-X (structural biology). The SSRL operational model will continue to engage
the outside user community and make new capabilities rapidly available on a
general user basis. This model will be extended to encompass operation of the
LCLS experimental program.
SSLRUOEC Chair Glenn Waychunas shared a presentation which he gave to the SSRL
Proposal Review Panel meeting in February 2005. He reported that the users
executive committee chairpersons and vice chairs of the four DOE light source
were working together to plan a trip to Washington DC on April 8th to meet with
representatives from Congress, DOE, Office of Science & Technology and members
of their staffs. It was noted that previous user meetings with government
officials had tremendous impact in raising awareness about basic science
programs within the DOE, and that correspondence and well organized meetings
should be continued. Glenn and Ben Bostick (past SSRLUOEC Chair) recommended
that users write letters to their representatives in Congress over the next few
weeks and that users try to meet with their local representatives to encourage
support for basic sciences and for science facilities. A convenient link to
addresses and sample letters can be found on the American Physical Society
Ben Bostick will
also work on updating this information on the user activism website at
Dartmouth College:
The Co-Chairs for the next users' meeting, Joy Andrews (Univ. California East
Bay) and Clyde Smith (SSRL), encourage users to provide suggestions for session
topics, speakers, or in-depth workshops. Joy reported that the Young
Investigators' Session was well received at prior meetings, and they plan to
continue to have this session. It was suggested that the recipient of the first
W.E. Spicer Young Investigator Award (Peter Armitage) be invited to give a
presentation at the next meeting and that this tradition continue for
subsequent years. Other suggested topics for this meeting included small angle
scattering, inelastic scattering, macromolecular crystallography, environmental
sciences, nanotechnology, ultrafast science to encourage users to think about
experiments that can be done with the LCLS and experiments that may utilize the
new BL13. Britt Hedman reported that a small angle scattering workshop is being
organized. The possibility of a nanotechnology workshop was also suggested.
Cathy Knotts reported that the Farrel Lytle Award and the W.E. Spicer Young
Investigator Award would be announced shortly and nominations would be due in
early August. Users are encouraged to begin to think about candidates that they
would like to nominate. Although nominations are accepted in any format, in the
past it was noted that thorough packages including curriculum vitae,
publication lists, and/or letters of support make a much stronger case for the
candidate being considered.
The award selection committee includes two members of the SSRLUOEC (Linda
Brinen and Lisa Downward). Lisa Downward requested that the newest graduate
student on the SSRLUOEC replace her, and Bill Schlotter agreed to serve on the
award selection committee.
In July 2004, Juana Acrivos suggested that the SSRLUOEC consider recognizing
the contributions of Mel Klein, an SSRL user and mentor who passed away a few
years ago. She noted that she was interested in making a donation to such an
award, and suggested that many of Mel's other colleagues might be interested in
donating towards this proposed award as well. The idea was discussed further at
this meeting, and a subcommittee (consisting of Juana Acrivos, Mike
Brzustowicz, Lisa Downward, and Bill Schlotter) was formed to develop a
proposal to be presented to SSRL management. Since Mel's greatest interest was
in students, the subcommittee proposes to establish a 'Melvin P. Klein
Professional Development Award' to be given to an undergraduate/graduate
student who will be presenting work done at SSRL during the next academic year.
The committee suggests that the award be announced in the summer, with the
application deadline set before the annual users' meeting in October so that
the awardee could be announced at the annual meeting. The application package
should include a letter of recommendation from the Principal Investigator or
Proposal Spokesperson as well as an abstract (<200 words) written by the
student describing the experiment and details on the scientific meeting where
their research is to be presented. A small committee (including the SSRLUOEC
graduate student representatives) would review the applications and serve as
the award selection committee. The student selected would be notified and the
expenses associated with their presentation at this meeting (registration fees,
AV fees, travel expenses) would be reimbursed up to $1,000 from the award fund
which would need to be established. This proposal was forwarded to
management, and the administrative and logistic details are being investigated.
Cathy Knotts gave a presentation that included an update on user safety issues;
communications and user outreach; managing foreign visits and assignments; and
user operations. A consortium of lightsource communications collaborated and
sponsored a joint website which was launched in February,
The SLAC Public Lecture Series (Tuesday evening, every other month in Panofsky
Auditorium) continues to be very popular - drawing capacity crowds for most
presentations. The next public lecture will be given by Clyde Smith (SSRL) on
Smarter Drugs: How Protein Crystallography Revolutionizes Drug Design,
Tuesday, April 26th 7:30 pm. On Tuesday, June 28th at 7:30 pm, Philip Bucksbaum will
give a presentation on LCLS/Ultrafast Science.
The X-ray/VUV schedule for the next scheduling period (May-July 2005) has been
finalized and posted to the web. MC beam time requests for the next scheduling
period (June-July 2005) are due in mid April. A call for new proposals is being
distributed to everyone on the SSRL mailing list (X-ray/VUV due May 1, 2005; MC
due July 1, 2005; proposals submitted by these dates will be eligible for beam
time beginning ~November 28, 2005).
User feedback is essential to maintaining and continuing to improve user
operations. Users are encouraged to complete an end of run summary form after
each experiment on each beam line.
The next SSRLUOEC meeting will be arranged for June/July 2005.
The meeting adjourned around 3:30 pm.
Cathy Knotts