Meeting Minutes
October 12, 1999
The SSRL Users’ Organization held a meeting at SSRL
on October 12, 1999. The following were in attendance: P. Allen, A. Archuleta,
C. Booth, B. Clemens, P. Foster, K. Hodgson, B. Rupp, and T. Trainor. Action
items are listed in bold and subsequent events are in italics.
Introduction of New Members
Newly elected members for FY00 are Paul Alivisatos,
UC-Berkeley; Corwin Booth, LBNL; and Marilyn Olmstead, UC-Davis.
Selection of Vice Chair
As the current year’s vice chair succeeds to chair the
following year, Hodgson and Allen gave a brief description of the chair’s
responsibilities and the estimated time commitment involved. Allen outlined
the special projects he particularly enjoyed participating in.
Hodgson mentioned that while there is no specific criteria
for the position, it is important that the position does not stay within
the same organization for multiple years (i.e., Stanford) and that it would
be a benefit, although not a necessity, that the member have served on
the committee previously. It is also easier for meeting attendance if they
are somewhat local.
Several members will consider the position.
Paul Foster, UCSF, will serve in the Vice Chair position.
End of Run Summary Results to Overall Experience
Hodgson pointed out that there has been a decline by
about 10 percent of the fraction of users responding that their overall
experience is "excellent." The shift is towards "very good." Although it
is not a large amount, he would like to identify if there are any negative
trends so they can be addressed early on. The End of Run Summary is a tool
SSRL takes seriously to identify issues and allocate resources. All returned
Summaries are read, concerns flagged, and are distributed to the appropriate
group to resolve or comment. In the past, each Summary received a response
to any unsatisfactory comments, but this has stopped because the current
workload does not allow the time. This will be addressed in the near future.
Archuleta mentioned that when the option of "very good"
was added in FY97, it may be a large contributor to the shift.
With the new project to update the current databases
at SSRL into one database management system, automation and streamlining
of the End of Run Summary Forms can be included as well.
There is no follow-up to those that do not submit End
of Run Summary Forms, although the return rate is currently quite good.
A friendly reminder can be included in user check-in packages.
Computer Access
Hodgson mentioned the current concerns at SSRL and SLAC
with computer coordination and networking issues, as well as security issues
across the DOE complex. In order to effectively respond to these issues,
the computer support staff at SSRL has been reorganized under three lead
persons (George, Kuhn, and Wermelskirchen). This is to manage computational
efforts within SSRL and to work closely to coordinate policies, procedures,
and priorities for computer and networks both internally, with SLAC, and
All FTP and Telnet access has been blocked by the SLAC
firewall, except for the SSRL beam line computers. However, SSRL must develop
some secure shell access as soon as possible and is currently testing several
General Discussion
Allen posed the question to Hodgson regarding the future
of BL 4-2 and whether or not actinide experiments would only be done on
BL 11-2. It is preferred that we run those experiments that require extensive
radiation monitoring on BL 11-2 as it has been designed to handle these.
The 11-2 hutch is not currently capable of handling diffraction. We will
try to squeeze money out of the budget for a microfocusing system to enable
this new class of experiments.
The plan is to increase the amount of small-angle scattering
on BL 4-2 up to about 75% of the time. The balance (25%) will be used for
those x-ray absorption experiments that can only be done on end stations
(such as grazing incidence.)
There are problems with changeover time when it is necessary
to remove the small angle camera. There are plans to work on the back of
the BL 4-2 hutch to extend it so the SAXS camera can remain permanently
Executive Session
Allen updated the UO-EC on the issues concerning BL
11-2 and 4-2 and how beam time assignments will be handled now. It will
be important to keep an eye on the beam time demand statistics to see if
the UO-EC needs to express any concern.
Clemens thanked Allen for successfully fulfilling his
role as Chair for the past year.
Previous SSRLUO Minutes